Submarine Mod

I figured out how to eliminate that fucking awesome (and totally broken) highlight feature at long, right segments:

to get a full highlight you will need to move here:

but this will be not possible, because blockers not allow for it:

not sure what will be with left... but exterior will look really shit if you move too close to that red hex (I'm not sure how to name this thing :P) in night... The only solution is to block area around that red hex with some scenery crap (small boxes, etc.)... in this way you'll get a minimum highlight, not full :lol: and let's hope that only highlight will be broken, nothing else... :roll:

I'm too lazy to split straight walls into smaller pieces, so in night they're looking in this way (not good, but acceptable):

Another funny thing I discovered is that if you'll put doorways too far away (but from what?) or too close (to scroll blockers?) they will overlap damn doors! :shock: :o :D :lol:

or maybe there's some reasonable explanation why such thing is happen? :roll:

Connection is splitted in this way (because wall is round):

but is working like it should:

and still allows to use long, repeatable segments:

A total craziness... no less, no more... :roll:
Through this time I spent on that round walls and cables/pipes (and still shitload of work is needed) I could easily create 3-4 new, normal wall sets...

Anyway, where should be placed bow torpedo room? On 3rd or 2nd level? And what with stern section(s)? Are they needed?
The flooded one? Well, and what with firing mechanism(s)? Are they totally water and toxic wastes resisted? Besides it's quite strange that Shi (or any other fucktards) allowed to flood their über secret weapon against Tanker... :o
It's the Enclave, Shi could care less. I would rather scrap the idea of the torpedos, though - the sub had NUCLEAR ROCKETS on-board. Six of them. Perhaps Enclave would rather nuke anyone trying to get to the tanker and move it? This would give Shi a reason to employ you to disarm it.
Stuning work.
I'm wondering if you could give a look like this:


Instead of all the yellowish.
Something like this maybe:




At least inside of it. I guess a sub wont ever get that rust inside, even with the lower level flooded.

A site with subs to get some ideas: link
I just tried something for the interiors this supposed to be the engine and the tanks. I know the middle part sucks but I had no idea what to put there.
Ravager69 said:
It's the Enclave, Shi could care less. I would rather scrap the idea of the torpedos, though - the sub had NUCLEAR ROCKETS on-board. Six of them. Perhaps Enclave would rather nuke anyone trying to get to the tanker and move it? This would give Shi a reason to employ you to disarm it.
It's not necessary to put ballistic missiles on the board, since:

Continuum said:
And that warheads can be carried in Tomahawk class like missiles that can be launched from submerged sub and can hit targets placed on the ground...

Tomahawks were introduced in 1970, but such missiles shouldn't be nothing special in the era of plasma/laser guns, I guess... In this way you can skip having ballistic missiles on the sub, since nuclear warheads can be carried in Tomahawks...

So, the sub could not only be a threat to Tanker, but also could be a threat to that Hubologists' shuttle/other ground targets...

The sub could play more important role than just disarming rockets/torpedoes...

- player could say to that Shi guy: give me a fucking fuel otherwise I'll turn your house into the ashes!
- helping Hubologists to destroy that stupid and talking computer by bombing his house! :D
- destroying Hubologists' shuttle,
- bombing Navarro!
- bombing Oil Rig and killing everyone from Arroyo!

and a lot of other possibilities for bad ass characters :twisted:

Also, why not make the sub settled down with Enclave "garrison"? So, instead of crappy shoot them all/disarm all traps location, full of mutated monsters make something more interesting where you can talk with NPCs? With high intelligence/speech you could persuade them to take you to Oil Rig for example...

Demonslayer said:
I'm wondering if you could give a look like this
Outer walls (hull) on 2nd and 3rd level will have rusty red-ish color.

Jotisz said:
I just tried something for the interiors this supposed to be the engine and the tanks. I know the middle part sucks but I had no idea what to put there.
Looks good, Jotisz. Add few more details and will be done.
Hmm... by the enclave occupied submarine. I like the idea. There don't need to be lots of soldiers, but some here and there who guard the stuff... also I like the ideas:

- player could say to that Shi guy: give me a fucking fuel otherwise I'll turn your house into the ashes!
- helping Hubologists to destroy that stupid and talking computer by bombing his house! Very Happy
- destroying Hubologists' shuttle,
- bombing Navarro!
- bombing Oil Rig and killing everyone from Arroyo!

I would go for it.
If this mod is to be included in killap's RP then shouldn't it stay closer to what is described in the Fallout bible?
And what is written there? I never bothered myself to read this shit...


I did a quick Ctrl+F with submarine on Fallout Bible at Fallout Wikia, and I found only this:

This submarine was supposed to play a larger role in Fallout 2, but it was axed because the game was too big as it was. Basically, it was another stage to "get the tanker ready" quest - basically, there was this old Chinese submarine buried beneath in the waters of San Francisco, and if it detected any American vessel coming anywhere near it, its automated defense system would fire its missiles at the vessel and DESTROY it. So the intention was for you to find some deactivation code to disarm it before you could take the tanker safely to the Enclave.

Not much.

So, basically the sub is buried beneath in the waters, so I don't see any reason to make any exterior in such case. Also, it was another stage to "get the tanker ready" quest, so it's only just a stage of one quest? Then I see no reason to waste a time to create a whole interior - only small part with computer will be needed to enter deactivation codes for the torpedoes.


- take some info from NPCs,
- take deactivation codes from NPCs,
- put a small boat somewhere in docks,
- click on it,
- you're automatically transferred into a small sub's interior map,
- enter deactivation codes,
- click on something and you'll be transferred back to the docks.

Am I missing something here? :D
That sounds about right.

But what is said about the submarine in the game seems to contradict that it's buried beneath in the waters, it sounds more like it was beached and more than just little bit deconstructed.

Dr Fung:
The long version is this: We are here because our people are the descendants of the crew of a nuclear submarine, called the Shih-huang-ti. When the missiles fell in the Great Deluge, the systems aboard the submarine failed and we drifted in the dark for many days.
At last, we drifted ashore. We found ourselves near the ruins of San Francisco. Most of the city was devastated in the war. We had to recreate society based on the few survivors who had crept back to the city.

Ken Lee:
We were the survivors from the wreck of a submarine. When we ran aground, we stripped the metal from the submarine to create the Palace. Some do not believe this.
Berating someone? Any fool who had done their research can see that the very basis of Shi-town is the wreckage of this submarine. It seems fruitless to argue with those who would say there is no submarine.
One version is totally different than the second one! :ugly:

And I prefer that one with sub is buried beneath in the waters ;) Besides beached and more than just little bit deconstructed will eliminate sink the Tanker thing... and looks like a quick, crappy story, because there's no sub, so designers decided fill the "hole" after the sub with we made our shitty looking city from submarine!.

I see that you're fanatically obsessed with this Bible... fine then. There'll be no any bigger exterior map and only small interior level. And of course a small corrections in dialogues will be needed to remove that we made our shitty looking city from submarine! crap.


Stop work on that interior stuff, since we don't know which level will be used... but probably the 1st, since command center is located there...
Continuum said:

Stop work on that interior stuff, since we don't know which level will be used...

Ok I will store it on my hdd till we get to know which levels are needed
Jotisz said:
Ok I will store it on my hdd till we get to know which levels are needed
1st level will be definitely used - just to enter the codes and maybe some walking to find out little a bit more about sub (holodisk, etc.).

I don't need help with 3d stuff anymore, since this small changes of plans will cut my work, so I'm make a command center by myself. Thanks for the help, Jotisz :)

Now, I want to make such thing:

- in the docks there's a small boat (scenery),
- player is using use/get button,
- new map is loaded.

I want to make a top part of the sail that isn't underwater (map)... Since the boat will be small and if player will take a party members then may get blocked... So, how to resolve problem with getting from boat to the sub (use/get button on the sail)?

Any ideas? Or skip it and player will be automatically transferred from docks to the interior?
"Hmm sorry Marcus, seems like this boat is way too small for you. Please wait here until I come back."

I would say, the player can only use the boat if he has x party npcs with him. This would solve the "overcrowd"-issue but also needs some more scripting and the player needs to talk to his fellow friends and say that they should stay on position until he comes back and talks to them again.
Very nice, Lexx!

Maybe this should another Chinese sub (not that deconstructed)? As some kind of reference to the Hunt for the Red October movie... When war has started Shi wanted escape to America and 2nd sub will be filled with skeletons of bad asses communists who wanted to sink poor Shi before they'll reached the shore! Ghost of Captain Marko Ramius may tell the whole story...


sorry, I couldn't resist... :D
I'm doing small, fast, armoured, junky and powered by microfusion cells boat... normal, fishing boat could be boring, I guess...

It's a WIPie, so engines, cables, pipes, rivets, etc. will be added of course...

To get a possibility of riding on this amazing piece of technology you should pay the owner/do something for him or... just kill him! Which should cause some negative consequences for the player, I guess...

As for just another stage to "get the tanker ready" quest player will be forced to do little more things:

- find out where sub is located,
- get deactivation codes,
- find missing parts for the boat, because engine is broken (possibly),
- pay the owner/make something for him to get the boat,
- go to the sub and enter deactivation codes.

By the way, does anyone consider situation when player will fail to enter deactivation codes (low Intelligence for example) and torpedoes will sink the Tanker?