Vault Fossil

I figured out how to eliminate that fucking awesome (and totally broken) highlight feature at long, right segments:
to get a full highlight you will need to move here:

but this will be not possible, because blockers not allow for it:

not sure what will be with left... but exterior will look really shit if you move too close to that red hex (I'm not sure how to name this thing
) in night... The only solution is to block area around that red hex with some scenery crap (small boxes, etc.)... in this way you'll get a minimum highlight, not full
and let's hope that only highlight will be broken, nothing else... 
I'm too lazy to split straight walls into smaller pieces, so in night they're looking in this way (not good, but acceptable):

Another funny thing I discovered is that if you'll put doorways too far away (but from what?) or too close (to scroll blockers?) they will overlap damn doors!

or maybe there's some reasonable explanation why such thing is happen?
Connection is splitted in this way (because wall is round):

but is working like it should:

and still allows to use long, repeatable segments:

A total craziness... no less, no more...
to get a full highlight you will need to move here:

but this will be not possible, because blockers not allow for it:

not sure what will be with left... but exterior will look really shit if you move too close to that red hex (I'm not sure how to name this thing

I'm too lazy to split straight walls into smaller pieces, so in night they're looking in this way (not good, but acceptable):

Another funny thing I discovered is that if you'll put doorways too far away (but from what?) or too close (to scroll blockers?) they will overlap damn doors!

or maybe there's some reasonable explanation why such thing is happen?

Connection is splitted in this way (because wall is round):

but is working like it should:

and still allows to use long, repeatable segments:

A total craziness... no less, no more...