Grayswandir said:
Still, i am in love with your boat, Continuum, whatever is choosen don't you dare deleting it without putting it in the repositery.
Are you sure you want to delete 'submarine'? some pop up is asking me...
*clicking 'Yes'*
Grayswandir said:
Then there are 3 levels, what happen inside it?
In my version with boat is only
one. So, there will be only one computer where you can enter deactivation codes and some other computer?/machinery? for disarming torpedoes without proper skills/playing as dumb/without deactivation codes which may cause the explosion. Player is dead. The game is over. No traps, no repairing, etc.
Grayswandir said:
And i think only what Continum and Josan think on the matter are important...
In my previous post I presented another sort of compromise for people who want to explore whole interior and see large part of exterior. I'm waiting for the answer. Also, I don't know if you still want to use my version with boat and
one level only...
Anyway, something longer for the version with boat:
- there's a Chinese sub,
- ruder is broken/reactor damaged and needs to be shut down,
- slowly is starting to drift,
- Shi left the sub,
- they're returning back few times to take some of hi-tech stuff (to build their talking computer),
- targeting systems left on the board are disabled/are stripped,
- they're making the sub submerged to prevent any unauthorized access to it and to forget about whole incident (you may insert that "dark" story I mentioned earlier),
- only small of part of the sail is visible over the water,
- Enclave is spotting the sub,
- they're slowly starting to adding/enabling all systems inside,
- they're doing all necessary conservation to prevent flooding, etc.
- no talking and thinking computers on the board,
- after Tanker was used to establish the Navarro base targeting system/sonar is on,
- active sonar in pinging for searching potential targets,
- signature of Tanker's signal in entered into the data base,
- if Tanker's signature detected torpedoes are launched to sink the Tanker.
Feel free to modify it/add something, it's just a way I see it...
What to do in SF?
a) find out where sub is located (SF or Navarro),
b) get deactivation codes in Navarro maybe? (not essential, since player may try to disarm without them),
c) find missing parts for the boat, because engine is broken (possibly),
d) find out some missing guy (why? explained later),
e) pay the owner/make something for him or kill him (some negative consequences) to get the boat.
Feel free to modify it/add something, it's just a way I see it...
What we can do after player will enter the sub?
Simple variant:
a) player must only disarm targeting systems,
b) without proper skills/playing as dumb/without deactivation codes any attempts to disarm warheads may cause explosion (or maybe Luck check?).
Feel free to modify it/add something, it's just a way I see it...
NPCs on the board (shoot them all variant):
a) two or three (or more) Enclave guys,
b) player is eliminating the opposition,
c) player must disarm targeting systems,
d) without proper skills/playing as dumb/without deactivation codes any attempts to disarm warheads may cause explosion (or maybe Luck check?).
NPCs on the board (diplomatic and shoot them all variant):
a) two or three (or more) Enclave guys,
b) one engineer who is working for Enclave on targeting systems,
c) player can lie (high speech) that he was sent to check how everything is going,
d) player may convince (high speech) that engineer to such thing: signature of Tanker's signal is wrong, change this immediately!,
e) player must kill Enclave guys and engineer who is working for Enclave if fail to convince them (low speech) or if he wants,
f) if engineer is dead player must disarm targeting systems,
g) without proper skills/playing as dumb/without deactivation codes any attempts to disarm warheads may cause explosion (or maybe Luck check?).
a) two or three (or more) Enclave guys,
b) one engineer who was forced to work for Enclave on targeting systems (that missing guy),
c) player can lie (high speech) that he was sent to check how everything is going,
d) player must kill Enclave guys if fail to convince them (low speech),
e) if d) = true then Enclave guys will try to kill the engineer who was forced to work for Enclave (that missing guy),
f) player can rescue that engineer (take him back to the docks) if he'll disable targeting systems,
g) if engineer will disable targeting systems and if d) = false then Enclave guys will try to kill that engineer,
h) if player wants may kill the engineer, if he do that and if d) = false then Enclave guys will try to kill the player,
i) if player wants may kill all NPCs,
j) if engineer is dead player must disarm targeting systems,
k) without proper skills/playing as dumb/without deactivation codes any attempts to disarm warheads may cause explosion (or maybe Luck check?).
Feel free to modify it/add something, it's just a way I see it...
What to do if player will rescue that missing guy?
- some kind of reward (karma +).
Feel free to modify it/add something, it's just a way I see it...
What to do if player will fail to rescue that missing guy?
- nothing.
Feel free to modify it/add something, it's just a way I see it...
What to do if player will kill missing guy?
- player can lie that he was shoot by Enclave guys (karma -):
a) if fail to convince to his version (low speech) then combat begins,
b) if succeed to convince (high speech) then some kind of reward.
Feel free to modify it/add something, it's just a way I see it...
BTW. Yesterday I figured out some sub specific quests (just a variations about
bad ass monsters in the "basement" at the Tanker):
"Kill bad ass monsters that occupied engines room and because they're damn noisy, guys right behind to them can't sleep in night."
"Save poor girlfriend of some guy from 1st level, because that bitch was stupid enough to go inside torpedo tube and some fucktard from 2nd level is running on Jet and he wants to fire that tube and send the bitch on the moon!"