You are basing your vision on:Mikael Grizzly said:Point is, it doesn't fit, because the Emperor came from the Shih-huang-ti, indicating the sub was in an easy-to-reach spot, somewhere where the Shi were able to get heavy duty construction equipment to remove the monstrous mainframe. That's why it'd be located in the docks area.
1. The emperor mainframe comes from the sub, so it has to be in the harbor. -
What if it doesn't? Where has it ever been stated that the Emperor is from the sub? Ken Lee is the only one saying anything about parts from the sub, and he's talking about stripped metal. He also says some people don't believe that and they say there are no submarine.
Now don't you think if the sub is lying in the harbor, a few meters away from the tanker, everyone and their cat would know about it?
2. The Valdez tanker was used to establish the base in Navarro, so the auto defense systems have to be activated. -
The tanker was locked down after the war and Navarro wasn't established until much later, so it's not very likely it was used. Where did you get that from?
Also, in a bombed out city there would be plenty of scrap metal around, but that was not good enough for the Shi, they just had to take it from the sub because... why exactly?
Maybe as a cover story when they decided to scrap the sub from the game. Since they also have the Emperor saying the chances for the sub being in the game is 0%, I get that feeling.
My point is that nothing really fits with the sub. There is very little info in the game and in the bible, and what is there contradict each other anyway, so something will have to change from how it is now no matter what. And that leaves pretty much freedom to design this however one would want.
You have your vision, others have theirs, hopefully it will be possible to find a compromise, but please don't talk about "not fitting" other than in a general Fallout sense.