Submarine Mod

Demonslayer said:
Will kinda miss some restrooms with cases and shelves (maybe to make an item stash for the player), etc. Also some rotten bodies and some holodisks with infos of what happened, somehow giving a story to all of it.
Nah, you can include everything on one level only! :D

Demonslayer said:
Might be a bit boring just to go there to disble torpedos, and would be a waste of work, imo, if the hero only needed to go there once.
Subbie from the beginning should go into fuck the Shi freaks, disarming torpedoes and Fallout Bible direction.

Anyway, I moved sail little a bit to the top (more is visible! :aiee: ):


And now instead of clicking on the lines you'll click on the top part of ladder thing! :revolution:
The boat seems oddly positioned in relation to the latter. Shouldn't the back of the boat where the player might expect to be standing be lined up with the latter?
Maybe player went through the hatch on the boat? You'll never know ;)

Besides, I didn't decide how boat will be placed yet. Probably will be rotated from NS direction to avoid in a straight line thing...
If the player should be able to "use" the ladder to climb up, then it is too far away, as far as I can see. The player could not move to the ladder because of placed blocking hex fields.
No, no, no, no climbing, since this will introduce problems (and because of that climbing animation will look shitty). When map is loaded player/NPCs MUST stand on the sail. Rest is only an eyecandy ;)
Any idea how all this shit related to tubes may look from this point of view?


I need something simple and cool looking, not tons of pipes or cables...

This area won't be walkable of course.
This looks really good. Am I understanding correctly that you want to add something else to this room? Didn't you develop scenery that looked like racks of torpedoes? Do you still have those? And perhaps something that could load the torpedoes into the tubes (something like the cranes in the unfinished nuclear reactor).
No, it's not a final room. Final room will be longer than on the picture above. That "console" with clocks like things :D will be placed in command room or somewhere else... To fill the space I'm planning to add torpedoes and some kind of small cranes that are "transporting" torpedo to tube.

But I don't have any freaking idea how to fill space between both tubes and between tubes and outer wall... :roll: it's looking really empty...
Then why not to use power generators from vaults and rusty water pump?

Also there could be shelves on the sides, old rusty steel shelves with stuff.

And if possible - a couple of pillars could save the day :P
hello continuum.
May be you can put a piloting system :)
Like this

I'll let you texture t ;)
But if you want more details just say me if you 're intererested, send me a photo or anything else you want.
I'll send you the 3D file.

Bro' Soifran
Yeah, submarines have completely different handling, there are a few handlebars to control speed, diving, and direction, if I remember correctly.

I'm constantly in awe by Contis work. Thank you Continuum!
brother_soifran said:
and a whale on a desert or a startrek ship in random encounter?

The special random encounter are a kind of easteregg. The submarine wouldn't be a easteregg.
brother_soifran said:
May be you can put a piloting system
I was thinking to insert some kind of command chair for a captain in command room (Overseer and Vault like thing but without miniguns :D), but this isn't going to be big (three hexes maximum).

brother_soifran said:
But if you want more details just say me if you 're intererested, send me a photo or anything else you want.
I have no problems with modeling. I have a problem with lack of ideas how to make some things...

brother_soifran said:
and a whale on a desert or a startrek ship in random encounter?
Those thing are stupid fucking retarded and I'm not going to make anything like that. Besides Fallout 2 is already full of such kind of idiocy. Whole game is one uber easter egg.


Enlighten! I'm on the right course...

Main modeling is done, I think. Is looking good now. This render is done with more accurate shadows.


Some I don't know what, simple, solid, not RL thing, which will fit well to Fallout. The only thing which make sense there are pipes attached to tubes to pump water before opening it (pressure thing) :D

As for the cranes: I'm thinking about special scenery that will be placed over the head of player (through whole EW direction): metal-ish "lines" where cranes are moving (I don't know how to name this shit :D). Results should be pretty cool when player will be inside this room, I think.

But I have a question to the outside part of the interior sub. Do you want to make the blue black later or do you have planed to paint water there or some other idea?