Submarine Mod

That looks really wonderful! Far far better than my original photochop! Well done.

I'm half inclined to agree with Sklif on the windows. Submarines don't have them! Other than that I think it looks very realistic. I haven't seen many with such an interesting front section but I suppose it could work!

Keep on truckin'!
Hotel California said:
I'm half inclined to agree with Sklif on the windows. Submarines don't have them!
Most of them not but what about Oscar II or Romeo class submarines? Correct me if I'm wrong.
They aren't windows. They are openings in the sub to allow water to go in and out so that it can surface and submerge. Or, at least that's what I thought those looked like. But if you want to call them windows, um, go ahead! :P
I like this thing the way it is. :) Now it just needs a realistic and old and rusty textur and it must be ingame. :P
For clarify:


If we're talking about texture...

- number/logo on the sail? If so, show some image or tell me the numbers (like 741) and I'll place it there,
- is the sub fully operational (can be fully submerged)? If not I'll "damage" top part of the hull little a bit,
- flag?
Thanks, Lexx. I didn't even notice those until you circled that area on the sail and then turned the brightness up on my computer! Oops.
Is there an option in Mapper to fix this black area between original tiles and mine? There should be transparent color...

You are trying to make a tile with transparent color? It isn't possible or, if it is possible, it has no sense, because under the tile there is just black. If you paint over the tile with another tile, the other tile is gone. Don't know, how to describe it... but.. it isn't possible as far as I know. You can't place a ground tile over another ground tile.
Thanks for the answer, Lexx. I fixed the problem.

Another question:

When you hide scenery in Arroyo Bridge map you will see purple color around edge tiles. What does this color mean? No overlapping? Or maybe something else?
Continuum said:
Thanks for the answer, Lexx. I fixed the problem.

Another question:

When you hide scenery in Arroyo Bridge map you will see purple color around edge tiles. What does this color mean? No overlapping? Or maybe something else?

Probably transparent colour, I heard Fallout engine treats (also) purple as transparent (maybe something like magenta, 255-0-255?)
Karel said:
Probably transparent colour, I heard Fallout engine treats (also) purple as transparent (maybe something like magenta, 255-0-255?)

I'll try to use this color and we'll see what's going to happen.


The sub looks unnatural. I'll move hull 1-2 tile away from wharf and create similar effect to SF's tanker (submerged part of the hull will be visible).

Also I did some quick test texture:


Image was converted to frm - looks quite good :)
That texture is quite good indeed !
I think it could have some water marks, like the part that stays more time underwater gets more "dirty".

And for that holes in the side you could add some rust because water often does that, like this:




About the first pic comment i think the problem is the water tiles, they don't actually look like water from the ocean.
Demonslayer said:
That texture is quite good indeed !
I think it could have some water marks, like the part that stays more time underwater gets more "dirty".

And for that holes in the side you could add some rust because water often does that
Final texture will have all "features". I did this one to check how much damage will be done after conversion to FO's palette and to test new method of tweaking images before converting to frms.

Demonslayer said:
About the first pic comment i think the problem is the water tiles, they don't actually look like water from the ocean.
Yes, that's true.
Also i think it would look better if the submarine was a bit higher emerged. Just a bit more because it seems the sub has more than 80% underwater. It should be only ~60% while in the docks i suppose (80% when it's on sea).

Another thing that's troubling me it's that the brigde doesn't seem to be in the right size when we see the critter there. But hey, i ain't seeing all the picture so i can't really tell. Anyway a way to avoid that would be remove the brigde windows and stuff.

The bridge doesn't seem like this in matter of size:


P.S.: I'm just trying to help, don't take it like "your work sucks", it's not that ;)
Also i think it would look better if the submarine was a bit higher emerged. Just a bit more because it seems the sub has more than 80% underwater. It should be only ~60% while in the docks i suppose (80% when it's on sea).

Realistically, the sub needs to be submerged a little bit because it's supposed to be able to destroy the tanker if you haven't properly disabled it. If it was too far out of the water, that wouldn't look right.

Continuum, you're doing a superb job and the texturing looks great.