Submarine Mod

Ok now i udnerstand thx for this stantment Mib! And good luck to you!

And thx for you work for the communit and fallout :clap:
Don't specualte on and let Contie to take a breath for some fucking moments.

PS: It's highly probable most of you have a biased look on his work. He made at least 300,000 classy stuff for the BGE project and I'm quite sure for MR too (revealed sum MR work to me). I'd like to point out he was unusually active without being able to fully understand our ideas because of crappy Czech language... Thus any your bitching on his person looks so much ridiculus to me.

And no, I wasn't surprised at all that Cuntie has abandoned that submarine thing (CP's primary orientation on the MR project, shitloats of work, often boring like hell, none specialized help as mentioned, and so).
Of course this is really bad, that this nice mod is died! But i can understand contie very well, because i had the same problems. Peoples send me Pms and just talking shit, like waz up when you will finish your work ,common man hurry up and so on. But when i ask for some help they just talk they have no time and so on. But i don't give a fuck to this peoples. because i do what iam do, like or hate it.

So guys please actept this and shout your mouth don't cry! Save your energy and make some mods, or help ME with the fuck NKR Ranger critter :wink: Or other modders with theri projekts. Ah ok you dont have time? :lol: Ok right then dont fuck conties and odther modds brain OK?

Sorry, das musste raus, jetzt fühl ich mich besser!

Sheeit, and I was about to suggest that he consider using the Type-092 Submarine. Sure its a 1978 sub but the shape is funky and retro and made by the Chinese.

My .02: it would have been easier to consider the submarine an SSBN. A nuclear ballistic missile submarine vessel. I don't think the game specifies whether the submarine is a nuclear-powered submarine (which isn't necessarily a ballistic missile submarine) or a full ballistic missile submarine which leaves that fact open to interpretation. My opinion is that the Chinese, already at war with the USA would have sent an SSBN to try and nuke them.

Why is that question important? It easier to design the mod if you consider the submarine an SSBN. A ballistic missile submarine doesn't necessarily carry nuclear warheads only. It probably carries a mix of anti-ship, antiaircraft and nukes as you don't want to risk a very expensive vessel and have it sunk because it was defenseless. I think that to use torpedoes, the sub would have to maneuver into position as I don't think torpedoes have the same maneuverability as a missile. True, certain attack submarines had nuclear tipped torpedoes and special torpedoes (the November class submarine was originally planned to use a 1550mm, nuclear-tipped torpedo but that was changed later on) but those would mainly be used while submerged and fully maneuverable. I don't think any subs use stern or aft-mounted torpedo tubes (from the side) as these were usually used on torpedo boats. It easier to represent the sub with missile tubes and imagine that if the missile guidance/control system, it will use an anti-ship missile to destroy the tanker. The sub can use it's missiles either while surfaced or submerged.

If someone wants to try and revive the project, I could assist with basic mapping and design.
For me, Russian cold war submarines was the top. A "small accidents" like Yay, a radiation leak has happened, we have to fix it depsite of the certain death, so the lowest rank youngsters went to extinguish the disaster and... died on the way home, there was someting on it.

Anyway, let the Submarine Mod rest in peace (or pieces? :mrgreen:)
Mr.Wolna said:
I dont understand how can hold the fallout engine a big frm like this?
It's very simple (at least in theory :mrgreen: ) - splitted into tiles, walls and scenery.

SkynetV4 said:
it would have been easier to consider the submarine an SSBN. A nuclear ballistic missile submarine vessel.
The submarine was designed to carry ballistic missiles and had a few of them on the board.

Jesterka said:
let the Submarine Mod rest in peace (or pieces? :mrgreen:)
Poetry? :mrgreen:
I hope some days it will be release!

@comtinium, ah i understand this is the same way BIS MAde the Shuttle i think(Frisco)
Mr.Wolna said:
I hope some days it will be release!

@comtinium, ah i understand this is the same way BIS MAde the Shuttle i think(Frisco)

comtinium :D :D :D

Anyway, no, it's very vague. Counting with shuttle usage like was in FO2, not at all. The shuttle might ideally work as a huge scenery properly surrounded by the blockers. I guess the sub was intended to be accessible and multi-leveled.

Again, and last time: really well (authenticly) made submarine would be like a birth through your ear. Time to re-set up a modding slavery, yay!


But i didnt make Tiles, i make scenery and use the flag flat :mrgreen:

(Helios and My BoS Mod) <<<< it will be include mearly all my projekt, rthen i can release all i have make :wink:
Oh can you send me this files? ISt this a pro File already?

But this are notr the tile of my map and without color
It's quite needless, but also very nice, Contie. :)

PS visit the BGE dev forums from time to time, you ass! :P
sry for all this OT junk but hey you have some very talented graphic modder in your team! Keep this amazing work!
Together we will make fallout better and better :wink:
@ Mr.Wolna
I don't have such FRMs. I made it as an example how you can create nice looking on wall/floor logo/label scenery.
In my opinion, the problem with the colored version is, that you can see, that this is a object, that lies over the floor tiles. There are also some white pixel left here and there.
Mr.Wolna said:
sry but i like the color version better :wink:
It's not a problem make a color version. I rendered BOS logo without any material on it.

Lexx said:
In my opinion, the problem with the colored version is, that you can see, that this is a object, that lies over the floor tiles. There are also some white pixel left here and there.
Yes, this is true. Looks like something is "floating" over the floor. Bad composition...