Submarine Mod

so i must make tiles??? or is there an other possibility?

@Lexx. diese paar kleine weiße Punlkte stören dohc keinen ,sieht ogar noch besser abgenützter aus!
Wolna: Anyway, it's always better to make a fuckin' tiles, if possible... The reasons - some overlapping or bad lighting at night might occur. >3 nitpicking.
Hey Continuum, I'll help you lift the curse of the Shi-Sub!

I totally dig the stuff you did in the first half of this thread. Is there anyway you can recover any of it? If not, then i think we should basicly aim to recreate most of what you did for a start.

Thing i can do:

1) the concept design - i'm not much of a concept artist, but i can do the level design and the floor plans for the sub.

a) I'm thinking the inside should be really, really cramped so as to make things harder for that long-time favourite diplo-sniper character. Melee and unarmed boys will have a great time though.
b) Maybe the underwater floor (lowest floor) could be flooded? In page 1 of this thread someone suggested there could be an underwater section that can only be entered with power armour. I think it's an interesting idea and fits with the 'deconstructed' aspect of the sub that's detailed in the design doc.

2) I can help with the tedious aligning and refining of tiles and walls that needs to be done in photoshop (beleive me i know how finickety the process is)

3) I can write some dialogue for the critters - if there is any. Or maybe it could just be an erie 'ghost ship'.

I'll post some floorplan designs here first.
Josan12 said:
Is there anyway you can recover any of it?
I'm sure that everything has been overwrited 1000 times since that time ;)

Josan12 said:
i can do the level design and the floor plans for the sub.
You may try to design whole sub interior (in Mapper) based on exiting walls. Then I'll know how many segments (...16 + 16... or ...32 + 16 + 32...) is used for each section/room/whatever. Basing on screenshots I'll be able to make very long/large segments which:

- will fit into your "template",
- will be looking much better than this crappy and repeatable 16 or 32 (no shitty texturing problems because of round shape),
- will cut a lot of annoying work.

Walls can be large (and animated) as scenery is, so you'll avoid this whole cutting into the small pieces crap. AFAIK the only problem with long/large segments is with highlighting when player is near (because engine isn't able to highlight only small part - outdated crap :ugly: ). I don't know anything that can fix that. So, interior (and exterior) must be done like Tanker - try to go close to it in night and you'll see no highlight.

Josan12 said:
b) Maybe the underwater floor (lowest floor) could be flooded? In page 1 of this thread someone suggested there could be an underwater section that can only be entered with power armour. I think it's an interesting idea and fits with the 'deconstructed' aspect of the sub that's detailed in the design doc.
Well... entering into the flooded level isn't good idea, because this engine doesn't support good transparency. AFAIK/AFAIR all transparent things (like glass) are white. Walking inside something white instead of blue-ish isn't going to look good... Besides you won't be able to use transparent scenery around walls that are "under" the player (overlapping), so this area will be empty...

You may try to use tiles and put them as a roof which isn't hiding when player is near, but I know nothing about transparency (is this possible at all?) of the tiles.

Josan12 said:
2) I can help with the tedious aligning and refining of tiles and walls that needs to be done in photoshop (beleive me i know how finickety the process is)
If we're going into non-standard way - no tiles, no 16 or 32 walls then cutting final render(s) and adjusting pieces will be really fast and pleasure thing :o

...stuff... - if I'm wrong then correct me :ugly:
Well... entering into the flooded level isn't good idea, because this engine doesn't support good transparency. AFAIK/AFAIR all transparent things (like glass) are white. Walking inside something white instead of blue-ish isn't going to look good... Besides you won't be able to use transparent scenery around walls that are "under" the player (overlapping), so this area will be empty...

Caveat: I know next to nothing about this kinda stuff

Couldn't you just "wash" the wall/floor tiles and scenery blue to give the appearance of being masked by transparency. Wouldn't work for the player/npc/critters though I guess.
I thought about how it could be done visually but I don't think that this would ever look good. The problem is, you can not make a transparency to let's say, the upper legs of the critters. You could paint the floor tiles like water but then it looks like the player is walking over the water like Jesus. With shifted and fallout-like-transparent scenery objects you could "flood" the hole room (scenery needs to be over the critters) but I can't imagine that this will look good because of the player animations and the ugly fake-transparency.

Of course one could create totally new critters (i. e. water to the knees that would fit to water-tiles as example) with that the ones who enter the level would be replaced but this will be a shitload of work again.
ceiling tiles go transparent as the player walks beneath them

could you not layer ceiling tiles on top of floor tiles and as mentioned before keep the lighting on the map low/night, thus if the ceiling tiles look slightly different from the floor tiles and the transparency affect stays tight to the player then it might look like the player is wading through water - I don't know how close it would look

but your idea of new critters would look the best for sure
Exactly! :ugly:

Nah, but seriously. I think the new critter frames-thingy would be the best way. The critters don't need to get edited very much. Only paint some water on the position of the legs and it should work visually. I can give it a try later but here the same like everytime when it comes to critter editing: It is a very annoying work if you need to edit several hundreds or thousands of frames...