Summer plans


So what do you have planned for the summer.

Me, work on a dissertation and do some traveling (I hope). Suppose to go to Canada for a week next month- Montreal and Toronto. And before you ask UJ, no, I am bringing my wife and won't visit you.

Maybe also do a bit of travel out west to see National Parks.

Speaking of which- for those of you who are not sure what to do, try contacting the National Parks, probably through the Department of the Interior. They do a lot of summer hiring and a lot of it is college students looking to make a few bucks. I don't think it's limited to Americans either, though it hopes to speak English. I think you can actually split your time between a number of parks and don't have to work full time. Pay is good and they provide housing- so it's not a bad way to spend a few weeks in the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone or Yosemite. Spend the summer working with other college students and take advantage of the off-time to see some great country.

For more info-

I also know a lot of the beach areas in the US hire foreign nationals. On the East End of Long Island there are a lot of Irish students working through the summer. I saw this site, and maybe it can help-

For those interested in foreign study- Check out the SUNY Study Abroad- Cheap programs from Argentina to Vietnam
I gotta get a job, cause i'm poor and need money.

Other than that, my summer will consist of playing lots of sports, and going to the beach every chance I get.
Lots of camping.

I'll be going to London for a week in late July.

Also, two 7 to 10 day tours with my band and another band.



Lots of chill out time.
Haven't planned anything, thought I'd just take one of those spur-of-the-moment trips..
Probably one of those commercial, drink all you want, women flashing places....

Oh and I'm only going there for the warm sun and cool waters..
Work work work - have to re-build at least a dozen system images and learn how to fix Kyocera printers...
For the majority of time i'll be staying in flagstaff to earn money and work out. But I'll be taking plenty of trips to Havasu, Powell, Phoenix and most definately Rocky Point.
London rocks Malk. Have a great time. If you haven't been there before, you are in for a treat.

Prez, what's at Rocky Point?

As for spur of the moment spots-

Annecy is pretty


and there are tons of hot french chicks going topless at the beach (should history or the scenery not do it for you).

That said, other spur of the moment spots-

French Riveria?

I will be in my office writing MCP server programs in Algol. Unless they fire me.
King of Creation said:
I gotta get a job, cause i'm poor and need money.

Same here. I'm still finishing my novel for the time being (I have another month to finish it - deadline: June 1st), but since that fulltime job (which it is, trust me) doesn't pay the bills, I'm going to start looking for some kind of 'real' job by the end of May. If I can't find anything decent, I'll do this summer what I've been doing for the last year and a half: reading, writing, drawing and smoking pot. And talking to my canary.

I hate summertime, actually. The only good thing about summertime is that all the pretty young girls will be wearing less and less clothes...


Gddmnt, I need to get laid real soon...

Tell you what: when this book of mine is finished and summer is in town, I'll go see a hooker and celebrate myself, my genius, my good looks, my genuine smile... Yeah, this summer will be a celebration of me, myself and I...

Ah, who am I kidding anyway... :puppy-dog:
I've always wanted to go to China, but I don't have any money and nobody to go with. So I'll just stay home and do some gaming all summer, as usual.
So my summer plans just got a whole lot better! I got a regular gig playing at this club down at the beach every Thurs-Fri. Regular pay, plus tips! I'm pretty pumped about that.
Trying to find a job, but no luck so far. Will most likely spend the summer studying for re-exams and going to Sweden Rock Festival.
Either Vienna-Venice or Athens-Thesselonika-Edrine-Istanbul-Iznik-Bursa-Kastamuni-Trabzon-Tiblisi-Istanbul-Home.

Either way, I'm fucking pumped. O, and German camp.
I'm considering a trip into canada, or just flying home for a few weeks this summer.
My parents and I are probably taking the annual trip to our cabin by some big lake. It's nice, though a week in a country with a more temperate climate than Norway would be nice.
welsh said:

That's beautiful, I wish we had cities like that in the US. I'm gonna have to save up and take a vacation there. How do the natives take to tourists, welsh?