Summer plans

Azael said:
Brugge vs. Venice, the former doesn't smell like a sewer.

Doesn't smell like a sewer? In Belgium? Not likely

"Belgium, the only place in the EU where you can't safely drink a glass of tap-water"
Kharn said:
"Belgium, the only place in the EU where you can't safely drink a glass of tap-water"

What the ...?

Where do you get your information about Belgium from anyway? First you call Belgium a policestate, and now this...
My guess would be Blade Runner... :wink:
Jebus said:
Where do you get your information about Belgium from anyway? First you call Belgium a policestate, and now this...
My guess would be Blade Runner... :wink:

I read a significant amount of EU literature and EU reports my mother (work in the Hague) leaves lying about the house (generally not the "classified" ones, tho', ehehehe).

Ireland and Belgium have been notorious for being the only Northern EU countries to have really bad freshwater state. Read this rather childish report.

I understand you're working on fixing that, though. Heh.

Oh, and remember this pretty event, when the European commission decided to do a court application against Belgium for not following the EU water standards.

"The European Commission decided to make an application to the European Court of Justice (ECJ) against Belgium for non-respect of the European Union's (EU) Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (Council Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment)."

You people blow with water. It's a miracle you managed to compete with use Dutchies in the days of yore
Why you little monkey.

The report is about the ecological quality of river-water, not about drinking water! (I could be mistaken though, I only skimmed it.)

It's not because a lot of water doesn't get treated when it is dumped into the river, it isn't purified before it enters the drinkwater-system...

And I agree, a quite childish report.
Jebus said:
The report is about the ecological quality of river-water, not about drinking water! (I could be mistaken though, I only skimmed it.)

It's not because a lot of water doesn't get treated when it is dumped into the river, it isn't purified before it enters the drinkwater-system...

I know, which is why my post above this one said "Ireland and Belgium have been notorious for being the only Northern EU countries to have really bad freshwater state." Freshwater state, not drinking water

But if you really need drinking water reports, based on my original remark, try this one...

But that warning applied to more countries

From another report. "Freshwater availability in Belgium is very low (around 1200 m3 per person per year) compared to other European countries. Freshwater abstraction amounts to 40% of total renewable water resources (EEA, 1999)." But that's not about quality

Can't dig up the report just now. It was pretty old anyway, but I'm afraid it never made it online or is only available on the inside of the EU files, to which I have no access. Take my word for it?
Lovely Mexico, I once saw a man urinate into a drinking water reservoir. I wouldn't go for Mexican beer either, what you need is something bottled by a foreign company, like Coke (relatively safe, in a place where breathing the air is dangerous).
Kharn said:
Take my word for it?

Meh, I guess so. That stuff's too boring to do research on anyway.

I hope you're mistaken, though, because I've been drinking tap water all my life.
And hell, I still look healthy...
Jebus said:
I hope you're mistaken, though, because I've been drinking tap water all my life.
And hell, I still look healthy...

Yeah, maybe you still look healthy on the outside, but what about your intestines? My doctor advised me not to drink tap water at all (not in Belgium, not in any other place), since it contains some chemicals (some sort of sulphates or nitrates, I forgot) that can seriously harm your kidneys and bladder in the long run. I'm not kidding here. He even advised me to make tea (coffee) with mineral water, which is doable, I suppose, if you buy a cheap brand of mineral water.

In any case: don't drink the tap water in Gent, Jebus. Way too much calcium in that sewer soup, my friend. Drink it and before you know it, you'll have grown an extra skeleton. Which wouldn't be a good thing, methinks. :wink:
Blade Runner said:
In any case: don't drink the tap water in Gent, Jebus. Way too much calcium in that sewer soup, my friend. Drink it and before you know it, you'll have grown an extra skeleton. Which wouldn't be a good thing, methinks. :wink:

No shit, I noticed that!

When I first moved here, the abunancy of calcium in the tap water was even bigger. I mean, my water was WITE, goddamnit...

I've got me a big stash of Evian over at Gent now, tho'...
Blade Runner said:
Yeah, maybe you still look healthy on the outside, but what about your intestines? My doctor advised me not to drink tap water at all (not in Belgium, not in any other place), since it contains some chemicals (some sort of sulphates or nitrates, I forgot) that can seriously harm your kidneys and bladder in the long run. I'm not kidding here. He even advised me to make tea (coffee) with mineral water, which is doable, I suppose, if you buy a cheap brand of mineral water.


You could just put a filter on your tap

Plus your doctor is neurotic and needs help.
Speaking of Evian-

Lovely town, has a casino if you want to make a few bucks, free Evian water from a statute, on Lake Geneva. Not a bad place if you have no where else to go this summer.


