SuperHeros and SuperVillians


Mildly Dipped
I'm just wondering what kind of superhero or supervillian you all like?

I'm usually on the fence between Self Made (Batman, Punisher) or altered (Ghost Rider, Iron Man, Dare Devil) types. I always felt Superman had it too easy. The four groups are below. Obviously I didn't list all of the superheros. Too many of them and some I know nothing about. So pick your category and list your favorites.

Born with superpowers. Ths includes Mutants, Alien, Genetically Altered before birth
Superman, X-men

Self made
Batman, Punisher

Altered. Includes, accidental, cyborgified
Daredevil, Ironman, Hulk, Ghost Rider
Poison Ivy, Bane, Spiderman etc

Super powers from objects
Green Latern, Booster, etc
I always thought Superman was teh GHEY and I never really found an X-Men character that I thought was really that cool.

Batman's pretty cool though and I enjoy the Spiderman character from the movies so I'll go with him as well :).

I don't read comics so that puts me at a loss :-\.
Just this guy is my choice.

Hmmm i like the ones that are not nice.....anything emo marvel is annoying. Best guy is
Rorschach, because I can actually belive his ideology is real. I feel his backstory better than anyone else.

So yeah, i like the superheros that go from ordinary man to hero, but that does not go all emo in the process.

I prefer it if they are not the "nice captain goodside". Preferably ruthless killers.
Punisher is not any sort of superhero. He's just, well, the ultimate badass.

Which explains why I like him so much.
Never could stand Superman; he was just too over-the-top. What fun is it when no attacks harm him? I always liked Marvel's stuff better; most of their people with "Invulnerability" are just strongly resistant to attacks; massive trauma is still going to do something -it may be much less than your ordinary joe would suffer, but it's obviouslt not innefectual, either. You eventually got the feeling that if you dropped the Tsar Bomba on Superman he'd just get a tan.

I like The X-Men, mostly, sometimes some other stuff from Marvel (Iron man, Spider Man, etc.). Batman's pretty cool because he was an edgy anti-hero when he first came on the scene and he's just an ordinary Joe with a lot of dough -and Ninja training... but still an ordinary Joe -sort of what Simon Templar would be if he made detective work his job and not his hobby.



I like the heroes and villains with some more content, and conflict to them.
Rorschach rocks, for instance. As does V as found in the comic book (the film lessens his impact and controversy).

Also Belgarath from the somewhat childish Belgariad series.
I prefer some content and a bit fleshed out. Generally altered and self made are best for this, object-powereds are always panties, born with superpowers is rarely interesting.

But my #1 favourite:
I've never really thought about them in terms of categories like that before, but I guess if I had to choose I'd pick self-made, then altered, since those two usually leads to more interesting storylines and characters than the other groups. Plus, I think those kinds of characters generally weather the uneven writing of the comics world better than the others. I can usually pick up a Batman, Hellblazer, or some other 'normal' guy comic, or even Spiderman, and find something worthwhile even if the writing or art sucks, but I can't say the same for Superman or the X-Men or others like that. Self-made and altered heroes generally have a solid enough character concept that they can't really be too affected by poor writing, but the other types can easily have any appeal or worth permanently destroyed by some hack with a gimmick or some stupid retcon.
I didn't really think of them in categories myself until a few years ago when one of my best friends asked me why I hated Superman and most of the X-Men. After a moment of thought, I finally told him that I thought those born with their powers have it too easy. Read a few Superman Comics until I got borred with how he rarely got hurt or rarely tired. It was like, "Oh wow Superman beat another fool! Eh whatever!" I bought the Death of Superman stuff just to finally see him "die". Then the idiots brought him back.

The only X-man I actually like is Wolverine. He has to be the most fleshed out of them all even with all the holes in his memory. Plus he straddles two categories. Born with powers and altered.

My favorites however have always been, Batman, The Punisher, Deathstroke the Terminator, Dare Devil, and Iron man.
Fuck superpowers, Ron Perlman in Stephen King's Desperation is da bomb!
