Except of course if North Korea detonated a bomb on Tokyo.
So, the most viable solution is diplomacy to make sure Kim doesn't feel backed into a corner, and wait until Kim sees no reason to make missiles; as if relic parts could do anything, though I do admit there's a possibility of attacking Japan or SK with nukes, which will only destroy NK as China and Russia step in from the north. A peaceful solution will only happen with diplomacy, as Bush's gunslinging has only made things worse.
Russia and China stopping North Korea from going to war? Are you kidding?
If the Russians and Chinese took their hands off it would only because they calculate that saving North Korea is not in their interest. But protecting South Korea? That's nuts.
And you don't think that North Korea is a test of the US resolve to protect Taiwan. If the US gets nuked protecting South Korea, how likely are we to stop China from pressing for Taipei? And if the US gets burnt in this exchange and decides to keep out of foreign affairs- hot dog! China gets easier access to Central Asian Oil!
Trade? Fuck. International trade didn't stop World War 1 either, and prior to World War 1 the countries of Europe were trading with greater intensity than ever nor duplicated that level of inter-state trade until the 1970s- 1980s. And as China improves its technology, might not war on the Korean Peninsula mean that China is clearly dominant as Japan and South Korea lick the wounds of war and watch China surpass their comparative levels of technology?
Trusting China is foolish.
And how much is it worth (in dollars) to stop Kim from actually going through with a war.
You guys are forgetting a core element of nuclear diplomacy. Using nuclear coercion only works if the other side believes you are capable of going all the way.
When Kissenger threatened Saudi Arabia with nuclear attack during the 1970s when oil got jacked up, the Saudis laughed. Nicaragua never too seriously any threats of atomic attack. But Cuba did, and to back that up it had Soviet deterrence- which may still explain why the US doesn't depose Castro.
Lessons of nuclear diplomacy- the Soviets believed Nixon was willing to go all the way in 1973 during the '73 Arab Israeli war in order to keep the Soviets out of Egypt. At that point the US administration was forced to play that card because the Israeli's had managed to fuck what good faith Kissenger had managed to hell.
During the Cuban Missile Crisis the US left the ball in the Russian court but promised nuclear exchange and had taken steps to go all the way if it came down to it.
When the Russians asked Nixon if he minded a nuclear exchange in which Russia nukes China, Nixon was clear in voicing his concerns that it was unacceptable to the US.
I agree that utilzing nuclear weapons would create a lot of anti-US resentment. Actually using them would cause many thousands of unfortunate casualties.
But if you think South Korea and Japan going to war with Japan through conventional means won't get you to the same place, you are foolish. That would only mean that you are slowly moving up the ladder of escalation that could lead eventually to nuclear warfare as 'war by other means" only after leading to many thousands of civilian deaths by conventional warfare.
(although probalby big profits by the war industry).
So you don't go there.
You make it clear to Kim that you are willing to go all out, that nuclear holocaust is just a touch of a button away. You make it clear that the steps are already being taken. You make it clear and certain that the US will accept the risks of war- both economic, political and diplomatic. That this is so important to the US that we are willing to do it.
Because lack of resolve is why Saddam backed down. But the certainty of resolve got the dipshits in Haiti to get out while the getting was good.
Nuclear deterrence was also known as the Balance of Terror for good reason. Nuclear obliteration is terrorism-an awesome way to scare the shit out of your enemy. Thus Japan ends World War 2 because it has no idea how many more Hiroshimas and Nagasakis it has to look forward too.
But like terrorism, it is an act that requires projecting character and resolve- the willingness to do something unthinkably horrific. Deterrence or compellence has to be credible, or it won't work.
You give Kim a door out- comfortable exile vs certain death. And you make it clear that if he doesn't take the exile option, he and most of his country will be vaporized.
If Kim doesn't take the hint, perhaps someone close by will decide Kim is no longer representing the Korean state and its best to do away with him and make friendly.
If it still doesn't happen, you give him a very clear signal.
This is not about morality or doing the "fair thing".
Rosh, you know damn well how much I think Bush is a prick and I've been plenty clear about my criticisms of the US in the past.
But this suggestion of conventional warfare as acceptable is bullshit.
Diplomacy has consistently failed. The only way out is to depose him, influence a regime change, or force him out of state. You can't trust China's interests to play by what you wish for. Rather, play by what you can expect and a proven track record. The Chinese will fuck the US if it can. China has only self-interest to consider. Russia may play smarter to deter what it sees as greater US aggression.
But to get rid of Kim you must send a clear signal. You have two choices- leave or die. All this crap about US popularity abroad only suggests a lack of resolve.
In a game of chicken- where two cars are speeding at each other in the hope of both drivers swerving to avoid the other, often both play brinksmanship that leads to a collision because both drivers are certain the other would rather swerve and suffer shame, then crash.
The way you win the game is by making sure the other driver sees you throw your steering wheel out the window.
Playing the same game here- make sure that Kim knows that war is coming and it will be unimaginably horrible and yet the US is enthusiastic about this, that the US wants this, and then KIm will have second thoughts.