welsh said:
Are you kidding? Kim is one of the great pricks who managed to survive the 20th century and get into the 21st. Calling him evil is bad? Considering this guy's record in assassination, abduction, and now terror- leave alone extortion, drug traffic and a litany of other acts... This guy rivals Osama for being a prick in desperate need of getting whacked.
I can understand you hating Bush. I hate Bush too.
But really, Kim is a capital prick and an evil bastard.
And Gorbachev was any different?
Or how about Pol Pot, whom the US also supported when it convenienced them?
Or how about the US, whose list of war crimes in the last 25 years alone DWARFS Kim's little rap sheet?
Calling someone "evil" isn't a bright thing to do when you've also called yourself the Mouth of God and do the EXACT same shit. Given the Christian faith...there's a usual outcome around that, and it's never pretty.
Actually they are not. They have raised this issue in the past.
And then seem to wholly ignore that in favor of "OMG!!! PANIC!!!"
"lay down the bong?" Damn... I didn't thing the Economist editors were that cool. Seriously, you're calling one of the most conservative magazines a bunch of dope smokers on this?
Sorry, I forgot that crack was the preferred drug of conservatives, my mistake.
Why because they called Kim on his counterfeit operation and drug peddling?
And this is different than the US' involvement in illegal arms trade (including Iraq), the heroin trade in Afghanistan, the opium trade in Vietnam and elsewhere in the world, and invading countries without any evidence while killing and raping civvies and tearing down the government.
Fuck, dude, I could be here forever naming the US' shit tricks, and the US WOULD WIN. I could also cite the amount of ethnic cleansing the US has done in the name of "Manifest Destiny", including the invasion of the Phillipines and other countries, leading to wholesale slaughter.
The US is hardly innocent; the only reason why these haven't been a public issue is because people like to live in denial about their own country. It's called
nationalism. That article's a pretty interesting read, given that it was written by a WWII bombardier.
That maybe Kim's action is less about being belligerent than about insulting Bush for cracking down on Kim's illegal operations and in the process, trying to get some advertising for his missiles?
Dude... Are you joking?
Yeah, and the way to make the Soviet Union stop its illegal activities was to invade it, right? Nope, it took years of diplomacy, and comparatively the US hasn't tried shit for diplomacy with Kim.
As for North Korea as a declining economy and future failed state-
Only problems are-
(1) Kim won't leave until he gets kicked out or coerced out,
(2) the economy will only get worse while he's in power.
So the longer you delay, the worse the North Korean economy will get and the most dangerous the likelihood of state collapse.
Until Kim realizes, like Gorbachev, that the regime was wholly unhealthy for the people, and that he faced revolution from his own people failing to support him anymore. This was how it went with Gorby, and will likely be how it happens with Kim. There's ONLY diplomacy, because the alternative is a likely nuclear exchange. Well, if the US is THAT stupid, I'm taking an extended vacation to Europe because that will just PISS OFF China and the NK neighbors. The only proven route to getting nukes taken down is diplomacy.
But get this...the idea of diplomacy isn't to threaten people, but instead get them to come around to your side. It worked mostly for the USSR, but now people think we can repeat Iraq with Kim? or toss nukes into China, Japan, and SK's backyard?
So why the fuck is Bush insulting and then threatening Kim?
As opposed to the US presence in Cambodia along with Operation Breakfast. Really, the US isn't that sparkling either, if you also consider the US' involvement as well, in supporting the regime in order to combat back the Vietnamese invasion. Something about the US trading arms with just about every terrorist since the Vietnam War...Pol Pot, Iran, the Contras, Al-Quaeda,
Iraq in the past,
Iraq today, fuck, I could be here all night with this list,
when the flag is so blood-stained with the lives of the innocent. The Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea received a lot of support from the West, which included guns and money. Guess what the Khmer Rouge was part of? So...thank the US in
also helping Pol Pot and Co., even if it was to help against the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia.
For those wanting more history of the US' shit tricks - check the links I provided above. Yet the US is supposed to act like the world's police? Fucking hilarious.
China launched a punitive invasion of northern Vietnam. During the '80s, the U.S. gave military and humanitarian support to the republican KPNLF and royalist ANS insurgent groups. The Khmer Rouge, still led by Pol Pot and the most capable militarily of the three rebel groups, received extensive military aid from China and intelligence from the Thai military. While eastern and central Cambodia were firmly under the control of Vietnam and its Cambodian allies by 1980, the western part of the country continued to be a battlefield through the 1980s, with millions of landmines sown across the countryside.
Actually, the US supported the
CGDK, which included FUNCINPEC, the Khmer Rouge, and the KPNLF. The KPNLAF's forces were miniscule in number and mostly wiped out, which left...guess what? A reliance on their old foes the Khmer Rouge in the CGDK alliance as the military might.
Yeah, exactly why did Vietnam invade Cambodia? Because the Khmer Rouge was attacking Vietnam because the KH claimed all of the Mekong for its nationalist vision of Kampuchea? And guess who supported the KH then- China. Why? Because China felt threatened by Vietnam's relationship with the Soviet Union. And while the US did support both the royalist and nationalist factions of the Coalition Government, and I have little doubt that much of the aid that went to the coalition or to the Thai government went to the KH, the lion's share came from China.
Yet, Cambodia was one of the major conflicts of the 1980s and the end of the Cold War. And just like in Afghanistan, the US relied on proxies to fight its war (that time against Soviet proxies- the Vietnamese). And the End of the Cold War was a matter of strength- the Soviet Union could no longer afford to sustain those wars.
Proxies that include butcherers, which was my point. The US does what it cares to and everyone else be damned, yes.
Yet, you prescription for resolving North Korea runs the same mistake- reliance on others to do the job of the US.
Hello? Who says it's a US problem? Let the Asians take care of their own, as the article I posted earlier states. It removes the antagonism of the US, and allows NK's neighbors to deal with him, and they certainly seem to have been doing a far better job than President Dumbfuck. All the US is doing is posturing and not really helping
at all.
However, South Korean leaders would be distressed about economic losses and the cost of occupying the North. They would have little incentive to overrun North Korea quickly if 450,000 free spending American GIs with billions of dollars in American military aid were on the way. Rather than quickly overrunning the North, South Korean leaders may demobilize some units to restart its economy. Hopefully, Americans will realize that something is wrong when infantrymen from Kansas are deployed to invade North Korea while infantrymen from Seoul are sent home. Perhaps they will recall the logic of President Lyndon Johnson who said in 1964 that he was “not about to send American boys nine or ten thousand miles from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing themselves.” If South Koreans are unwilling to defend their nation from poverty stricken cousins from the North, why should Americans defend them? The USA imports no vital resources from Korea; the consumer items imported from South Korea are readily available elsewhere.
Think about it. The US gets into this shit BECAUSE it acts like the world's police, and the US has plenty of Rodney King videotapes of war crimes soaking Old Glory in innocent blood. The US has no noble caveat, unless you'd like to claim Providence, like how Bush was claiming God was speaking through him.
In Afghanistan the US relied on Pakistan- which channelled CIA and Saudi money to Islamist factions.
And the US also relied on their drug trade in Afghanistan to fund...the Taliban! Back in the 80's, as a way to to make a proxy, and guess what happened to that proxy like all others? It bit the US in the ass.
And the US falls for a sucker ploy.
In Cambodia the US gave direct aid to its allies and Thailand (a US ally- which was actually buddying up to China) gave its aid to the Khmer Rouge. In both cases, a mess was left behind.
The US allies also included the CGDK, which also included the Khmer Rouge. And yes, a mess was left behind.
Now you want to rely on China to resolve the problems in North Korea? Meanwhile US allies in North Asia question US resolve?
Because they are counting on the US to do the spending and to fuck up, while they just sit back, collect GI money like they have for years, and get rich off of American deaths?
please read the article I posted. Even SK can handle it on their own, but they don't care to because they are counting on the fat base fees of $5 BILLION a year.
I am not going to argue with you over the long litany of bad things the US has done the last 50 years.
Why? It seems like those can be conveniently ignored while the mafia tries to police the thug. That shouldn't happen, and it's no wonder many countries don't like the US for the blatant lies and dishonesty while spewing nobility from its ass.
I can also point out a litany of shit tricks the US has done within the last
5 years.
Yet despite the increasing division between classes in the US, are you suggesting that those inequalities do not exist in China today or that they are rapidly increasing? Are you going to tell me that China's policies on the
mischief reef or its own missiles over Taiwan are aberrations of Chinese foreign policy? China has proven itself willing to piss off regional trading partners and even threaten their security when it suits its interests. It will put security policy over trade policy.
So then it would be an even DUMBER move to nuke NK, because China would shrug about the exports to the US in favor of using that for an excuse to make the US look foolish and suffer some penalty of sorts in return.
See how that works? Yes, I have already thought about this venue, along with many others.
But I find it very ironic that you would feel so comfortable trusting China which did not stop North Korea from launching its missiles nor has done anything else besides tell the rest of the world to leave poor little belligerent Kim alone while Kim manages to continue develop his nuclear weapons and ability to deliver those weapons on who he wishes to hurt.
And you're
again assuming that Kim is going to use them as a first-strike, when that would be total suicide and prove nothing as those in the region affected (which would likely involve China as well), and China could easily crush or even nuke Kim if they wanted to, without much effort at all.
China also doesn't seem to shit itself when the subject of WMDs is tossed about, they have a history of dealing with them. China also seems to understand international law, WHICH DOES NOT STOP MISSILE TESTS. Again, it's amusing that the US can ignore international law when it please, and then be even worse off in world relations. Oh, wait...I forgot, the US has pretty much flushed its noble image (what it had) further down the shitter.
And I also find it ironic that you are willing to look beyond the fact that Bush's policy to China is one of accommodation. Who benefits from that but more of Bush's base- that top 10% of the top 1% that stands to make a profit off China. It's that, US corporate interests, that have hijacked the US policy to China, and which continues to determine what US policy is to China. The reason why the US doesn't get tough on China is because corporate interests are afraid of losing a bit of profit and are willing to see US national interest fucked over so they can make a profit.
And you want more of this? Don't you see the consistency? The US goes to war to satisfy corporate interests- oil and military, and it stays away from hostility from China because that would be contrary to US corporate interest.
So the US should nuke NK and make relations even more of a mess! LOLOLOLOL!!!
Seriously Rosh, you are assuming that Kim has justification for deterrence. But from what I am seeing of North Korean policy over the past 30 years is that it's not about deterrence but extortion and coercion. When has Kim not acted like a bully to its neighbors?
The same could be said for the USSR and other countries, and the Cold War didn't end because someone was standing on a pile of skulls.
As for China, you are counting on them when their interest could very well be just to see a deterioration of US strategic presence in North Asia.
Because it might make Kim flake out a little less? Think about it, most of Kim's aggression has been BECAUSE of US presence in the neighboring countries, including the mass of troops in SK. Kim doesn't like the US, as didn't the USSR. The issue with the USSR wasn't solved by antagonizing them, it was through patient and extended diplomacy,
which Bush killed off when he got into office. All the diplomacy Clinton, Carter, and many others did was essentially ignored and destroyed in favor of dicking around until 9/11, then invade Afghanistan, then Iraq, then swing his dick at NK.
From the BBC-
Can China solve N Korea crisis?
By Daniel Griffiths
BBC News, Beijing
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao
Wen Jiabao called on North Korea to refrain from launching missiles
China is one of North Korea's few remaining allies - Beijing supplies the impoverished regime in Pyongyang with much needed fuel, food and energy.
So you would think that the Chinese might have some influence? Or that the North Koreans would have gotten an approval from China before it went about its launch.
No, because China obviously understands international law a bit better than the "OMG, WMDs, shit a brick and invade them!" of the current US policy. Or your policy of "nuke them!"
Here are the alterantives. Either
(1) North Korea got the approval- and so China aims to fuck the US, or,
(2) North Korea felt it could ignore China, which means that North Korea has also told China to go fuck themselves and China is useless.
So take your pick- Either China is a useless partner or it's trying to fuck us.
Or it's just sitting back and watching while the US fucks itself with another smoking hole through the foot, and decides to do something extreme in response to the missile tests. Which are perfectly legal given international law.
Either way, counting on China is either contrary to the US interest or a waste of time.
You can count on China to protect its best interests, which includes turning back or shooting hungry refugees at the Yalu River instead of giving more support to NK. China does give a bit of support to NK, but only apparently for humanitarian aid, as Kim's military technology is laughable. If China was going to be "contrary" to the US, then modern technology would have been passed over the Yalu River or other routes to improve the situation for Kim.
Since it isn't, it honestly looks like humanitarian aid. A lot more humanitarian than "nuking NK". I guess you don't have to worry about refugees when they are part of the fallout particle cloud.
The appetite for punitive action is limited in the U.N. Security Council, which met Wednesday to discuss the issue. But even if military action against North Korea were a plausible option — and it isn't — it would required a greater provocation than a missile test that remained within the bounds of international law.
See? Even the UN is aware of international law.
And, I will admit, they do have a point on the missile tests being used to break the diplomatic stalling others were doing that made NK walk from the table in the first place. Perfectly legal, but shows that someone better try some serious attempt again at diplomacy.
But North Korean leader Kim Jong-il will certainly remember how his provoking of previous crises eventually brought diplomatic gains rather than punishment; North Korea's 1998 missile tests, for example, brought direct talks for Kim with South Korea and U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. Even the Bush administration, which rejected the Clinton-era approach as rewarding North Korea's bad behavior, was forced to move in the same direction by joining the six-party process in 2002, after first spurning the idea of offering Pyongyang incentives to change its ways.
While I disagree about the eventual "same direction", spurning the idea of giving incentives for NK changing its behavior is rather failing in diplomacy, when giving incentives for getting what you want is a standard trade concept and a foundation of diplomacy; even someone as stupid as Bush should have been able to put it together. Maybe he's just dumber than I originally estimated and revised five times over already.
In the past few weeks several senior Chinese officials including Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, had repeatedly called on North Korea to abandon its plans for missile tests, saying they would increase regional tensions.
Well, THAT certainly sounds "supportive". Considering that SK gave them the same message, in the same tone, I guess SK was being just as "supportive".
So these tests are a real slap in the face for China, and a sign for some that it might have less influence in North Korea than has often been suggested.
Probably because they are waiting for diplomacy to try and work, versus President Cowboy's dick-swinging.
But the US says it still believes China holds the key to a solution on the Korean peninsula. Washington's representative, Christopher Hill, is due in Beijing at the end of the week.
Arms race
Mr Hill has already made his position clear: "We need China to be very, very firm with their neighbours and frankly with their long-term allies the North Koreans, on what is acceptable behaviour and what is not acceptable behaviour."
Why should China act firm when it believes the US will continue to suck its prick?
I think a better question would be "What China would stand to gain in being "very, very firm" with Nk, except to make diplomacy break down?" They already have thousands of troops at the border to prevent refugees from leaving the country, and does have the option of cutting off their humanitarian aid. Again, it's the US' fuckery in the region that has Kim quite paranoid, and the Chinese also realise this.
Both the US and China agree there is a problem - but they differ on the best way to solve it
There is anger in Beijing about the missile tests, especially as Chinese leaders lobbied hard for North Korea to refrain from the launches.
But for China the situation is extremely complex. There is no doubt that as such a major supplier of aid to North Korea it does have some leverage.
And it is concerned about North Korea's military and nuclear ambitions - worrying that they might start an arms race in northeast Asia.
Or a few mushroom clouds sprouting up all over...
But at the same time Beijing does not want to cut off aid to North Korea because it fears the regime in Pyongyang might collapse and create a flood of migrants, destabilising neighbouring countries including China.
Indeed, the only thing keeping many of the refugees in NK is the NK army.
So instead of trying to fix the situation China would prefer to maintain Kim in power than actually get North Korea fixed so the refugees can stop coming over.
I'm curious. How the FUCK does nuking NK or invading them "fix" it? How about diplomacy to try and turn them around like the USSR and other countries in the past? Castro is still in power, I see, and the US even has land there to hold people illegally.
Also, you seemed to have failed to note the important part about the above. If NK destabilized, there's nothing to guarantee that it could be restabilized.
Really, you expect the US to send more Pop-Tarts and other crap like they dropped in Afghanistan and in some places in Iraq? You really expect that to stop people from immediately fleeing the country once the army is in disarray? How long has the US been in both Iraq and Afghanistan, and both countries are still a mess? That didn't stop people from Iraq from fleeing anyways.
It seems to me that North Korea and Mexico have the same basic problem- their people want to eat. In both cases, those people will go elsewhere if they have to. In both cases the countries need to be fixed so that people have less reason to go over the border.
Which means turning the direction of the ruling party around, as invading and ousting dictators, while providing support and helping to rebuild the country, hasn't been the US' strong suit. Nor China's. EVER.
And in the process the North Korean economy gets worse and the danger of state collapse only increases.
Hmmm, kind of like the USSR, until it was faced with the inevitability of having to change what it was doing, or else it was going to crumble from within. Then talks between Reagan and Gorbachev aided in providing both a peaceful way out of that crisis, and the war, while also making them both look good despite the shit tricks both sides pulled at the expense of millions of innocents' lives.
Antagonism isn't going to have the same effect. In fact, that's what built up the Cold War.
Because North Korea is China's buddy. What China is basically saying is that China doesn't care how big a prick North Korea is to Japan or the US. It doesn't care. North Korea is protected.
Obviously not, given the laughable state of the military forces and equipment in NK. That isn't "buddy", that's waiting for someone to turn around and start working for their country, which you can't force someone to do. Especially when they have an Asian mindset. You think Western pride is fierce?
Alternatively, China could try to force North Korea to do something. Afterall North Korea relies on China for its survival. But no, China would rather watch North Korea threaten its neighbors than do anything.
Now you're just repeating yourself. China already has told NK to cut it out, as SK, and both have been trying to perform peaceful diplomacy with NK. Hence only vital supplies and food are sent to NK. China has the further option of cutting off those supplies, but maybe China isn't so worried because it isn't China that is purposefully antagonizing Kim. It's the military presence of the US in SK and the now-shitty US "diplomacy". So why should China care that the US is shooting itself in the foot? Why should they become as hated as the US? That makes them into a target as well, which isn't too bright given how close they are.
Again, the US only feels comfortable swinging its dick when there's an ocean on either side to hide behind.
You cannot trust China.
Worse, you should not trust China to do that which you should do yourself.
Again, who appointed the US as the world's autonomous and consequenceless police?
*snips the rest*
I'm done with this topic, it's gone nowhere, and it's obvious that nuking NK civilians is the way to go, piss off China, Japan, and SK in the process, and likely fuck the fishing economy of the region rather badly as well as likely cause fallout rain in the entire region*, which is an important note since the entire region is wet. And people wonder why the US' relations with the entire fucking globe have gone down the shitter. Maybe it's the selfish, short-sighted attitude.
In case of water surface bursts, the particles tend to be rather lighter and smaller and so produce less local fallout but will extend over a greater area. The particles contain mostly sea salts with some water; these can have a cloud seeding effect causing local rainout and areas of high local fallout. Fallout from a seawater burst is unusually difficult to remove once it has soaked into porous surfaces, because the fission products are present as metallic ions which become chemically bonded to many surfaces. Water and detergent will not remove more than about 50% of this activity from concrete or steel, which will require sandblasting or acidic treatment. After the Crossroads underwater test it was found that wet fallout needs to be immediately removed from ships by continuous water washdown (such as from the fire sprinkler system on the decks).