Well I worked around a little on mine (now I see that it wasn't that bright idea to use blender's sculpting tool yeah it looks good but there are too much vertexes)

Anyway it would be good if there would be a way for mass producing THs but I can only think right now a not so creative way using MakeHuman (http://sites.google.com/site/makehumandocs/blender-export-and-mhx). I think it could be okay to play around with it but I would still prefer to create my own models...

Anyway it would be good if there would be a way for mass producing THs but I can only think right now a not so creative way using MakeHuman (http://sites.google.com/site/makehumandocs/blender-export-and-mhx). I think it could be okay to play around with it but I would still prefer to create my own models...