

Still Mildly Glowing
I've been playing with the idea to get a tattoo for a while now, but I'm just not quite there yet.

This is what I want to put on my left shoulder:


I was first going to go for the classic version, but I decided against that for obvious reasons.


Here's an example how it would look:

(NOT my arm, Photoshopped)

I thought to get you guys opinions an this and tattooing in general, is it worth it?

Also, if you have some cool tattoo's yourselves or plan on getting them, please, share the wealth.

- Grin.
Serifan said:
Please god don't!

That is the gayest tattoo, remember that shit is permanent and when you have kids they will laugh at you

I'm being laughed at constantly, I do stand- up comedy. Which is one of the reasons I want this tattoo.

Besides, I'm 6'6, people don't really laugh at me unless I let them. :D

But maybe you're right. I'm known to be impulsive, maybe I should sit it out.
good idea, you need to really think about what you want as you will be stuck with it.

You don't want to be like Stevo-o and have written "I have a small weenier" on your arm.
i can dig tasteful tats, but thisone is pretty damn lame.

also, keep in mind as you grow old/fat/thinner/etc, your skin will change and the tatoo willl degrade.
I'd only get a tattoo if I could get one in chrome. And not that fake chrome, either. I wanna have silver surfer skin.

Well, even then it wouldn't be worth it. I change my mind constantly, and would hate any tattoo I get within a week.
Yeah, thats one of the worse tatoos I've seen.

Also, the last thing you want when getting a tatoo is asking for other peoples opinions. The tatoo has to please you and you only, you are the one who will live with it for the rest of your life.

So think carefully, very carefully, before you chose one, and ignore other people.
Smiley-tattoos aren't completely unheard of, but that one seems a bit big.

I usually like "clean" tattoos more than elaborate ones, but still, that might not work.

I am giving serious consideration in getting this one when my Marine friend comes back on leave. He always goes and gets one when hes back home and is constantly trying to get me to go get one as well.
fa2241 said:
Best tattoo ever:


It was from a video and some <strike>idiot</strike> badass decided to get it himself, awesome.

Ah The Whitest Kids U' Know sketch about getting a Tatoo.

I knew somebody would get that Tat.
If I had a tattoo, it would be a zombie horde on my sleeve in that kind of perspective and style of drawing :


( nevermind that it's a Korn album, just focus on the idea )

But yeah, I'll do that once I already have a real job and will hide it from my employer.
If I was ever to get a tattoo it'd probly just be a little Berserk brand.


That thing just on my leg or arm, most people have it on their neck but meh, I don't think I'd really like it there.
That is quite possibly the only anime/manga related tattoo one could get without being a huge faggot.
Leon said:
That is quite possibly the only anime/manga related tattoo one could get without being a huge faggot.

In that context, it wouldn't really matter.

This is considering the fact that Raging Russian is already a huge faggot. (In the sense of making love of little boys' assholes).

Don't look at me like that.
The Raging Russian said:
If I was ever to get a tattoo it'd probly just be a little Berserk brand.


That thing just on my leg or arm, most people have it on their neck but meh, I don't think I'd really like it there.
tattoo? nah, firebrand yourself with it. now that would be cool. :twisted:

anyhow, the only thing i've ever considered getting is a modified Strogg logo (and i'm not even a huge fan or anything). i just like the winged lightning logo.
oddly enough i can only find the death's head logo and not the lightning one online.