Team Fortress 2

You can't hold the huntsman in forever. The Arrow goes wide to the stage its literally able to fire it off at more than 50 Degrees off target.

The arrow also does arc, just not to the degree most games expect projectiles too. Over 2Fort from battlement to battlement, expect to have to aim about a CM above their head.

You also underestimate the usefulness of being able to walk with it cocked. Its not as simple as simply rounding corners and firing a shot. Assuming you do, you will not hit someone, meaning it needs to be recocked every 5 or 6 seconds to maintain accuracy, during which time there's a 2 second window where you have zero damage. Indoors, that's enough time for all the classes to kill you.

Unkillable Cat said:
The firing mechanism is another thing. The Huntsman is the only weapon in the game that fires when you release the button, not when you press it. When you round a corner and a Sniper is waiting for you, he only has to release the button to kill you. You have to push the button to possibly hurt him.

I want you to imagine something for me. Imagine playing a soldier and having to hold down the trigger before firing a rocket. Imagine that as a pyro. Having to charge your weaponry. Snipers cannot constantly have a arrow cocked, therefor your arguing the benefits of having a 2 second delay on your attacks? If your indoors, in the very likely event you get caught with your pants down, you are fucked.
These updates sound like fun. Maybe if Valve could get off their asses, the console crowd could enjoy them too.
OakTable said:
These updates sound like fun. Maybe if Valve could get off their asses, the console crowd could enjoy them too.

Personally i think stuff like this won't work on consoles until they stick in dedicated servers based in the country. I've seen TF2 on Xbox live and the latency is shocking. Backstabs take a second or two to register, which is bloody irritating.

Can't even imagine accurate shooting with a rocket or sniper.
I know, but this lobby shit gets on my nerves. I'd rather use the lobby shit for Ranked stuff and dedicated servers for public matches.
I totally forgot Xbox has a lobby. /Pc superiority complex on

Another reason i stopped playing consoles years ago.

/Pc superiority complex off

Seriously though, i see them building games where the consoles and PC's can play together, something i hear MW2 can do. All i have to say is have fun with that. Console controls and the latency you guys will get slammed with is going to being painful against PC opponents.
SuAside said:
euhm... if a team is supporting you, sure.

Well it is Team Fortress. :wink:

1v1 is hopelessly broken (see: Scouts). You're expected to receive support from your team.

SuAside said:
but if you're a sniper alone, you get charged, chances of survival are slim.

If the demo made it past the rest of your team in order to get in range of you, he'd have splattered you with grenades/stickies just as easily. If you're seriously having problems with targe charging demos, whip out the huntsman. I know, it's a cheesy weapon that doesn't fit the sniper playstyle; but it is hands down the easiest way to kill eyelander demos besides them running into a spun up heavy.

SuAside said:
or if you're a demoman or soldier yourself, and facing a rabid charging demoman with the eyelander & targe? explosive damage is very small. you'll need to dodge like mad & land some serious hits to turn the table.

Unless I'm not paying attention and they catch me half dead, I haven't had any problems just juggling them away as a demo/soldier. If they're smart, they'll be able to get away, but they won't kill me.

I do feel bad for pyros however.

SuAside said:
i think the new weapons have totally fucked map balance, although it might just be because more people are playing Soldier/Demo, but it's off. a lot of maps are no longer balanced, like Desperados. as a sniper, you had to charge your weapon to take down running demomen and soldiers, they ran pretty slow, so it was possible. now the demoman just charge across the map and the soldiers run around like scouts with their equalizers. really fucked up that map hard. it was a sniper & spy map, now it's a soldier & demo buttrape map.

I agree that things are a bit off (but then again, hasn't it been that way since the medic/goldrush update?). After they update the engineer, I'm sure we'll see a complete re-balance of all the unlocks.
OakTable said:
They ever going to update the console version? My copy of the Orange Box is gathering dust and I don't care to buy Team Fortress 2 AGAIN.
That's what you get for buying a PC game for console, it's going to be worse. Speaking of which, does Microsoft charge developers for distributing content on MSLive? I believe they do and that would be a reason that you haven't seen any updates.

Unkillable Cat said:
As for the Sandman, I'm disappointed it's still in the game. It even got banned for a time on the "professional level" of TF2 gaming due to being too powerful. It really was that bad.
The Sandman pissed off a lot of people because people don't like to be stunned in FPS games (which is fair, being stunned in a bitch) and it made the game not fun for them. Whether you like it or not, it's an obnoxious weapon so discouraging it's use is probably for the best.

PlanHex said:
Airblast; ignite; axtinguisher. Problem solved.
There are two kinds of Pyros, those who can airblast and those who cannot. If you can airblast then you're decent to good with the class, if you can't then you suck with it. I fall into the latter category as I'm pretty terrible with airblast.

Aphyosis said:
Seriously though, i see them building games where the consoles and PC's can play together, something i hear MW2 can do. All i have to say is have fun with that. Console controls and the latency you guys will get slammed with is going to being painful against PC opponents.
So far most games avoid it for that very reason. That said, there's no reason that consoles can't use any of the controls (such as mouse and keyboard) that a computer does. Still, I'd take a PC over a console for online play any day, especially with the MSLive bullshit (such as the wonderful fee) that you have to deal with on 360s and the friend codes that you have to deal with on Wii's.
You know, I thought it was an unspoken rule that you make your ports as tailored to the thing you play it on as possible. People whine all the time that Modern Warfare 2 doesn't have dedicated servers and that Oblivion has a console-y interface but are ok with Valve, a company known for it's loyal support to it's fans, not releasing content for both console versions of it.

And I don't think they care about selling DLC. Crash Course for L4D1 cost points to get.
I just don't know why anyone would ever buy a Valve game for console as part of what was always cool about Half-Life was the free mods and community maps available. I'm not making excuses for them, it's shitty that they aren't properly supporting the console versions. I just think it's goofy that anyone would buy the games for console in the first place.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
If you're seriously having problems with targe charging demos, whip out the huntsman. I know, it's a cheesy weapon that doesn't fit the sniper playstyle; but it is hands down the easiest way to kill eyelander demos besides them running into a spun up heavy.
I hate to admit it, but Jack Churchill would like to have a word with you.

Yes, he actually used a longbow on Germans. Yes, he actually captured a squad of Germans using nothing but his broadsword. Yes, he led his platoon into combat using bagpipes. And no, he wasn't even Scottish!
SuAside said:
I hate to admit it, but Jack Churchill would like to have a word with you.

Yes, he actually used a longbow on Germans. Yes, he actually captured a squad of Germans using nothing but his broadsword. Yes, he led his platoon into combat using bagpipes. And no, he wasn't even Scottish!


Riding his trusty motorcycle and armed only with a motherfucking bow and arrow and a Scottish broadsword, he would assault the Germans, catch them completely off-guard, and fuck their shit up medieval-style.

Okay, that's possibly the most badass thing I've ever read.
UncannyGarlic said:
I just don't know why anyone would ever buy a Valve game for console as part of what was always cool about Half-Life was the free mods and community maps available. I'm not making excuses for them, it's shitty that they aren't properly supporting the console versions. I just think it's goofy that anyone would buy the games for console in the first place.
Well, the marginally better graphics and the mouse and keyboard controls don't sell it to some people although the mods are nice. And besides I really don't feel like having to update my computer (which was high-end in maybe 2001) when I got a perfectly good console sitting in my room.
OakTable said:
You know, I thought it was an unspoken rule that you make your ports as tailored to the thing you play it on as possible.
And that's precisely what happened to TF2 on consoles. :P Enjoy your hardware restrictions and arbitrary limitations on updates.

OakTable said:
And I don't think they care about selling DLC. Crash Course for L4D1 cost points to get.
TF2 would have about ten such updates to sell, then, hopelessly splintering the playerbase. Bit different situation there.
pkt-zer0 said:
OakTable said:
You know, I thought it was an unspoken rule that you make your ports as tailored to the thing you play it on as possible.
And that's precisely what happened to TF2 on consoles. :P Enjoy your hardware restrictions and arbitrary limitations on updates.

OakTable said:
And I don't think they care about selling DLC. Crash Course for L4D1 cost points to get.
TF2 would have about ten such updates to sell, then, hopelessly splintering the playerbase. Bit different situation there.
That's why you sell the updates as one pack. And also, that first sentence speaks of PC superiority crap. Bet you'd be one of those people who'd complain if someone made a PC game cost 60 dollars, removed dedicated servers, left the interface virtually unmodified from it's console port, and put DRM on it.
OakTable said:
Bet you'd be one of those people who'd complain if someone made a PC game cost 60 dollars, removed dedicated servers, left the interface virtually unmodified from it's console port, and put DRM on it.

What, you mean one of those sane people, that actually ask for at the very least the bare basics, to keep a PC game alive and fresh for much, much longer?

Nah, I guess we should just smile and scream GoTY when someone jacks up the pricing then actually removes features, whatever you say.
OakTable said:
Then why can they do the same things to console gamers?
Because the companies who make the consoles are dicks (particularly microsoft with online stuff) and because consoles have less powerful hardware than new computers. When it's patches and other online content, I understand why consoles get screwed. When there is less content in the base product for consoles, I agree with you that there is no excuse.

I think that you also have to take into account how many console players bought Orange Box and really expected to get many if any patches for the game, let alone new content. It's simply not a common expectation for the majority of console gamers. I'm not saying that it's a good thing, in fact it sucks, but that's just the way it is.