The absolute rock-hard of gaming experiences

Some of the Kings of Hard Gaming have been mentioned here, but most of them earned that title due to bad programming. I recall Battletoads being one such game. Transformers on the NES was another.

There was an old RPG called Captive which challenged me to no end. Then I found out later that the PC version was coded so badly that the game cannot be beaten unless you resort to heavy HEX-editing. If you want to check this game out, try the Amiga or Atari ST versions instead. Those are properly balanced

If you think Prince of Persia was hard (it isn't) then you don't want to try 4D Prince of Persia, a fan hack that ups the difficulty to the extreme. I never completed the first level on that one.

In my opinion, however, the King of Hard Games is Jet Set Willy II. I thought I would try to complete the game a while back, and used POKE-cheats to get infinite lives and invulnerability from monsters. I still couldn't do it. Some of the rooms in JSW are so devilishly hard that nothing can save you if you mess up.
Unkillable Cat said:
If you think Prince of Persia was hard (it isn't) ...

I said: "not games that are easy yet impossible to finish due to one retarded point, like the Prince of Persia games".

PoP easy, walk in the park, piece of cake, except for the specific points I mention in this thread:; look at the second post. They make the PoP games become retarded and, to me, unbeatable and believe me, I've tried a LOT.
Small Framed said:
Ninja Gaiden I,II and especially III. God, those hawks and bats, cheap shots. fuck. I hate them.

Oh yeah, how could we go through this entire thread without mentioning Ninja Gaiden at least once? :D
Commandos 2 and Guitar Hero 3 on hard, took me forever just to finish Raining Blood on easy. After that you get the hang of it, but still gets super tricky.
The single hardest game I ever played was Spellbreaker from INFOCOM, part 3 of the Enchanter trilogy. They specifically made it as hard as they could by fan request.

I ultimately looked up most of the puzzle solutions.

As I recall, the endgame involves manipulating a tesseract in some way...
I'm not sure if the Metroid Prime (1 and 2, can't vouch for the 3rd one) games are worth mentioning or not, but some of the bosses, I found, were pretty difficult. In particular the ice golem in the first game, and then the large mutant space pirate, and finally the last boss gave me the most problems. On par with the difficult of Contra 3 on the hardest difficulty, which I managed to finish a few years ago (despite not being able to do it when I was younger).

Portal Prelude will drive you nuts. It's just stupid.. you can know how to do the puzzles, but actually doing them is another thing altogether. Oh, you just barely missed that jump? Too bad. Try again! Oh, and don't forget to fire your portal accurately as you're turning in mid-air. It turns Portal into something it's not meant to be. :P

Very well done mod other than that though.

Also, Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor. If you don't make a fighter/thief and cleric when starting out (and only those 2) then you're going to have a very, very difficult time completing this game.
PaladinHeart said:
Portal Prelude will drive you nuts. It's just stupid.. you can know how to do the puzzles, but actually doing them is another thing altogether. Oh, you just barely missed that jump? Too bad. Try again! Oh, and don't forget to fire your portal accurately as you're turning in mid-air. It turns Portal into something it's not meant to be. :P
Oh yes. I played through it yesterday and got all the way to room 19 before I quit.
It's horrible. Why the hell would you make a mod for a puzzle game and then make it more dependant on your manual dexterity than your puzzle solving abilities? It was just plain frustrating when you know exactly how to continue onward but you can't because you need to execute a perfect double backflip with a 3 step pirouette mid-air ending in a handstand or whatever.
Or maybe I just missed some of the solutions, I dunno.
Operation Flashpoint was a complete nightmare for me at times.

So is Brothers in Arms on Authentic. My average times dying in that game is about 10 times per checkpoint or somesuch.

I usually get my arse kicked to hell and back by the AI in Civilization IV at the higher difficulty levels aswell.

Soldiers; Heroes of World War II is bloody mindboggingly hard for me aswell.

I guess I'm both retarded and have bad reflexes/Hand-eye coordination. :)
Soldiers; Heroes of World War II

Don't remember it being very hard but it was some time ago i played it now. Very fun game tho!

Played it even in MP with some mods that made the game mutch better, at least if you like realism.
Wizardry IV: The Retun Of Werdna. The hardest RPG of all time.

There are lots of Atari, Coleco Vision, 80's arcade and even 8-bit games that are pretty insanely hard too, but a lot of that is more do to the clunky nature of the early industry than by design.

Return of Werdna was designed to be tough and was insanely difficult for an RPG. And you only had a certain number of steps you were allowed to take, or you would lose, which made it even harder.
Autoduel said:
There are lots of Atari, Coleco Vision, 80's arcade and even 8-bit games that are pretty insanely hard too, but a lot of that is more do to the clunky nature of the early industry than by design.

The first TMNT game for the NES comes to mind.
hardest game I've ever played must be Ninja Gaiden Black, and that's on normal setting. I actually never finished it.

other than that it's mostly old NES and Gameboy games that come to mind.

I saw someone mention System Shock 2 and not to brag or anything, but I found that game to be really easy.
Commandos - Behind Enemy Lines: took me ages to complete. Toughest episode in the series, IMO.
Ikari Warriors on nes. (havent played it on any other system)

Im pretty sure no one have ever finished that game without the "gain life" cheat.
Some of the hardest games I've ever played / finished:

Any Ghouls 'n Ghosts
Ninja Gaiden (any, including the XBOX one)
Mega Man 1
Mega Man 9
I remember having the displeasure of playing Squad Leader by Microprose. I wouldn't say the game is hard, quite the opposite, but it is annoying and boring.

One mission tasks you with taking a hill heavily defended by multiple mortar squads and entrenched by all the German riflemen Hell could spare. You have to do this with less than ten, piss-poor draftees who somehow qualified as riflemen and passed physical fitness tests even though they can't walk ten paces without surrendering out of sheer exhaustion. Then again, draftees.

So anyways, you start at the base of the hill, but have to cross a river. You are also assaulting the enemy trench head-on. Yeah, your CO really hates you. As this is a turn-based game, you end up waist-deep in some river which happens to be the best place for the Germans on the hill OVERLOOKING that river to shoot the opportunity. Yes, you're going to die. No, you only have eight or nine guys with you, so your death will not be worth a damn.

If you're lucky to have survived the initial onslaught of well-aimed bullets, don't feel relieved. Because at their first turn, the Germans set up their mortars, and fired off their first shells. Which means that you have ten or so moves for each of your soldiers to spread out and find decent cover. Unfortunately for you, your nine guys are now ducks lined up for the German rifleman to pick them off within one turn. By the way, the trees do nothing!

Your turn ends. Now your guys are getting picked off by German riflemen. A few may survive, but not for long, just before your turn begins, bend over, here it comes! If by now, you're still playing, congratulations, the game somehow messed up and your squad (or what's left of it) is barely capable of standing. If by the end of this turn, you don't make it to the hill, you're going to lose and might as well start over. If you do make it to the hill, you have to figure out how three or four guys will take out some two dozen German infantry and not be spotted for mortar fire.

Of course, being a fan of challenging gameplay, I played this on the hardest difficulty. So everytime a squad member is killed, it saves over my file. If I lose my last guy, I have to start over from the beginning of the game, even if I have the rest of my 50-man strong platoon to choose from (I'm assuming the assbag CO sent them off to do some parade duties or some such bullshit).
I can say hands down the hardest game ever created on this plannet is a game called " I want to be the guy" basically a platformer game, but its evil.. it like mario on crack, its stupiedly hard, but addictive, i mean people have beaten it, but take time and dedication and a hell of a load of luck lol.

try it out can download it form there / get more info. or just simply youtube it. plenty of vids on there of people trying it.

give it a go, if you think you have played a hard game, think again this is the hardcore of all hardcore