The Art of Fallout, blown up


Vault Consort
Staff member
Ausir just pseudo-blogged that The Art of Fallout, an art book with Fallout 3 concept art by Craig Mullins and Adam Adamowicz, can be pre-ordered from Amazon for $30. If this seems familiar you may be in possession of the Fallout 3 Collector's Edition, which included a smaller version of the book.
Pathetic. Even if a game had the largest amount of the best art ever I would never buy a book with just that. Even lamer that the edition offered is "somewhat different" from the collectors edition so that way people who already have it now won't feel complete until they buy this new one.
Bethesda continue being dicks, this time by giving those who ordered the collectors edition a shitty version of an art book which they later decide to sell (probably has concept art for the DLCs as well?). This is probably the most appealing part of Fallout 3 but it's not worth $30 and it's still not the bees knees or anything.
A F3 art book for $30? :lol:

Got to hand it to bethesda, they sure know how to milk their fans dry :clap:
I bought the smaller version of this art book from eBay a while ago, and I was very surprised to see that the initial concept art done for F3 was pretty amazing, I mean, IF the game would have come out somewhat closer to its concept art, well, MAYBE it would be something.
IMHO never mind if you liked the game or not, the art book is good stuff.
I'd be interested enough to simply see their process and what decisions they've made through iterations. At the very worst, you can say "That's where they went wrong!!11!"

I really liked Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar for what they had to say, but I admittedly didn't pay for it. If it's anything like that, then it's worth a read, just not my $30. Hell, I didn't even pay that much for Fallout 3.
Dominus said:
I bought the smaller version of this art book from eBay a while ago, and I was very surprised to see that the initial concept art done for F3 was pretty amazing, I mean, IF the game would have come out somewhat closer to its concept art, well, MAYBE it would be something.
IMHO never mind if you liked the game or not, the art book is good stuff.
well even in the official Beth forum long before the game was released the oppinion of most people was that the art direction of Fallout 3 was pretty well in line with "Fallout" (with a few exceptions here and there, but nothing really big). People got way more worried about the gameplay of "Fatmans" and the unbalanced VATS. And it seems now with a reason.

If Bethesda has somewhere talent and skill then its their concept artists. Maybe they should make them the heads of the company.

dirtbag said:
UncannyGarlic said:
(probably has concept art for the DLCs as well?)
oh boy ... why did you posted this. I was eating right now ...
Bethesda is draining its milk cow till death. Then they will toss it away and take over somebody's cow and start the whole process again.
the only reason i honestly had hope for fallout 3 is because the concept art looked so good. hell, i even still look at the book i have because it's more interesting than actually playing the game.
I don't think I'd ever buy a concept art book, but I admit this is some impressive stuff.

People who buy collector's editions and then complain when they put some of the components for sale are awesome. For one thing, who the hell buys a collector's edition? For another, why do you care if someone who didn't can buy an art book that was sort of included?
I've never seen the collector's edition book, but I do remember that in the early days of F3's development, the concept art they released gave me a lot of hope for the game.

If only they had followed through...
Yea, the concept art for Raven Rock showed a multi tiered area festooned with vid screens of the President's virtual face and bustling corridors.
Shame what we got instead of was an incredibaly boring dungeon grind.
zioburosky13 said:
Bethesda is draining its milk cow till death. Then they will toss it away and take over somebody's cow and start the whole process again.
Maybe somebody should mod in a Bethesda Clan for VtMB. :twisted:
dirtbag said:
UncannyGarlic said:
(probably has concept art for the DLCs as well?)

LMFAO. That cheered me up on a bad day, thanks. :D

Also this artbook thing is kind of a must for me...I love the art in the collectors edition and I'm studying concept art for games in I love this stuff.
I originally got the collector's edition for my PS3 as I wanted the bobble head and lunch box, but was glad for the artbook as well, as it is well done.

As mentioned above, Beth seems to be able to crank out some high quality concept art... pity their in game artists aren't up to task most of the time.
rcorporon said:
I originally got the collector's edition for my PS3 as I wanted the bobble head and lunch box, but was glad for the artbook as well, as it is well done.

As mentioned above, Beth seems to be able to crank out some high quality concept art... pity their in game artists aren't up to task most of the time.
I agree. I did the exact same thing and the artwork is quite well done. But a $30 price tag and the book is 'somewhat different'? That is garbage. I think they should also provide a nice discount for fans that are interested and can show proof of purchase of the game.
FO3's concept art is pretty damn sweet sometimes. It's Bethesda's inability to translate those concepts to their graphical engine that leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.

LauraJay said:
I'm studying concept art for games in university
One can actually study this? Shit...