The Art & World of Horrible Music


The W'rkncacnter
I like to consider myself a collector, a connoisseur if you will, of terrible music. Music that could be written by only the most autistic of people, fashioned by only the most tone-deaf of ears, and played by only the most off tune of instruments. Music so terrible, that you would think it came from the realm of Discordia itself. Music so bad, that it actually requires talent in and of itself to craft something of such awful magnitude that absolutely nobody enjoys. And in my searches of my collection I have found many worthy tokens to fill the ranks of the freak show I present before you. I assure you, these will be some of the greatest turds you've ever witnessed. If there was an opposite antonymous to the Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame, it's hallowed walls would be graced with these names.

Our first performer is the amazing "2$moke":

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While being quite Wiggerific, I can't seem to tell the difference between this drek and most modern mumble crap. I shall contribute some 90's retarded bullshit though.

*There is more than one release of this song... so one is a cover?

I left it to you to post something vaguely Fallout related Gizmo, because I knew you would haha.

And holy shit, you weren't kidding about there being multiple versions of the song, and apparently it got used for a New Vegas mod?

But guys, this is bad music that was made bad intentionally. I'm talking about the heart of bad music, music so goddamn terrible that wasn't intentional. If they're playing even one instrument correctly or even singing fairly, they're doing at least something right. That's not what we're here for.

We're here for the worst of the worst:

Whats funny is phonk comes from hip hop culture, but it's used in nazi compliations a lot. Can't wait for nazi hip hop to take off.

Really hope vimeo does not ban me for this one.
This classic:

Many rap / hip hop songs in this thread. Easiest to get into I suppose?

On the other hand it could also be because something like this doesn't count since it is too awesome
Remember the "Cash me outside" girl? Turns out she's a rapper now. And it's exactly as terrible as you would think:

You can find a couple hundred in a pol thread.

Holy shit. This dude used to post at one of my old forums, which was basically a troll forum but it had a "music section". People would occasionally come there and post their shit in the indie thread, and get ripped apart by the rest of the forum.

But that dude stayed and became a regular. IDK why. People shat on him every chance they got.

I don't think I ever realized he was semi-popular/famous on the internet.
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