I like to consider myself a collector, a connoisseur if you will, of terrible music. Music that could be written by only the most autistic of people, fashioned by only the most tone-deaf of ears, and played by only the most off tune of instruments. Music so terrible, that you would think it came from the realm of Discordia itself. Music so bad, that it actually requires talent in and of itself to craft something of such awful magnitude that absolutely nobody enjoys. And in my searches of my collection I have found many worthy tokens to fill the ranks of the freak show I present before you. I assure you, these will be some of the greatest turds you've ever witnessed. If there was an opposite antonymous to the Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame, it's hallowed walls would be graced with these names.
Our first performer is the amazing "2$moke":
Our first performer is the amazing "2$moke":
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