First time out of the vault

I think the whole "turn-based isometric" thing worked for FO1/2/Tactics and Bethesda decided that the only way to revive a franchise is to change the gameplay completely, change the location and improve on many aspects, such as the Repair, Medicine and Science skills. The new combat system still isn't perfect, but has its own merits. I personally much, much prefer it.daemonofdecay said:The Enclave 86 said:Surf Solar said:Yes, when it comes to the "creating a certain atmosphere", Fallout 3 really wasn't that bad. It was just not a good Roleplaying game, or Fallout game. If they'd have cut out all Fallout references and put more effort into the writing/RPG mechanics it would've been a very decent game, atleast for me.
I know right? I mean seriously, wouldn't it have been cheaper just to make an original title? Was the Fallout fanbase really that big as to justify all the licencing costs; especially when the game was made to appeal to Oblivion's fanbase - as I was apart of at the time - ?
Well one must also consider that there most likely were fans of Fallout 1/2 who did enjoy FO3. I know I was one of them myself. But then because my first Fallout experience was with Tactics back in Middle School and thus I was exposed to "lesser" Fallout games early on, perhaps I'm not such a purist. But I digress.
As Crni Vuk says, the Fallout franchise is one of those names that most gamers will have heard of even if they have never even seen or played the games. Look at pen and paper RPGs: everyone has heard of Dungeons & Dragons, even if they have never seen a rulebook or a game in progress.
Name recognition sells.
The only thing that annoyed me about the old turn-based system minus the length of each fight that made every encounter a chore, had to be a bug. A bug that affects a core gameplay element is a pretty big one. I'm talking about the one that lets enemies sequence more than once. It doesn't make the game more "interesting", just frustrating. Not to mention, what's with not being able to load a game in the middle of an enemy's turn? Goddamnit.
New Vegas polished on FO3's combat system further and made it better, minus being unable to make targeted attacks with melee and unarmed (godDAMNIT). They also made it so that you couldn't EASILY max out every skill and even then, you need 10 INT and all four DLCs. In Fallout 2, it took time but you could bring almost every skill (minus convenience skills or utterly useless ones) to a good level and tagged skills at 150% so by level 40 so you ended up with a pretty powerful character anyway.
The writing in Skyrim is supposed to be better so I actually have high hopes for FO4. It won't compare to NV on writing but if Bethesda learn from their mistakes, it will be a pretty good game. It won't stop fans from BAAAWWWING because they just want another Fallout 2. Well, that's gone and done now. Bethesda now have the rights and they can do what they want with it. Get the hell used to it.