The Bad Movie Thread

AvP and sequel... what a god-awful piece of shit those were... I don't think I've ever seen a franchise butchered that badly. It makes me sad to know that those clusterfucks are part of the official canon now. :'(
Worst part is that the source material (Games, novels, etc) are so good. Why the fuck did they need to make it modern instead of the future? It completely fucks the established lore of both franchises.
Teeth is another pretty terrible movie... this is probably one of the few movies that has made me physically uncomfortable:

Van Helsing. I have wracked my brain for years trying to figure out why so many of my closest friends, who are otherwise entierly forgivable people, love this film so unconditionally. It's contrived, poorly acted, full of cardboard characters and plot inconsistencies, and, though it's a minor complaint by comparison, that damned clock during the climax is striking 12 for like ten minutes straight. "High-octane thrill ride" has been done better, and the only reason it was regarded as original is that so many of the people reviewing (and, hell, viewing) it were thoroughly unaware of what had been going on in the gothic/fantasy horror and steampunk genres for the past 20 years.

The beginning made it hurt even more... it was such a skillfully done black & white homage to the old Universal horror flicks, and frankly, their Frankenstein was better than Karloff's (remaining one of the only things I enjoyed about the movie as it wore on). If they had kept that tone, the movie would've been great. Instead, it devolved into "Steampunk James Bond does a Mountain Dew commercial" inside of ten minutes. And the ending... Oh God, the ending. That was a plot twist that only Rob Liefeld or Corky from Life Goes On could've seen coming.
NOOOOO do not remind me of this! I watched that on a dare, and I completely regreted it. It's not worth 50$. I was on the verge of vomiting almost the entire time.
Scary Movie 1 & 2.

I don't know what people like in those movies. Sure, few funny parts, but mostly stupid teen stuff.

Zucker's sequels are funny, though.
The first Scary Movie was alright but it kind of lost its humor after all the copycat 'vague genre Movie's that have come out since then.
DarthBartus said:
Guys, we're not considering wheter prepubescent girls deserve their own movies, but wheter Twilight is retarded and shitty movie. And it most certainly is.
By no means would I defend it's cinematic merits (it's basically day-time soap opera level of quality).

It's more an issue of NMA's most favored pastime - picking the low hanging fruit.
Yamu said:
Van Helsing. I have wracked my brain for years trying to figure out why so many of my closest friends, who are otherwise entierly forgivable people, love this film so unconditionally.

Agreed with your critique-

WHy your friends dig it, awesomely hot babes.



Consider the image below-


Dweeb goth boy gets it on with three hotties.
My bet is James Cameron's Avatar. It's basically Smurfs+Pocahontas+robots. Quite amazing demo of new technology though. And very shitty writing (seriously, with budget of way over 230 million dollars they couldn't hire a good writer?

Apparently it was written by James Cameron himself. I found that surprising considering he also wrote all of the other major movies that he made. I think the reason the writing was that way was because Cameron himself intentionally wanted the movie to appeal to everyone, his logic being that this way everyone could like it and the technology would have a bigger impact.

As for this topic, I am going to say Terminator 3 and Terminator 4. Considering the first 2 are among my favorites, the crap these movies were made them even worse! Whenever I re-watch the first two movie, I pretend that the 3rd and 4th ones did not occur. And since Cameron had nothing to do with them, and Terminator was always his series, I see nothing wrong with this.

So yeah, the series ended after the second one, in my opinion and Cameron's as well probably....
Last 3 Star Wars movies, made in the past decade, are quite pathetic compared to the older ones, if you ask me.
Sure, they give the back story, but I find the choice of some actors to be awful.
They are okay, but 'meeeeeeh' compared to the older titles.
Van Helsing sucked horribly

And I just recently saw Scary Movie 1, I fell like it would have been funny if I saw it when it came out when i was 7 or 8. But it wasn't completely horrible. Though the sequels got progressively worse but are still good flicks to watch when there's nothing on or when you're high (and there's nothing on).
The Way Back.

Foolishly went to see it in the cinema. It's an epic tale about some prisoners in a Siberian gulag, who escape and then walk the 4000 miles to India to escape the influence of Communism. The start is very promising - gruesome scenes of life in the gulag, planning for an escape (immediately preparing myself for a good ol' fashioned Great Escape-esque story), a bad guy in the form of Colin Farrel who wants to escape with them and is likely to stab them all, and a range of people with different skills.

The escape happens very quickly, and they only touch on how they survive in the wild. For some reason Peter Weir thought people would like to watch escapees walking in silence, rather than watching them overcome difficulties. About a third of the way in, Colin Farrel just walks off, leaving the motley gang with absolutely no tension or redeeming feature, and we get to watch them walk for another hour. Nothing happens, literally nothing. There are times when there isn't even any dialogue, literally just shots of people walking. Finally, there comes a point when you think they're done walking in Mongolia, but oh no! More walking! This might have been a welcome surprise, if it hadn't been for the advertising which told us they had to walk all the way to India. The audience audibly groaned, in a cinema in England, where we keep our thoughts to ourselves unless our minds are really numbed.

I managed to think better of it when I remembered that people actually did that walk, but then somebody told me that it was a myth debunked a few years ago. So a boring film about a long walk which never happened. Half a star.