Dolemite was awesomely bad though 

TheWesDude said:all 3 twilight movies suck ass.
not just because the target audience is pre-pubescent teenage girls, but also because of all the fairy shit they did.
vampires which used to herald a horror movie is now turned into where they are the hero.
I_eat_supermutants said:Black Swan.....besides a lesbian sex scene. It's utter shit. Just watch Muhalland Drive. It's a pile of overrated shit. I mean it's slandered won an award tripe.
welsh said:Seriously, I won't watch the Twilight Movies.
Cimmerian Nights said:I guess there's no accounting for taste. I thought it was trite, poorly acted, filled with cliches, and hamfisted use of generic chase scenes and explosions, which really just amount to noise and flashing lights on a screen with no substance behind it. Shallow, derivative and starring Ben Affleck, knock yourself out with that one, my friend.
That's a valid point, of course. I caught Twilight 1 and 2 when I had a free month of movie channels. I'm not ashamed, because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, and I agree they're pretty laughable. Those movies are silly enough that it's fun to poke holes in the story, at least. I think my favorite part was at the beginning of the second movie when Bella sits in her room moping with the camera rotating around her as the months fly by. That's some awesome teen desolation.Cimmerian Nights said:I was coerced into watching two Twilight movies (I am outnumbered by women in my very own house). They were laughable. But watching it, it's pretty evident that the movie is not meant to resonate with me. I'm fine with that, I wouldn't want it to.