The Bad Movie Thread

all 3 twilight movies suck ass.

not just because the target audience is pre-pubescent teenage girls, but also because of all the fairy shit they did.

vampires which used to herald a horror movie is now turned into where they are the hero.

fuck it.

harry potter movies.

lets all admit it openly and freely. the books were always kinda meh.

the movies are utterly horrible, and the only reason i watch them is that emma watson chick nowadays.
TheWesDude said:
all 3 twilight movies suck ass.

not just because the target audience is pre-pubescent teenage girls, but also because of all the fairy shit they did.

vampires which used to herald a horror movie is now turned into where they are the hero.



Badass Vampires

Huge step backwards.

Agreed Book Of Eli could have been so much more.

I liked The Road and agree it would be one of the truest portrayals of a nuclear/armageddon like apocalypse.

Harry Pottter is roughly the same with Twilight but replacing vampires with magic. The main baddie is a complete rip-off of your standard DND Litch complete with a soul phylactery type weakness.

Battle Of LA: One giant Marine Corps commercial. Seriously, none of the other armed service branches come close to being so egotistical.

First ten minutes or so gave me hope. Not since ID4 (and even there very little show), of the theory of combined arms tactics. Then it turns into a Cloverville type shakie camera is immursun awsumness and "We marines are DA best".

Yes all Uwe Boll stuff is crappy with most stuff from Asylum Entertainment.
Black Swan.....besides a lesbian sex scene. It's utter shit. Just watch Muhalland Drive. It's a pile of overrated shit. I mean it's slandered won an award tripe.
I_eat_supermutants said:
Black Swan.....besides a lesbian sex scene. It's utter shit. Just watch Muhalland Drive. It's a pile of overrated shit. I mean it's slandered won an award tripe.

I do agree that Black Swan was a combo of Mulholland Dr and Inland Empire, just with a more coherent story, but it was still really good
I thought the story was meant to parallel...the Black Swan itself, no? Which was my only complaint, since it got pretty predictable once the director gave the synopsis.

Just because something goes into fugue dream mode doesn't make it derivative of Lynch at all.

Last bad movie I can remember was Paycheck. Just unnecessarily noisy, and busy, which doesn't at all cover up how poorly adapted PKD's source material is into Hollywood cookie-cutter formula #9. So bad I felt pity for the actors. This should've been straight to video if not for the large budget I imagine.
i liked paycheck.

it feels like it was a movie they had to write backwards.

because if it was written forwards, then they are utter twats.
I guess there's no accounting for taste. I thought it was trite, poorly acted, filled with cliches, and hamfisted use of generic chase scenes and explosions, which really just amount to noise and flashing lights on a screen with no substance behind it. Shallow, derivative and starring Ben Affleck, knock yourself out with that one, my friend.
By the way, I mentioned Expendables somewhere before. If you ever happen to come by the DVD, skip to the last 30 minutes. This movie has the cheesiest, lamest, most retarded writing ever. It reminded me of Driven, another Stallone directed crapfest, with very similar cringe worthy "drama" and corny dialog.

I am very excited for the sequel though, as it will feature the same amazing cast but is not going to be written or directed by Sly.
Yeah, most of the Stallone's films are crap, especially those he directed.
Though hands down for action scenes, those are few rare non-CGI shots he has in his movies. Rare in most movies these days...

As for Expendables itself, if it hadn't feature the whole romance between Stallone and that chick (yuck), it would be a lot better flick.
All those bad-written dialogues fit the film itself, kinda giving it some mojo of its own kind.
Ok, I kind of liked Black Swan. Yes the Lesbian thing was fun and I didn't think Natalie Portman was as good as she had been in other flicks.

But the style was pretty consistent with Aronofsky's other works. I will also admit that I liked The Wrestler, Requim for a Dream and Pi better than I liked Black Swan, and that those films were, in general, more deserving.

But the theme of delusion and reality folding together within the narrative was kind of consistent.

Seriously, I won't watch the Twilight Movies.
Cimmerian Nights said:
I guess there's no accounting for taste. I thought it was trite, poorly acted, filled with cliches, and hamfisted use of generic chase scenes and explosions, which really just amount to noise and flashing lights on a screen with no substance behind it. Shallow, derivative and starring Ben Affleck, knock yourself out with that one, my friend.

well, i liked the idea and the concept and the flow more than the actual execution.

the execution left a lot to be desired, but it was meant to be consumed by the masses.
I don't get the consternation over Twilight movies.

Does every movie have to appeal to the 18-35 male demographic? Are not 90% of those movies shit too?
Who cares if preteen girls get 'their own' series? Why should that bother anyone? Don't watch it.

I was coerced into watching two Twilight movies (I am outnumbered by women in my very own house). They were laughable. But watching it, it's pretty evident that the movie is not meant to resonate with me. I'm fine with that, I wouldn't want it to.

Shit, I don't hear preteen girls complaining about how bad Transformers and GI Joe are. Those movies are just as bad IMO, they just get a 'free nostalgia pass' from guys with whom that would resonate. Everybody else thinks those movies are cinematic dumpster fires.
Amen to that, Cimmerian Nights. I've never seen or read anything Twilight related, but I have seen and read stuff by the anti-Twilight movement, and that is greatly annoying. Media geared toward pre-teen girls exists, get over it.
Well, I won't go into Twilight as I haven't seen it and I don't plan to. However, I try to base my criticism not on what appeals to me but rather on how well the movie is crafted (or not), and I have the most disdain for movies that are poorly crafted, whether we're talking plot holes, poor acting, pacing, editing, whatever, that are overrated for whatever reason.

Twilight may be popular, but it's not overrated, to my knowledge at least.
Cimmerian Nights said:
I was coerced into watching two Twilight movies (I am outnumbered by women in my very own house). They were laughable. But watching it, it's pretty evident that the movie is not meant to resonate with me. I'm fine with that, I wouldn't want it to.
That's a valid point, of course. I caught Twilight 1 and 2 when I had a free month of movie channels. I'm not ashamed, because I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, and I agree they're pretty laughable. Those movies are silly enough that it's fun to poke holes in the story, at least. I think my favorite part was at the beginning of the second movie when Bella sits in her room moping with the camera rotating around her as the months fly by. That's some awesome teen desolation.

On the other hand, I find it irritating that the core of Twilight is so derivative of better material -- specifically Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which was actually a pretty well-written show. Teenage girl in love with a "good" vampire...gee, where'd you get that idea? Good job cashing in on someone else's work.

My most overrated movie is Chicago. I thought it was so bad I gave up on it halfway through and yet it won Best Picture. I don't know how you get more overrated than that.
Guys, we're not considering wheter prepubescent girls deserve their own movies, but wheter Twilight is retarded and shitty movie. And it most certainly is.

My bet is James Cameron's Avatar. It's basically Smurfs+Pocahontas+robots. Quite amazing demo of new technology though. And very shitty writing (seriously, with budget of way over 230 million dollars they couldn't hire a good writer?).