The "Bald Dude" Mod!

You should completely change all of the animations, and everything else just so the bald guy can have handlebars.
John B. said:
You should completely change all of the animations, and everything else just so the bald guy can have handlebars.

Haha man, you're a joker ! That required months of work for not much.

.Pixote. said:
I built the normal chrome dome dude, but there was a concensus that he didn't look 'tough' enough, or something. :roll: I don't mind which image is used. Thanks any way II Snake II.

Thank you Pixote :wink: (and call me Snake, it's simpler ^^, lol I made a reference to Escape from New York and LA unintentionally).

Yeah I remember it, the image giving the impression of a sick person. Personally, I think mine doesn't give that impression (I tried to remove this), what do you think ? It could be used ?


Yours (top image) is definitely an improvement. I like the shape of the head much better than the original "chrome dome dude". What do others think? Mustache and wink too much?
Top one, definitely works and fits with other vault boy images. Bottom one looks too young.

I personally stay with the old one. He doesn't looks like the ingame character, but so what... you can't really see the face anyway.
Imagination plays a lot (especially in this kind of game).

The Bald dude, I see it more like a bald guy not to piss off, style Bruce Willis, while one with the mustache do more "winemaker" and friendly.
Hm, all pictures in the character screen are a caricatures. They needs to be more funny, than realistic. I like both versions, with mustache and even that blocky head made by Snake.
I think the mustache is cool and adds more much needed personality. Maybe if he had a sort of skinhead tough guy look i'd change my mind?
Here are the candidates, the original (just for reference) - chrome dome - mustachio - and finally block head - to be honest I don't mind which baldie is chosen,but there is something cheeky about the 'mustachio' version and that suits the nature of the game, but 'block head' looks pretty cool as well.

Lexx said:
I personally stay with the old one. He doesn't looks like the ingame character, but so what... you can't really see the face anyway.

I agree; 'mustache and wink' image looks better, it has more 'character'.
Didn't see him like this but to tell the trough he is a bit close to what I imagined except the mustache....
Well the 4th picture is pretty okay for me, about this bearded guy picture, let's just make a "Bald-but-bearded" critter! :D
Well, I personally always saw the Bald Dude like that, 4th image better correspond :



For the Pixote image, it can use for another thing, for a Zimmerman Dude for example or another :
