The best Moral Dilemma in the series?

It's a good dilemma, yeah, second only to whether we should off House.
That is a big one. On the practice of principle and personally i feel killing him is right. Looking at a grander picture. idk feels a bit stupid to kill him knowing he can being such advances tech back woth the courier at the helm to get that tech and bring it to the mojave gradually
Whenever I do the Honest Hearts DLC in FNV, I almost always team up with Joshua to kill the White Legs. I only sided with Daniel to evacuate the Sorrows ONCE just to see what kind of ending I'd get. The White Legs are nothing but murderous scum who know nothing but raiding. If a real nuclear apocalypse happened, gangs like the White Legs would be among the first to perish, along with the crazy survivalist types we have IRL. But I digress. Rolling over and letting the White Legs take Zion only ensures that they'll eventually find their way to the Grand Staircase and commit war crimes against the Sorrows. It's also bad for all the caravans trading between the NCR and Utah. Better to purge the White Legs outright so they can't go pillaging and burning ever again.
That is a big one. On the practice of principle and personally i feel killing him is right. Looking at a grander picture. idk feels a bit stupid to kill him knowing he can being such advances tech back woth the courier at the helm to get that tech and bring it to the mojave gradually

Like I said. We really should off House, based on all the experience Courier Six ever have.

But man, he did offer us good wills. And while Victor being creepy stalker that it is, all being fair in a professional courier job, and he did drag us to Doc Mitchell instead of leaving us in the grave, Courier being failed in that job at that time.
Not the best, but where to redirect power in New Vegas in Helios One is an underrated one.
it feels really hollow and gamey because it usually happens relatively early in the game before you've really been presented any of the stakes, and then when you get there I don't think the power direction actually effects anything at all, aside from generic faction rep
Like I said. We really should off House, based on all the experience Courier Six ever have.

But man, he did offer us good wills. And while Victor being creepy stalker that it is, all being fair in a professional courier job, and he did drag us to Doc Mitchell instead of leaving us in the grave, Courier being failed in that job at that time.
Present me, in this day and age would vote for killing House or people like him. He's a shadowy fucker likely running other governments from the shadows like a puppet master pulling strings. He's equivolated to being Elon Musk or Henry Ford of his time and likely had that same level of power. Albeit 200 years pass and he makes some sudden reclamation of an area claimed by tribals who knew not of his existence for over 200 years and makes most of em vacate on premise that it's "his" city. But........By gameplay purposes- He saved the courier's life (irl id owe someone like that forever) and what he made out of New Vegas is far greater than anything than what a bunch of hostile tribes could do attempting to resettle the area. Plus, he knows what he wants and he greatly rewards your character for doing what is asked of the courier. The courier has no experience running government or fixing economics.
Which is why I see House route or Yes Man route being a poisoned bait thrown to megalomaniac Courier. Just because of being best killer Mojave can provide doesnt mean Courier suit to a leader throne.
Which is why I see House route or Yes Man route being a poisoned bait thrown to megalomaniac Courier. Just because of being best killer Mojave can provide doesnt mean Courier suit to a leader throne.
I'm doing another cowboy run of New Vegas atm. My end perk is gonna be "Ain't Like That Now". You think that courier would be more suited to House or Yes Man?
You think high stat is everything?

9 or 10 on all thing can be achieved with drugs, equipments as early as 16th level.

Doesnt mean such... figure can escape that poisoned bait~
The entire setup of New Vegas? To this day people still argue which faction is the best for the Mojave. It's far better written and much more nuanced than The Pitt could ever dreamed to be.

This is no different than people attempting to argue that the Ghouls/Tenpenny Tower quest in the base game of Fallout 3 is morally grey, when in reality it's just two shit choices with no subtetly whatsoever.
Kill 3 ghouls or dozens of humans. Gee, these choices are equally bad!
The entire setup of New Vegas? To this day people still argue which faction is the best for the Mojave. It's far better written and much more nuanced than The Pitt could ever dreamed to be.

This is no different than people attempting to argue that the Ghouls/Tenpenny Tower quest in the base game of Fallout 3 is morally grey, when in reality it's just two shit choices with no subtetly whatsoever.
No they don't, the majority of NV players will simply say NCR is the best choice.

Followed by Independent, which is basically NCR-lite
I have noticed the average casual fan who doesn't get into the depths of the lore and only goes by surface level lore and aesthetics or doesn't pay attention to the game they're playing will intrinsically side with the NCR because "America = good, American army = cool"
There's also the classics fans who side with NCR intrinsically because they're attached to the faction and despite it's flaws want to see it continue to expand.

Most people I know who like Fallout New Vegas' complexities with it's lore and world building usually come to either the Yes Man or House endings though. Not that the NCR doesn't have it's merits or that everyone who picks them are braindead, just that I've noticed those who pay attention usually don't like the NCR or Legion in the long run.

As for independent NV being "NCR-lite" I have no idea what that means.
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Some actual evidence of this?
It was revealed to him in a dream.
Any cursory glance at the Fallout community in Reddit or YouTube would confirm this. 99% of Fan Animations or Short Videos have the PC don NCR Ranger Armor and then proceed to kill approximately 6 million Legionnaires. Oxhorn is the biggest Fallout YouTuber and based off his community and him its pretty clear the consensus is most players side with NCR.
As for independent NV being "NCR-lite" I have no idea what that means.
I'm going based off the fact that most Independent players are effectively wannabe Arcade Gannon's that want an Independent NV that will still work with the NCR while annihilating approximately 6 million Legionnaires
Any cursory glance at the Fallout community in Reddit or YouTube would confirm this.
Some actual links and not just saying it is.

99% of Fan Animations or Short Videos have the PC don NCR Ranger Armor and then proceed to kill approximately 6 million Legionnaires.
That's absolute nonsense.

Oxhorn is the biggest Fallout YouTuber and based off his community and him its pretty clear the consensus is most players side with NCR.
I don't take anything Oxhorn says seriously, he's an idiot. His community is also a fraction of the playerbase of Fallout.

Link actual evidence or admit that you are wrong.

I'm going based off the fact that most Independent players are effectively wannabe Arcade Gannon's that want an Independent NV that will still work with the NCR while annihilating approximately 6 million Legionnaires
You don't know what a fact is because what you said was a baseless assumption with no evidence.

Edit: From the threads and articles i checked there was no consensus on which one was the best. Found some defending NCR, others defending Legion, same for Yes Man and House.

Obviously a small sample size, but i stand by my statement that there's no actual agreement on which is the actual best. Maybe more biased towards NCR because it's the faction with the most content and the one that resemble the most of our world, but sure as shit aint "99%" or the majority.
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Well, just from my experience, it sometimes seems like NCR is the only one you’re “allowed” to support, based on the extrapolations people like to make about you. If you like the Legion you’re a Trumper at best, a Nazi at worst. If you like House it means you want Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos to take over the world. If you like Yes-Man you’re an enlightened centrist who likes to throw his vote away on a third party, or you’re a naive ACAB ancom that doesn’t vote at all. The NCR is the “vote blue no matter who” type.

I recognize this is because I spend too much time on Reddit.
Obviously a small sample size, but i stand by my statement that there's no actual agreement on which is the actual best. Maybe more biased towards NCR because it's the faction with the most content and the one that resemble the most of our world, but sure as shit aint "99%" or the majority.
We could go back and forth on anecdotal evidence. But obviously Reddit is a larger slice of the Fallout community than this site, and views on Reddit are more likely to represent the majority.
Pro NCR Reddit Post with 2k likes
If you like the Legion you’re a Trumper at best, a Nazi at worst
Reddit Post Describing Caesar as Putin
Obviously a small sample size, but i stand by my statement that there's no actual agreement on which is the actual best. Maybe more biased towards NCR because it's the faction with the most content and the one that resemble the most of our world
Another pro-NCR Reddit post that thinks the Courier can be Eisenhower
The fact that had it the most content seemingly implies the developers decided most players would choose the NCR. So much so they cut Ulysses, who was meant to have the most dialogue in the game. So now instead of at least one Legion friendly companion, all human companions are against the Legion.

Also, why the fuck do the developers think its good writing for the NCR to be willing to work with the BOS but not Legion? Caesar has literally had no interactions with the BOS, his Legion's abstinence from high tech would mean no conflict with BOS goals. But it makes sense that the NCR, whose gold reserves and had thousands of troops killed by the BOS, is gonna work with the BOS just cause some pencil pusher wants to? Fuck that. Shit writing, there's no reason Colonel Moore wouldn't tell Crocker to shove it and order the PC to annihilate the BOS. It's obvious the developers had biases for the NCR, knew most players would share these biases, and chose to accommodate the NCR Ending by providing the player the ability to make peace with every faction with the exception of Mister House. hence why i call independent ending NCR-lite. No trade offs or forcing the PC to kill off a faction the developers know most player will cozy up to, virtually the same freedom to do as you please with factions as you would if you went independent.

Another thing is that Legion is clearly depicted as the evil faction. What's the thing you learn in Geometry? Deductive Reasoning? Inductive?

Anyways. If, then logical statements. Most players will obviously lean towards morally good choices. If Legion is presented as the morally bad choice, and the NCR is presented as good, it stands to reason most players will side with NCR.
and views on Reddit are more likely to represent the majority.
What the fuck? Pfftt, ahahahahahahahaha.

You are not taking this seriously, so i guess i should not too.

I recognize this is because I spend too much time on Reddit.
If there is a site that can rot your brain the quickest it's this one. Dumbasses will apply real world politics to a videogame set in a setting where most of those politics are no longer valid and most people that are alive in that setting never even heard about them.
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