The best Moral Dilemma in the series?


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
The Pitt.......There I said it. The Pitt represented everything about Fallout that Fallout 3 should've 100% have been and is easily....One of the best well written stories of its own in the Fallout series. So good, that I actaully want to meet the guy who wrote the Pitt's story and shake his hand and hope that he would've at least help Obsidian with writing New Vegas. There's a part of me that is a slight Fallout 3 apologist- I know, I admit. But it might come from a place of nostalgia because 3 was the first Fallout game I played in full when I was a kid. But I will not deny credit for how good and well written the Pitt is. Which just makes the rest of Fallout 3 look that much worse btw. To the point that I feel siding with either Ashur or Wernher is a giant mistake and a death sentence for everyone. You don't know if Ashur will keep his word in the long run and use his daughter to help cure the Trog condition and get rid of slavery when society has developed enough to not require it. (In the short term it seems bad but in the long run=functioning civilization), Wernher lies to you and doesn't seem to care that much about the slaves but slavery is bad and what justification is there really to use Raiders as soldiers to enforce Ashur's will on other's to forced labor (More so a short term gain, possibly long term loss that follows principals that justifying barbaric practices of old to build a new future is setting the bar low for next generations to the point they will think it's okay to do so and as people we have to keep moving forward and never look back). Getting most of their slaves from Paradise Falls to build the city back.
It represents the focus of Necessary evils versus the notion of Progress that we should never look back to the past to build the future. In a weird way it makes Ashur more like Caesar than people care to admit and Wernher who strikes me as a odd mix of a disgruntled would be slaver in disguise of a follower of the apocalypse. Thoughts yall? Ill go more in detail soon.
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Eat Baby


No Eat Baby

Even if The Pitt was well written (which it isn't), it is not the best moral dilemma in the series.
The Pitt is really unusually good for Bethesda standards. The story and atmosphere feel dark and oppressive and the gallows humor is on point. It makes me wonder how the fuck did a post-Morrowind Bethesda employee actually got allowed to write and design decent content for one of their games. I can only imagine how some 20 years old dude managed to keep Todd and Emil in the dark about the actual stories and missions they were creating for the DLC, meticulously dolling out information about the final product in the most nebulous manner imaginable, all in a calculated attempt to prevent his higher ups from seeing it and having a violent and aggressive chimpout episode where they shout at him for crafting an actually good and intelligent story and tell him to destroy everything and make it all gay and retarded immediately.
What do you think was the best moral dilemma in the series?
The entire setup of New Vegas? To this day people still argue which faction is the best for the Mojave. It's far better written and much more nuanced than The Pitt could ever dreamed to be.

This is no different than people attempting to argue that the Ghouls/Tenpenny Tower quest in the base game of Fallout 3 is morally grey, when in reality it's just two shit choices with no subtetly whatsoever.
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The best moral dilemma in the series is the decision between tearing up Curtis’s Nixon doll in front of him or banging his mom while he plays outside.
when in reality it's just two shit choices with no subtetly whatsoever.
I don't see how wiping out a drainage pipe full of freaks is a bad choice, hell you are doing them a favor by finishing what god started when he dropped a atom bomb on their asses 200 years ago. I should get good karma and come out smelling like fucking roses for doing the community at large such a favor.
That’s a tough one. There are quite a lot of examples from Fallout 1,2 and New Vegas. From New Vegas alone we got:

-Conflict between four factions.
-Missing Water Mystery from NCR farms
-Helios one choice
-Hildren and Vault 22 research
-Freeside kings vs ncr
That’s a tough one. There are quite a lot of examples from Fallout 1,2 and New Vegas. From New Vegas alone we got:

-Conflict between four factions.
-Missing Water Mystery from NCR farms
-Helios one choice
-Hildren and Vault 22 research
-Freeside kings vs ncr
Hildren and Vault 22 research is my absolute favorite
Ship water to Vault 13 at the risk of disclosing it's location or don't and have the risk of the Vault Citizens ruining out of water. I don't know.
There is no moral dilemma in the Pitt. Not one jot.
On the one side you have slavers, raiders, slave owners. The only plus point of it is some self aggrandizing dialog of the biggest slaver, raider, slave owners, BOS deserter of all, mister Ashur.
On the other side you have slaves, starving workers, captured from far afield to be brought to the Pitt for hard work, shitty meals (most poisonous and radiated thing in the game), and killed at any slaver's whim. The only minus point to it is that they intend to find a cure (vaccine) by researching a baby.
If you say you are standing on the side of slavers, there's some serious problem with your, yes, YOUR, actual moral standard, not just gaming behaviour.
Whenever I see some gamers speak about the Pitt dilemma I have to wonder whether they ACTUALLY play that part.
Slop, man. Slops. Made of Trog meats. Trog is human (mostly slaves) mutated by Pitt's environment.
The slavers force slaves to eat slops.
Death to slavers!
It is a very simple thought process, as long as you actually play that part. no hesitation. no wonder.
On the slavers side, there's only the baby that can be spare. Others, from basic raider up to Sandra and Ashur, can be killed without any bother.
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The one, the only, the best moral dilemma in series would be whether to kill Mr House.
No, seriously.
On the one hand, that fucker doesnt do any bad thing. Much. Yet. And he offer us his right hand position with all that entailed.
On the other hand, he's an abomination. And the Big Mountain trip teach us that abominations can do terrible things if left alone and unchecked. Just because they can live long, do much, and have no human morals.
Killing him sounds like good preventative measure.
On the one hand, that fucker doesnt do any bad thing. Much. Yet. And he offer us his right hand position with all that entailed. I dont actually desire that, but that action show his... good will. Yeah, good will. That did make me hesitate to kill him
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