So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

I honestly don't get how you can not like the soundtrack to the first 2 Fallout games. I mean, listen to this shit:I haven't played Baldur's Gate or Planescape Torment in a while, but Deus Ex had pretty decent ambience. The problem I have is that I don't like the ambience in Fallout. It just sucks IMHO. And, yeah, if there's been an improvement made on future games, I'll point it out.
Tell me that doesn't immediatly establish an atmosphere of a sinister force, ready to take over the Wasteland.
Tell me this doesn't send shivers down your spine.
Every original soundtrack composed for the first 2 games establishes such an atmosphere, tells you immediatly what kind of place your stepping in to, and exactly what vibes you should be getting from it. It's one of the most perfectly done parts of the game.