First time out of the vault

Public said:I think it would be much better if they used the new BoS as an "Outcasts". Then the real BoS would still be the same.
That's pretty much exactly how it is. If you took the time to read (or actually play it) you could see this.
The new BoS are the outcasts. They are recognized as being part of the BoS but they are cut off from the west coast because they aren't following their plan.
The old BoS who are called "Outcasts" call themselves that to spite Elder Lyons. They know it bothers him to think that holding to the original principles has forced them on their own. Now they are trying to establish comm. with the BoS back home.
But this would require actually trying to understand it to get it, so I can see why some don't. It's much easier to just say 'Beth wants paladins so they screwed up teh lore!'