Faith Based Reality
Faith Based Reality
... I don't see how the idea is supposed to be innovative -- or extraordinarily successful.
An important concept in our post industrial, post modern, and post prosperity era
is that ""appearance is everything"'.
This prime directive is immediately obvious in the marketing that assaults us 24 hours, ""8 days a week"".
How many masked calls do you all still field since you registered on the National Do Not Call List? The Caller ID we PAY for does not ID those telephone marketers that PAY the phone companies for the next level of access. Caller ID appears helpful at first, and then becomes 'necessary', and that justifies a larger phone bill every month.
On the Science Front , Faith Based World View can not suffer "the witch" or rather "the monkey" , of that sad old Evolution Theory to contradict STRICT INTERPRETATION OF THE BIBLE; can not suffer "the witch"" to live"".
""Do not suffer the witch to live"", even if, the theory stands down off it's scientific method 'high Equus caballus", and gets in line with all the other wanna be realities. What once was a polite 'zen', warm and fuzzy belief in ""THE TAO OF PHYSICS"' decades ago, is now a full frontal political movement to inflict STRICT INTERPRETATION OF THE BIBLE (King James'!) into ALL school systems. THE SAME Academic Industry that still has trouble "teaching Johnny to read". Clearly in this venue's context, this conception of the here and now, that institution FAILED to indoctrinate 4too in "THE ELEMENTS OF STYLE".
I spin my own essay montage, while following my own interpretation of this thread. Once I gild the lily in BELIEF, 'we' MUST accept it as gospel, 'we' do it all the time when King James' verse cloaks an agenda. When third parties evoke the demon of 'queer fear'. When American soldiers become the RED HERRING for every hustler and snake oil salesman. Why stop at marketing, why stop at game proposals?
So relax, do it here. You know you 'want to' -- out source -- your ''freedom to associate''. Be One with Paul, ..., John, George, and Ringo:""Relax and float down stream ...""
Feel the comfort of ""warm and fuzzy""(TM).
""Appearance is everything."'
Politics hurt your brain? Steam roll the difficult issues with flag waving conceits.
Example. In American politics, the successful redefining of the 'brand' - LIBERAL - is another marketing coupe.
Heard on Talk Radio yesterday, that the third party darling of the Bush Coalition, the Swift Boat Truth Squad, don't like the AARP's natural hesitance on supporting the Bush proposed changes in Social Security.
True to their moral, and, or, ethical standards, the S.B. Truth Squad do not mince around with debating the Social Security Issue head on, but break the AARP's kneecaps by trumpeting the AARP supports GAY marriage, AND goes right for the 'stab in the back' implying THE AARP DON'T SUPPORT THE TROOOOOOPS!
Allow me to dignify this world view with a soft science, mocking of logical proofs.
""Appearance is everything."'
AND, ""seeing is Believing"".
Faith is based on Belief.
'Seeing is an "act of faith".
What we 'believe', where we focus our 'faith' is as close to reality as any sinner dares.
The 'take no prisoners' marketing of political thought extends into the commercial arena.
We are bullied to shut down our mortal moral mental machinations,
lay off our individual responsibilities to think, and -- out source -- free will, and our personal freedoms to "faith based" dogmas.
""Try before you buy"" has become reversed, ""buy before you try"".
(I saw it on Fox News. I read it in Genesis, Chapter ...)
Pardon my "pointing". Perhaps I can return to the 'Heave / Ballroom','' Zombie Jamboree'', thread, here.
... I don't see how the idea is supposed to be innovative -- or extraordinarily successful.
Perhaps if they 'talk the talk' their title will walk the walk to a profitable bottom line.
Perhaps one reason that the game industry goes to the lowest common denominator is that it wishes to clad it's inherent risk in the ""warm and fuzzy"' (TM) aura of 'accepted belief'.
If what sold some non specified number of boxes before, it 'must' work for the next level of the conceptual pyramid scheme.
It's a belief system that mirrors doing rituals for "luck'', like 'game socks' to a nervous athlete.
The ritual becomes dogma when it matters which foot gets the lucky socks first.
Now that I've muddled the waters of clear thought. I will terminate this world view with a last gasp at analogy.
""Appearance is everything."' in game publication. It's a belief system that grounds it's smart money savvy in the P.T. Barn-um Truism;
""There's a sucker born every minute.""