The Elder Scrolls Online

Personally, I prefer Morrowind's armor style.
wear shirt, pants and boots. then wear cuirass, right glove, left glove, boots, right shoulder armor, left shoulder armor, and greaves. after all cloth and armor equipped, add robes. it would be good to coordinated by designer but I prefer choose my own style.
Akratus said:
If any armor is stupid in skyrim, it's the fur variant with a bare chest. The bone armor is completely logical in the in-game world. It's made of Dragonbone which would be nothing like the bone we know in real life.

Really the only complaints I have for skyrim armor are: Bad textures, helmet horns and far too much exposed skin. (e.g. ancient nord armor, the female variant of which I fixed:

Wow, I'd forgotten they'd done that, but they really did didn't they, open-chest "armor" lol wow. I mean, there were actual berserker cults that had to be outlawed at some point (thank you wiki!), and they were known for going bare chested or only in animal furs (ber-bear-serkr-shirt), so there is precedent for the design and even artwork for it.

The thing is, the source material is entirely mythic/artistic, and reflects a desire to *not* wear armor at all, kind of the opposite of armor design IMO.

Here's a guy wearing his homemade "norse" armor:

All dubiousness aside about a US Renfaire with only "nordic" theme (hello aryans!) that's more along the lines of what I think of as a "norse" armor set. That or a huge chain shirt/skirt.