The Enclave in Chicago


Wept for Zion
So correct me if I'm wrong about this, but aren't there still Enclave bases in Chicago? I don't think we've had a game set there before, and ED-E's logs mention he's being sent to an Enclave outpost in Chicago from Navarro. The other ED-E in Lonesome Road also mentions this.

Do we know anything about this supposed Chicago Enclave, or how powerful they are? If they actually are still around, then perhaps Fallout 3's Enclave actually came from Chicago rather than all the way out west from Fallout 2's Enclave, which I think would patch up a lot of holes in the plot.

I mean, ED-E was sent off fairly recently to find the Chicago base, at least around the time when we know Colonel Autumn from Fallout 3 is alive and well since you can hear him in the audio recordings for Lonesome Road's ED-E. So if it is destroyed, it would have had to have happened fairly recently.

So basically what this means is, the Enclave isnt' down for the count. They still have a big base left standing. I'm just hoping Bethesda doesn't try to touch it and instead we can maybe learn hints and lore bits about it in an Obsidian Fallout, if they ever make another Fallout. I don't really want to see the Enclave show up in another game but at least knowing there are still some out there would be kinda neat.
The X-.. something armor in FO4 is also a direct nod to the Enclave, so... it's very possible they're a backup premise.
I'm wondering though, how many more armors and vertibirds can they possibly posess by now :I
The X-.. something armor in FO4 is also a direct nod to the Enclave, so... it's very possible they're a backup premise.
I'm wondering though, how many more armors and vertibirds can they possibly posess by now :I

Well let's assume these Enclave in Chicago have basically been left untouched since the end of the world. I'd assume they have quite a bit of technology by now. At the very least they'd have a loooot of steel considering Chicago's got lots of steel buildings, skyscrapers, etc they could use to make armor and vertibirds. I'd also assume their Vertibirds don't run on gas. Hey, maybe that's the explanation for Fallout 4's fuckery. Maxon's BOS just stole some Chicago Vertibirds, which run off Fusion Cells and Energy Cells much like the Highwayman in Fallout 2, and modeled all their vertibirds off that. Just a wild fucking guess but that would clear up a huge plot hole.
The X-.. something armor in FO4 is also a direct nod to the Enclave
Oh god don't even remind me. Apparently according to Bethesda that's a pre-war suit of prototype armour that the Enclave copied, completely ignoring the fact that it's supposed to be so bad ass because its a post war armour developed after years of Enclave R&D on the oil rig.

As far as Chicago goes ED-E took a pit stop at a hidden Chicago base before getting blasted in the Mojave so theres a least some presence there.
Whitley thought Navarro was still around when he sent ED-E. So his information is years out of date. The outpost could be long gone.
Oh god don't even remind me. Apparently according to Bethesda that's a pre-war suit of prototype armour that the Enclave copied, completely ignoring the fact that it's supposed to be so bad ass because its a post war armour developed after years of Enclave R&D on the oil rig.

As far as Chicago goes ED-E took a pit stop at a hidden Chicago base before getting blasted in the Mojave so theres a least some presence there.

Wait, that first part can't be true. In the loading screen of the game itself it says that the X-suchandsuch was made after the war by a "secret government organization" Dunno why they didn't just say Enclave but there you go. So they didn't fuck that up at least unless they retconned Fallout 4 in Fallout 4 again.

As for the 2nd part, yeah, that's why I'm thinking there must be something there.

Whitley thought Navarro was still around when he sent ED-E. So his information is years out of date. The outpost could be long gone.

Fair enough point, their information is out of date, but considering we've never been to Chicago, only near it with Fallout Tactics, I don't think they'd just make a big Enclave base go poof without a good explanation or at least letting us learn/see more about it first.
No that base is definitely there unless it got VERY recently destroyed because ED-E for sure made it there.

It seems I was mistaken about the X-01 armour. Thought I read somewhere it was Pre-War but it's presence in Boston in places that have been sealed since before the war doesn't help.
No that base is definitely there unless it got VERY recently destroyed because ED-E for sure made it there.

What are you basing that on? Because if ED-E made it to a Enclave base, his repairs would be better than a bolted on license plate, and would have some logs from the outpost instead a recording of a family.
I wouldn't mind seeing the Enclave return as a faction in a Chicago based Fallout game, just as a minor faction, similar to the Mojave branch of the BoS. A nice minor, isolationist "super-power" that's afraid to peek their heads out of their hole, lest they get blown to shit again; that'd also be a reasonable reaction for the Enclave to have after having all their main bases destroyed, just to hide out in Chicago and wait for the world to end.
No. No more damn fucking enclave. If there are any left my courier killed them all with mini-nukes.
You'll never get rid of America you commie bastard
They'd be a lot better if they got a little more fleshed out. Even in Fallout 2 they were leaning a little too far on the "Teh eviul nahtzees!" type of villain. I wouldn't mind see more of the Enclave if they were treated like the NCR or Caesar's Legion and not cartoon villains.
What is people's obsession with the Enclave? They were boring cartoonish villains in 2 and then were brought back in 3 because Bethesda couldn't come up with their own villain in 3.
The Enclave are way too boring. They're the same shit again and again.

But as we saw with the Enclave Remnants in Fallout New Vegas, the Enclave can be fleshed out and interesting. I'm not asking for the Enclave to be a villian, but like one of the other posters said, maybe something like the BOS in New Vegas, trapped in their little safe bunkers, not wanting to leave, especially after nearly all of their other main bases were completely wiped off the face of the earth. We'd be able to see them in a different light, rather than just "hurr durr evil shadow government".
What is people's obsession with the Enclave? They were boring cartoonish villains in 2 and then were brought back in 3 because Bethesda couldn't come up with their own villain in 3.

I'm not really obsessed with the Enclave as they are in Fallout 2 or 3, though I admit I personally think they were decent villains in 2. I'm more interested in seeing them shown in a different light. As New Vegas showed us, even people in the Enclave are still humans, some of them trying to survive by following orders, others believing in the Enclave's ideals fully. I want to see more of the human side of the Enclave, see more of why they thought they were doing the right thing. That sort of stuff is interesting. I loved talking to the Enclave Remnants about their pasts and why they did what they did.

Though, at the same time, maybe it's better to have the Enclave Remnants be the last Enclave. Give them their last hoorah at Hoover Dam and literally let them fly off into the sunset to seek either glory in more battles yet to come or respite from the horrors of the wastes.
The Midwestern BoS killed all of the Enclave in Chicago and stole their power armor. That explains why it looks so similar. Not really but it sounds good.
The Enclave should just be a few Doctor Henry-types in a laboratory at this point. If there was some kind of real Enclave military force in Chicago they should have raised their heads by now. Unless the Chicago Enclave are written by Bethesda I'm betting they're just a couple groups of scientists now, either still working on technology or abandoning the labs completely to join whatever new societies have formed around the city.
Best chance according to all facts? Its just rumour and nothing more.
In 2241 ALL Enclave personel went to Oil Rig for inculation, not counting Navarro. - Richards dialogue {273}{prs54}{You could try, I suppose, but soon the staff of the Enclave and Navarro will be inoculated.}
(this is even supported by the fact that constant number of people in Oil Rig was around 50-60 for decades, mainly president and his personel, but during Fo2 temprorary number of people in Oil Rig, was beetwen 100 and 1000).
Then Oil Rig was destroyed by Chosen One and Navarro by BoS/NCR.
We knows how it ended with Navarro survivors (no continuation for Enclave as a organisation)
But before Oil Rig was nuked, Autumn and some others guys with him escaped Oil Rig via vertibirds.
They went straight to empty Raven Rock and started new Enclave here.
Raven Rock got destroyed and replacement HQ for Enclave guys here in CW, Crawler, destroyed too. (they were so weak, that they haven't even a named leader...)

Basically, there is no place in this story for Enclave people in Chicago. :)