The Fallout Subreddit is a Toxic Community

Yeah, except when they make shit up about Bethesda's shitty lore and writing to try and explain things.
Justifying Bethesda doesn't just work in the benefit of Bethesda, but in the benefit of Obsidian too. Obsidian are going to be stuck with the Lore decisions Bethesda makes, and giving some justification to it means that while playing Obsidian games you can enjoy them as if nothing has changed from the originals.
This is all very borderline to cross-side trolling. I would say, let us slow down a bit with the vitriol. I am usually the first one to come in and trash talk about Bethesda, but, we should keep some dignity ;)
As for my username. Fair point there, maybe it may seem a little insulting to Bethesda fans, but I never see anyone complaining about Fallout3Freak's username. And besides, if anyone ever brings up the username, I will explain to them that despite that, I still will respect other opinions. If that was their problem they could have at least brought it up rather than hiding behind downvotes.

The whole "Sockpuppeting" thing. While there was no evidence one way or another, surely if you can't prove someone is guilty of something you shouldn't make accusations. Accusing someone of something that there is little to no evidence for is a highly dickish thing to do.
People jumping on others for sockpuppeting is something I've seen alot. Sometimes it's justified, like this one time where another forum I visited had an elimination game and someone was using alt accounts to downvote one of the more popular items repeatedly. Pretty much everyone declared it sockpuppeting and one IP check later it was deemed to be true. But obviously calling out each other doesn't always work as in this scenario so you're in the right here. It's good to be weary but I don't think chewing out someone simply because it seems like they're using alt accounts is fair.

I think the reason why everyone is OK with Fallout3Freak's username is because it describes the fact that the person enjoys F3 with a passion. He's crazy about it, but that's about it. Your username though is more of a statement which some may disagree with which is where it can clash with some people.
This is all very borderline to cross-side trolling. I would say, let us slow down a bit with the vitriol. I am usually the first one to come in and trash talk about Bethesda, but, we should keep some dignity ;)

Er, if I may, what's cross-side trolling?
I am not entirely sure if I am honest, but it's probably close to what we have here in this topic, just worse. I guess. I would say anything that has the potential to start a kind of flame-war leading to a back-and-forth situation. Like opening topics and discusing in detail the moderators on Bethesdas forum, name calling and doing nothing else but badmouthing their forum. It's a slippery slope to say the least. I mean no one will say something about the occasional criticism. But it's best to be avoided, if possible.
You have to remember, this is a forum that everyone can read. What happens on other forums, should really not bother us to much anyway.
I don't really believe people upvote or downvote because people want to encourage thoughtful or honest opinions.

And frankly, you shouldn't care. They're imaginary internet points. It's a way of conditioning a Pavlonian response so what we get is an echo chamber of howling and socially maladjusted idiots with no critical thinking skills. Mind you, I'm almost cripplingly antisocial but I can ever get any fuckwit to engage me in an actual dialogue on any given general chat or to bother spelling.

You don't go the extra mile with grammar because it's convenient for you, you do it because it's convenient for others. If that isn't worth your trouble then you don't value anybody else's time. If you're just going to reference a meme then you have nothing worth saying. You're just hoping to get approval by being "in on the joke." That isn't wit. That's a substitution of wit. I utterly loathe memes as an embodiment of everything bad about the internet.

People look at their phones all the time because they can't go 10 minutes without getting a social validation hit and feel like they're a part of genuine human interaction. They don't know how to handle being alone or being left to their own resources. And that's a huge problem.

I've since come to the conclusion that SJW's aren't the problem. They're a symptom of the problem. Because the people who rail against them have now appropriated the label to insult anybody they don't agree with as being a zealous white knight. Or a libtard. Or whatever. The problem is that people just superficially like flying a banner but can't be mature enough to handle criticism or hold a discussion.
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What's up with all the cross-site wankery these days? Who gives a shit about Reddit?
Influx of people disillusioned with Fallout 4, fresh from their regular haunts where they were most likely shouted down for their dissenting opinion. The urge to vent is strong.
I've since come to the conclusion that SJW's aren't the problem. They're a symptom of the problem. Because the people who rail against them have now appropriated the label to insult anybody they don't agree with as being a zealous white knight. Or a libtard. Or whatever. The problem is that people just superficially like flying a banner but can't be mature enough to handle criticism or hold a discussion.

It's excessively common these days for people to slap one label on anything they don't understand so they don't have to bother with realising that both facts and opinions are complex, multi-faced things.

It comes from the same line of thought where people just remember their friends based on the closest stereotype they can attach to them because it's easier and less bothersome than remembering that people are more than just the sum of their most prevalent feature.

The most annoying example is when the media tries to describe every group in the world with one sentence each. "Politicians for the [...] party are [...], people who support [...] are [...]."

Yet again, I'm going to take something from one of Yahtzee's Zero Punctuation videos that seem relevant (can't help it, literally everything he says is 100% correct). Here. It sums up modern debates pretty well.
TL, DR: People on the Fallout Subreddit are stupid bullycircling wankers, who will try and censor you the moment you express an opinion they dislike, wont allow you to point out that other people are behaving outrageously purely because they dislike you, and make accusations against you based on nothing.

Funny thing is that they accuse this community of being toxic because we criticize Fallout 3 and 4. I'm starting to think that this forum, the one that has the most negative reputation, is the only Fallout Forum with decent human beings on.

TL;DR: Most people on Reddit are retarded, this is not news. I lurk only the Morrowind subreddit and ocasionally go to Fallout just to see what stupid crap people post there.

Try saying anything remotely logic in the Fallout subreddit, which means "say anything negative about Fallout" (because how can people talk wonders about a game that is so flawed, I cannot understand for the life of me), and you will get downvoted into oblivion.

It's not even a matter of "well, they played the newest Fallouts first", because I did as well. It's a matte of having taste and recognizing that what makes a franchise great is not only the setting, but the overall gameplay. And I don't mean "isometric is best and only way", I mean choices, different and meaningful ways to complete quests, something which Bethesda destroyed (and never mind the writing).

Sorry for the rant, but I've witnessed first-handed the injustices described by OP.
Guys, please! Avoid calling other people retarded. We always complain how NMA and the posters are generalized by other forums! Let us not have conversations on that level. I mean even if Reddit is ridiculous pro F3 and F4, and even if every or almost every critical opinion is downvoted. Try not to call people names.

Keep the peace guys :)
Yeah, it doesn't help our cause to act like that. Rational discussion is key. If you do happen to go and intend to represent this community in a sense, it would be best to not stoop to that level.
We are basically the Brotherhood of Steel. If any of them appear we just send them to the Glow.
No need to worry about me, I just like to post. I am guilty of posting pictures of crazy quotes, I'll have to make sure to stop doing that too. Become a role model. :P