The FALLOUT Survival Guide: fan comic


Bring weopons!
Hello, I have been a member for a long time, but this is my first time posting in the forums.

I am creating a fallout fan comic that painstakingly adapts the events of the first two games (and more if people end up liking them).

I uploaded the first page today. I have about 7 done now... and a couple hundred more to go lol.
IDK, I was hoping you might be interested in checking it out so far.

It looks colorful, but going to be a return to the more darker version of the original fallouts.

You can view the page here... I need all the support I can get :)
Your art looks great and it's a cool idea though can't help but feel you've set your sights too high in terms of scope.

Perhaps you could just do anthological style snippets of the protagonists adventures?
I love this shot so far... okay, new page will be up on next Wednesday.

The FALLOUT Survival Guide: page #7 is uploaded!
Click here to see the full version!

Also, if you are wondering what happened to page #6, it was being reworked. The art for it is done, I'm just waiting for it to get shipped over. I'll have it colored and uploaded as soon as I can, it will be like a bonus uploaded during the week :)