The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

So Vault Tek created cold fusion and functionally solved the resource problem, right? Wouldn't you basically just be able to control the world WITHOUT nuking it, if you get to decide who has access to fucking limitless energy?

That's a good point. They were profiting from the resource wars, could have sold the solution at any price they wanted and make even more money, or they could... destroy the world so they could do science experiments. Character/faction motivations are definitely my biggest problem with the show's writing.
I like how in the show everybody is playing by King of the Hill rules so if you take out Shady Sands, the Republic just falls apart. Man, it almost seems like writers have no sense of scale.

I would like to take a moment and say the T-45/T-whatevernumber looks like shit and I hate it.
I like how in the show everybody is playing by King of the Hill rules so if you take out Shady Sands, the Republic just falls apart. Man, it almost seems like writers have no sense of scale.

I would like to take a moment and say the T-45/T-whatevernumber looks like shit and I hate it.
I'd say it's supposed to be T-60, but there parts of it that look slightly different.
I’ve heard some very odd things about this show. Like, apparently Shady Sands was nuked in 2277…
It wasn't, 2277 is the "Fall of Shady Sands" then the next event, which is conveniently left ambigous, is Shady Sands being nuked. But there are other massive retcons.

Getting mad at lore retcons at this point is dumb, people should have done it back when Fallout 3 came out because that's when the most egregious ones started to happen.
Fallout 3 was just too mind blowing back then, so the avalanche of new fans easily outnumbered unsatisfied old fans.

That's like asking why do Star Wars fans care that much about Star Wars or the sequel trilogy
You could say the same thing about Star wars OT fans and Prequel Trilogy, which I understand and support sometimes. Sequel trilogy is like this Fallout TV show, they're not bad products, watchable, but lore, setting and story is fucked.
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Hey Homer, please try to edit a previous post instead of making a new one. As I've already been politely, if not somewhat sarcastically reminded to do so recently by the mods.
Only if you were a baby. Getting mindblown by Fallout 3 when the game looked worse than some Gamecube games and played worse than the original Doom is hilarious.
I guess people had low standarts back then, but it certainly was a hit, if it got GOTY.
And yeah, I was like 6 when it came out, my older brother installed it for me, it was my introduction to the series. Did it not age well...
Well whatever it is it looks dumb and I hate it. T-51b has always been the better design.

I’ve never liked how lazy the T-60 design was. Just a bulkier T-45 which I actually liked that Power Armor design. Should’ve made it a post-war invention of the BOS after the Enclave’s defeat and given us a cross design with T-51 and APA, perhaps even sprinkle in Tesla tech into the higher ranking members. But of course that would be too complex for Bethesda.
Only if you were a baby. Getting mindblown by Fallout 3 when the game looked worse than some Gamecube games and played worse than the original Doom is hilarious.
I was, in fact! It's not nice to judge a book by it's green tinted grey rocks. You all act like the original games were graphical eye-candy. They looked old when they came out, although I can't deny the style and aesthetic choices. The fact that some of us youngsters can go back in time and enjoy your glorified point-and-click pixelated adventure games speaks to the fact that graphics alone aren't the judge of a game's merit. We just value game features on a different scale. No matter how much world building you put into a top-down turn-based pixel adventure, I'll still value a third-person game more because it's inherently easier for me to get absorbed into. If visual immersion didn't matter you guys never would have put GURPS down to play the first Fallout.
I first watched the man of recaps video first and I couldn't believe what the show was about, I always liked nuka break and shoddycasts videos they even had the original fallout 1 writers as a cameo and it was actually engaging and I was invested. Especially red star was my favorite and in contrast to the tv show I feel there is so much wasted potential, a random indie production makes better content than some studio houses, I don't think it's the actors fault just the writers because everyone acts so dull and obnoxious it's getting on my nerves. Reads like a wattpad fanfic, but I guess I'll stick around a bit and see where it leads to, maybe we'll see the divide or joshua graham that would be so awesome!
I don’t think we’ll see Joshua Graham because that would mean they’d have to depict tribals, and after Point Lookout and Honest Hearts where people were offended for stupid reasons, I feel like we’re never getting them back unless they’re cultish raiders. Bethesda seems to love their cults.
I don’t think we’ll see Joshua Graham because that would mean they’d have to depict tribals, and after Point Lookout and Honest Hearts where people were offended for stupid reasons, I feel like we’re never getting them back unless they’re cultish raiders. Bethesda seems to love their cults.
That won't stop them from using Graham, he'll probably even be scar free and without bandages. Because we gotta see that recognizable actors face. He'll probably never even bring up tribals.
Honestly I'm excited about season 2 only for the fact that we will finally see what is the canon ending to New Vegas. Is it Mr.House? Caesers legion, NCR, or the divide.
I was, in fact! It's not nice to judge a book by it's green tinted grey rocks. You all act like the original games were graphical eye-candy. They looked old when they came out, although I can't deny the style and aesthetic choices. The fact that some of us youngsters can go back in time and enjoy your glorified point-and-click pixelated adventure games speaks to the fact that graphics alone aren't the judge of a game's merit. We just value game features on a different scale. No matter how much world building you put into a top-down turn-based pixel adventure, I'll still value a third-person game more because it's inherently easier for me to get absorbed into. If visual immersion didn't matter you guys never would have put GURPS down to play the first Fallout.
I'd say that's more from being spoiled with modern graphics, as that's usually a big reason why a lot of Bethesda Fallout Fans knock on Fallout/2. I was born in the 90's and while I never experienced the originals until 2011, I was still able to get engrossed in the originals, more so than 3 and later 4. Funnily enough, I have the uncanny ability to experience a game as if I were still a part of the time period it was released in; tempering my expectations.

Honestly I'm excited about season 2 only for the fact that we will finally see what is the canon ending to New Vegas. Is it Mr.House? Caesers legion, NCR, or the divide.

New Vegas doesn't have a canon ending, though that won't stop them from shoe horning one in though.
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Honestly I'm excited about season 2 only for the fact that we will finally see what is the canon ending to New Vegas. Is it Mr.House? Caesers legion, NCR, or the divide.
Todd Howard: Jonathan Nolan came up to us and said what if the Scorched Plague killed everyone in New Vegas? Wouldn't that be interesting? A completely random event that invalidates a Fallout video game Bethesda didn't make, sign me the hell up.