Hoarding ammo IS gameplay
Sure Fallout 3 might have looked like ass, ran like shit, was buggy, crashed all the time, played like it was stuck in frozen mud, had all it's RPG elements removed and had zero understanding of the setting, BUT it did one thing that a lot of people really liked by scratching that lizard part of the monkey brain that makes one giggle with glee whenever something gets blown up and obliterated.
At the time I felt, and still sort of feel now, that at a significant part of the Fallout 3 devs and artists cared about capturing the Fallout 1/2 feel. Obviously this doesn't even sorta include whoever wrote most of the "stories". It's really messed up, but there are moments mostly *in between* where it has that feeling, and that's OK. It fell well short but it at least tried.
...and then, after that, nobody looked at F1/2 again. Every other 3D era game is "a game set in the Fallout 3 universe". (NV a particularly decent one, but still...) Everything Fallout 3 got wrong, everything it overlooked about what made the first two games great, set as the golden profit-churning baseline to be copied and simplified and turned into a base building sim or mediocre modern soap-operatic TV series or put on T-shirts. Sorry, I'm ranting.
Anyway, I feel like F3 was the only game that made an effort at all, and that was mostly done without permission. And now here we are, with a ... show based on F3's mistakes and the subsequent cash grabs.
(Bonus! Hollywood producer cowardice! Let's play Cowardly Producer Bingo! Must remove the helmet/mask/etc or you won't be able to identify? There must be a love interest? Plucky comic relief? How can we sympathize if nobody was killed? Manufactured conflict to stretch out the story arc so it doesn't resolve? Plot elements stolen from other successful shows, with a single piece of fan service glued to it? Man am I cynical.)