The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

Sure Fallout 3 might have looked like ass, ran like shit, was buggy, crashed all the time, played like it was stuck in frozen mud, had all it's RPG elements removed and had zero understanding of the setting, BUT it did one thing that a lot of people really liked by scratching that lizard part of the monkey brain that makes one giggle with glee whenever something gets blown up and obliterated.

At the time I felt, and still sort of feel now, that at a significant part of the Fallout 3 devs and artists cared about capturing the Fallout 1/2 feel. Obviously this doesn't even sorta include whoever wrote most of the "stories". It's really messed up, but there are moments mostly *in between* where it has that feeling, and that's OK. It fell well short but it at least tried.

...and then, after that, nobody looked at F1/2 again. Every other 3D era game is "a game set in the Fallout 3 universe". (NV a particularly decent one, but still...) Everything Fallout 3 got wrong, everything it overlooked about what made the first two games great, set as the golden profit-churning baseline to be copied and simplified and turned into a base building sim or mediocre modern soap-operatic TV series or put on T-shirts. Sorry, I'm ranting.

Anyway, I feel like F3 was the only game that made an effort at all, and that was mostly done without permission. And now here we are, with a ... show based on F3's mistakes and the subsequent cash grabs.

(Bonus! Hollywood producer cowardice! Let's play Cowardly Producer Bingo! Must remove the helmet/mask/etc or you won't be able to identify? There must be a love interest? Plucky comic relief? How can we sympathize if nobody was killed? Manufactured conflict to stretch out the story arc so it doesn't resolve? Plot elements stolen from other successful shows, with a single piece of fan service glued to it? Man am I cynical.)
I’m glad he decided against this. It’s too tropey, a former good cop gone evil and would’ve been a hell of a stretch. Besides I doubt the guy who almost killed Johnny Boy in the MFP station for raping that one girl in Mad Max 1 would be okay with running a gang of rapists in Road Warrior.

I dunno, a major theme of Mad Max is that good people are often turned into monsters by circumstance. The Oil Riggers may look like nice people but they use and discard Max at will.

Humorously, because they have the same actor, there's some people who speculate that Immortan Joe is Toecutter having survived and pretended to be a general.

I don't really buy either of the above theories but absolutely buy the "Max in 4 is actually the Feral Kid, cosplaying." What with the fact he's about 40 years younger than he'd have to be to be a Pre-War survivor.
Now hold on, I was barely old enough to read when The Phantom Menace came out so I wasn’t hooked into Star Wars fandom, but through cultural osmosis I gathered that it seemed like every Star Wars fan hated the prequels when they were coming out. Kids like me liked it, but it wasn’t until the PrequelMemes era that a significant portion of the fandom started admitting to liking them. People that preferred Fallout 1 and 2 were a minority when Fallout 3 came out, only growing in size after the release of NV to a vocal minority.
Yeah, so basically everyone started loving Prequels the moment Disney started ruining Star Wars.
Yeah, so basically everyone started loving Prequels the moment Disney started ruining Star Wars.
Nah I still don't like them.
I enjoyed the post-Endor EU content a lot more in the early to mid 2000s, although KOTOR is a great game.
I do admit I like the prequel setting, especially the Clone Wars series.
What kind of Clone Wars fan are you?
But it's still superior to 7-9.
Here's the thing with sequels, they're like Bethesda Fallouts, they're great on their own, but they fail to connect to previous established work.
I like parts of Ep 2 and I actually really like Ep 3 but I know that position is not popular. I stopped watching before Ep. 8 when it became clear that they were wrecking the whole thing.
Oh dude it's completely the other way around, right now hating prequels is unpopular, everyone loves prequels, and even gaslights themselves into thinking those movies don't have flaws.
Both, but I didn't care for Star Wars EU outside of basic stuff. I couldn't care less about Star Wars now.
that's fair, but I will say 2D CW2003 is superior to 3D TCW2008, by having better animation, better characters, better writing, better continuity with the movies, better music. Genndy Tartakovsky rules.
Lee Moldaver will come back as a synth, she had her mind uploaded as a precaution ready to go as a synth.
Lee Moldaver will come back as a synth, she had her mind uploaded as a precaution ready to go as a synth.
Can't wait for girlboss' return, we need that black lesbian independent strong communist woman to wreck all the white straight capitalist men that will all obviously be stupid, weak, evil or all together.
Oh dude it's completely the other way around, right now hating prequels is unpopular, everyone loves prequels, and even gaslights themselves into thinking those movies don't have flaws.
Fair enough. They certainly have heavy flaws. I do think if Hayden Christenson had been a better actor and the script was a bit better, Ep 3 could have been really, really good.

He and Padme together just wasn't believable. Those 2 in Ep 2 were meme worthy. 1 was boring, 2 was popcorn fun, 3 was almost great IMO.
Fair enough. They certainly have heavy flaws. I do think if Hayden Christenson had been a better actor and the script was a bit better, Ep 3 could have been really, really good.
Oh that's for sure, Hayden Christensen was great, he even kinda resembles young David Prowse (Darth Vader body actor). Script was bad, but the scenes where Hayden Christensen says nothing are really good.
He and Padme together just wasn't believable. Those 2 in Ep 2 were meme worthy. 1 was boring, 2 was popcorn fun, 3 was almost great IMO.
Anakin literally admitted to Padme, a senator who loves democracy, that he supports dictatorships, lmaooo, there were so much red flags.
Fallout 2 is it's superior in every way. :)

Funny that this was actually a debate back in the day when Fallout 2 was the "new sequel." The applauds for Fallout 2 were many. It is an interesting game and the world is much more expansion, there are so many more stories and interactions, and so much more to play with.

That said, Fallout 2's strengths were also a weakness. The Enclave was simply not that interesting a group of bad guys as the Master and his army and while the story had "more stuff" it kind of lacked the narrative focus, the need for resolution, that Fallout 1 has. Don't get me wrong, Fallout 2 is a very good, if somewhat flawed, derivative of Fallout 1, and a fun game.

But I would argue that Fallout 2 is where we begin to see the breakdown begin, where we lose sight of the world and it starts to fall apart. The Law of Entropy begins in Fallout 2. While New Vegas was, in some ways, a return to the Fallout 1 and 2, in terms of his focus on story and atmosphere, and so an effort to get back to the core, in the end, New Vegas also has its problems. New Vegas reminds us that the form of Fallout 3 could be married with the story of Fallout 1 and 2. But even New Vegas has way too many flaws and was also an incomplete project, with the modding community filling up the big blanks and problems.

But Fallout 1- gives us the first vaults, the problem of the waterchip, deathclaws, the first gangs including the Khans. Think of the places- Shady Sands, Junktown, the Hub, The Boneyard. Or the factions- The Followers of the Apocalypse, The Brotherhood, supermutants? There is so much plot here- FEV, the original cause for the ghouls, Necropolis, the Water Merchants. Remember the first interactions Harold before he becomes a tree. Or Dogmeat? How many players got chopped to pieces because Ian got happy with a submachine gun? How many of us remember struggling how to save Dogmat from being fried? Back then the weapons were very generic because the writers didn't have the pressure to appeal to public pressure. They could make a creative game out of their imaginations. Fallout 1 is a great accomplishment. The others are all derivatives.

Fallout 1 is the creative bedrock of all the other games to come after it. The original Wasteland might have been the initial spark, but it was Fallout 1 that created the world that all other Fallouts owe their origins. You can't really understand the Fallout world, without Fallout 1.

My list would have started with Fallout New Vegas, and then Fallout 1 and 2. I am not sure if I would do Tactics before Fallout 3. But what about the original Wasteland - the game that gave us "The Junkmaster" and the original Rangers? . A classic game and, just reviewing the plot, you can see how Fallout 1 was its descendant. I am sorry CT, but Fallout 2 is a wonderful game, but it suffers from its own core ambitions.
that's fair, but I will say 2D CW2003 is superior to 3D TCW2008, by having better animation, better characters, better writing, better continuity with the movies, better music. Genndy Tartakovsky rules.
amazing that every word of that first sentence is wrong but ok
Can't wait for girlboss' return, we need that black lesbian independent strong communist woman to wreck all the white straight capitalist men that will all obviously be stupid, weak, evil or all together.

It is notable that she's the show's villain according to all the metrics of culture warring Youtube commentators.
Isn't she a twist good guy at the end?

I mean, she's keeping mindless Lucy's ghoul mom as a pet and makes no attempts to justify her mass murder in Episode 1.

Jonathan Nolan doesn't really "do" good guys and loves everyone being morally compromised.