The first Season of the Fallout tv show is out

The funniest thing about the Fallout TV show is it just made immediately want to replay the original Fallout, and then replay it again with Fallout Fixt. I'd like to think of it as my Fallout fan defense mechanism of immersing myself in the original, Wasteland-flirting material, when this shitheap came out.
As for the tutorial, Tim wanted it to be skippable but was denied that and then he tried to make it skippable if you had already beaten the game before and they said no to that as well. Why? Fuck if I know. I figured the initial reason to force the tutorial into the game was fear of new players quitting the game without it but Tim's desire to skip it even post-game is completely reasonable. It's not on you if you say, "Here's how to play this game. But if you feel comfortable learning through trial and error or already know it, you may skip it" and someone skips it without knowing jackshit.
That's why I have to replay that bullshit every time I replay Fallout 2?? Good to know, thanks.
I mean, she's keeping mindless Lucy's ghoul mom as a pet and makes no attempts to justify her mass murder in Episode 1.

Jonathan Nolan doesn't really "do" good guys and loves everyone being morally compromised.
What about Vault 4 being completely good guy?
The funniest thing about the Fallout TV show is it just made immediately want to replay the original Fallout, and then replay it again with Fallout Fixt. I'd like to think of it as my Fallout fan defense mechanism of immersing myself in the original, Wasteland-flirting material, when this shitheap came out.

Thus the cruel wicked irony of the show. For older Fallout fans, the show (however bad it was) triggers all sorts of nostalgia that sends those fans back to the original source material to revisit a game they loved so well. Heck, it even might bring some old fans back to the fallout forums they once haunted in their younger days.

It is notable that she's the show's villain according to all the metrics of culture warring Youtube commentators.

Seriously? Ok, first episode I see it, but at the end? Kind of says a lot about today's culture warring Youtuber commentators. I rather liked this character and her story, of how companies regularly buy out new technologies that are more socially responsible and better for society because it threatens their profitability is fairly accurate. Honestly, I thought she was hot, but maybe that's just me showing my advancing age.
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Heck, it even might bring some old fans back to the fallout forums they once haunted in their younger days.
Yeah, I've seen NMA muties who haven't posted here since 2008 crawl back in here just to voice their appraisal of the new show. Weird, man.
Hello! Haven't seen it or have any desire to but the whole drama got me to log in again. Thinking of starting another FO1 run with Et Tu or whatever restoration pack is newest.
Hello! Haven't seen it or have any desire to but the whole drama got me to log in again. Thinking of starting another FO1 run with Et Tu or whatever restoration pack is newest.
Always good to see an oldtimer re-emerge from slumber.
This tv series is enjoyable if you ignore the fact it's supposed to be set in the fallout universe.

It has some funny moments. But the nihilism in it is stupid while playing some old music, i'm talking about the opening scene from episode 3 or 4 that one with the dogs. Also a lot of unnecessarily violence and plot holes(why didn't the ghoul fire at the weak spot of the armor when maximus was wearing it? for example)

the episodes basically went with "look at how violent and nihilistic the fallout universe is lmao" without a clear purpose.

There were a lot of memoryholed scenes, like what the fuck happened with the water chip in that episode? why wasn't it brought again? I swear that scene was so retarded. Only played for comedic effect or something.

If you watch the tv series as a comedy movie or something then yes it's good. I laughed a lot when the 4 foot tall dude wanted the raiders dead while he looked like a mini-me of goebbels. Only him and the eye-patched nazi blonde hoe were voting for it. And maximus isn't what he seemed in the trailer, like the run-of-the-mill tough black savior type of stock character, he acts like a thug actually, stealing and lying through teeth to get in position of power. While main female character(lucy) acts like a noob player exploring the wastes and is really acting like the speech tree decisions from shitesda's games with 4 options: yes,no,maybe,etc.

The writing for maximus character is almost schizophrenic, he swings between doing good stuff to acting like a dickhead most of the time. Actually I think he's built to be a conservative character or something.

Considering this is from the showrunners of westworld I am not surprised it turned out this retarded. If you watched WW you would know how this tv show turns out. Probably they will continue 2 or 3 more seasons until it gets cancelled. Just like WW.

Also it follows exactly the same scripting like westworld, always showing things that happened in the past, backstories every episode. When I watched this fallout series it was like watching the fifth season of westworld, or falloutworld rebranded. Same crap with different theme.

It's ok if you watch this tv show only for its fallout content(power armor, alternative sci fi history, lasguns<< they didnt even use this one in all of the episodes of season 1 lol). I actually really want more seasons of this since there is no other fallout-related media. They rarely make one of these at this moment. Or at least media which looks like fallout(they existed a lot in the 80s-00s but they were B-movies) they stopped making it only to get focused on shitty tv-shows from marvel or whatever. One example of a movie which gives me fallout theme would be mutant chronicles, or even knights 1993(or any other robot movies by Pyun, like Cyborg).

Wouldn't be surprising Knights 1993 gives fallout vibes, since the REAL fallout was heavily influenced by 80s and 90s aesthetics, unlike what is presented in the shitesda games and THIS tv show, as if it's retrofuturistic based on 40s-70s AMerica.
even the knights 1993 armor of the robots look like the ones from fallout, especially tactics, they looked like the scribes.

Fallout wasn't even based on 50s aesthetics, but late 80s-90s. There are a lot of movies from 90s that may pass for being a fallout movie seriously. I can give other titles such as johnny mnemonic or barb wire. Which follow even a torn geopolitical landscape type of scenario. The props used in those movies look a lot like the ones which were presented in the first three games.

The only thing I would like at bugthesda's fallout would be the BoS, the fact that they inspired from tactics in some ways, the zeppelins for example, or the fact they made it a military organization with recruits like it was presented in tactics.

Other movies that can pass for fallout: escape from LA(if you put energy weapons props in that movie for sure it would have looked like it), escape from NY(consider kurt russell is sent by the enclave to save their President lol, in pre war america), mad max 2(these you know of). Probably there's even more but I won't remember them now. EDIT: here's one more which clearly looks as if fallout writers were inspired by its style: American Cyborg : Steel Warrior.

This is what I actually hate the most at shitesda's fallout, the fact they made it heavily retrofuturistic, while it wasn't actually like this. All people now think of 50s merged with sci fi tech, instead of what it actually was in the first 3 games(1,2,Tactics). Also a lot of annoying quest titles in both f3 and fnv mentioning real life old songs. It wasn't even like this in fallout 2.

Leaving this aside I am actually ok that they bring the fallout franchise into the light. Instead of becoming an irrelevant title like many others from 90s. But the fallout beginners should know, 1,2 and Tactics were the main games. And the then-upcoming game van buren would have inspired greatly from the sprites of Tactics especially the robot sprites. (this besides, the robots from Tactics really looked better than the ones from 1 and 2)
And good to have a tv series about fallout, instead of countless retarded irrelevant tv shows about gender,gender equality or superheroes which I am not interested/

btw, if you're asking me which movie looks the closest indirectly to bethesda's fallout that would be book of eli/ really looks like fallout 3. This is as a proof since book of eli doesn't look at all like the postapoc movies from the 90s, including the apparel, weapons used, quests and tech.

Also, don't you think the westcoast BoS feature in this tv show looked like the caesar's legion? They had all of the names ending in "-us" just like caesar's. maximus,quintus et al. It's as if they were converts from the legion into the BoS

even the banners look like the legion's
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I loved Star Trek and then they rebooted the movies and they suckes. Then they did a new show and it sucked.
star trek movies were shit long before the reboot. i mean look me in the eye and tell me that literally any of the tng movies were good or made sense? star trek 09 and beyond are both better than any tng era movie
Also, don't you think the westcoast BoS feature in this tv show looked like the caesar's legion? They had all of the names ending in "-us" just like caesar's. maximus,quintus et al. It's as if they were converts from the legion into the BoS

even the banners look like the legion's
While this might be just the director attempt at 'Mystery Box' story telling to provoke fan theories, the most popular theory suggest that Arthur Maxson BoS had become so large and expansive that they annexed former Caesar Legion territory, in the span of 10 years or so. The show being set in 2290s remember. So you got these legacy of quasi-feudalistic culture being mixed more with Romanesque culture. This might be someone take at projecting Late Antiquity-Early Medieval evolution to Caesar Legion world.

To put my NMA jaded eyeglasses perspective, this series can be an attempt to maximize BoS wank ala Bethesda by sabotaging every factions in FNV post FNV. We dont know how they would portray the logistic yet, if they bother to do such.

Vault Tec, Enclave, and BoS are such staple Fallout 3 factions. But these are not nation state civilization.
There seem to be great resentment in someone circle about adding nation states in Fallout.
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While this might be just the director attempt at 'Mystery Box' story telling to provoke fan theories, the most popular theory suggest that Arthur Maxson BoS had become so large and expansive that they annexed former Caesar Legion territory, in the span of 10 years or so. The show being set in 2290s remember. So you got these legacy of quasi-feudalistic culture being mixed more with Romanesque culture. This might be someone take at projecting Late Antiquity-Early Medieval evolution to Caesar Legion world.

To put my NMA jaded eyeglasses perspective, this series can be an attempt to maximize BoS wank ala Bethesda by sabotaging every factions in FNV post FNV. We dont know how they would portray the logistic yet, if they bother to do such.

Vault Tec, Enclave, and BoS are such staple Fallout 3 factions. But these are not nation state civilization.
There seem to be great resentment in someone circle about adding nation states in Fallout.
The Quintus guy strikes me as a former Legion Centurion who integrated into BoS, got sick of their shit, and created his own independent thing. Honestly wouldn't be too mad if that ends up being the case, we've seen chapters with completely different cultures before. Their ideology of preserving tech to protect the common folk is still consistent. I think the BoS is one of the few things the show did well (T60 power armor still looks like trash tho). If they integrate New Vegas lore in a similar way it could end up being pretty entertaining. When the show takes itself seriously it's interesting and has potential.

Ofc this is still all fan theories, if Legion is straight up never mentioned then the writers were just retarded from day zero lol

The major problems with the show are terrible, TERRIBLE dialogue that cringes the soul. That and an inconsistent tone that can't balance humor and story.
Does anyone else think that this art style looks terribly faux when shot on camera? I always thought that LARP costumes in the Fallout universe have this Warhammer quality to it.

I really can't tell the difference.