danien1 said:
It is nice to see the FO3 team is somewhat vindicated by the screenshots, at least with some of the core FO fans. It is tragic that it had to happen under these circumstances.
For those who vehemently claimed (based on speculation and the oh so convenient, *empirical evidence*) that
- FO3 couldn't be done in 3D,
- Black Isle didn't have the know-how to make an engine, 3D or otherwise,
- Black Isle didn't have the resources to make their own engine,
- Black Isle would ruin FO by focusing on real-time,
Bad memory, bitch. I don't recall any janitors being fired, so you're still drawing a paycheck, right?
You might want to note it was said that BIS had no demonstrable proof that they had the talent to do the above, not that they didn't have the talent. BIG difference.
After all, BIS was the Infinity Engine's bitch (and by proxy, BioWare's) for nearly as long as the division has been around.
Does the number of successfully completed released games amount any that weren't based off the Infinity Engine or another engine that was already available? Sadly, no. So therefore you really can't say it was proven and the point still holds.
-Fact is, those screenshots do look quite unrefined and aside from resolution, do appear sub-par to those from the original games. I believe that could have been tweaked before release, but that never is a sure thing.
-It was said that BIS has no proven show of being able to make their own combat engine from scratch and expected the fans to swallow the "we can do it, you don't know!" bullshit. Which you solely propogated for the most part. It's common sense that if you don't have anything proven, that carries much more weight in software development considerations than "you just don't know if we could pull it off!" "Empirical evidence" carries more weight than something that doesn't exist in a finished state. Perhaps you're one that likes to take things on blind faith, so say hello to the rest of your Hubologist buddies for me.
- It looked like Black Isle wouldn't have the time required to make a new engine, as IPLY was in a doubtful position to support any long term development plans. While it looked doubtful, BIS could very well make their own engine. After all, there's plenty of half-built engines floating around.
-Focus on real time? Someone's been on Chuck's brand of stupid smoke again.
Better luck next time, Danien, but I'd suggest you favor the mop instead of a keyboard from now on. TORN having an "original game universe". That is so comical, to call something intended to be derivative to an extreme as "original". When will your mad merry-go-round stop?