Why is it, that the types of games that have appealed to me in the past seem to all be fading away, this may be good as it allows me to remove myself from the computer more often and do things like excersise, and see friends and family more often. I remember the days when D&D used to be the mainstream and I was a Gamma World and Twilight 2000 fanatic, there just wasn't as much of a following for the genre at the time and they have faded away. I only recently threw away a truckload of old games including Wasteland and Fountain of Dreams, but all Black Isles stuff is being saved for replayability, FO,FO2,BG,BG2 ect.. (just in case

Lets face it the bottom line is profits because after all it is business.
Everyone want to make a Starcraft or a Counterstrike or some console title that appeals to mostly the teen masses or adult masses (the Sims) To get an idea of what most people want, look at the 100 channels of crapola vs the 4 or 5 stations of real good stuff that not many people watch, believe it or not those are the people games are being made for, the same ones that when you watch some tv program and say to yourself who the heck watches this stuff, that is the consumer that has caused Interplay to drop this title because the profit margin we would bring in as consumers is just not worth the hassle to them.
Lets not kid ourselves the bottom line is plain old GREED no matter how you look at it, its what keeps our capitalistic, err I mean Democracy running, the politics and backstabbing of white collar business would make you dizzy. So much aggressive and passive aggressive behavior towards each other, little do most people know that we aren't in any way civilized nor humane. oops rambling...
Anyway, Thanks Black Isle and Former Black Isle and anyone else that brought me the best damn gaming since Wasteland.
Baldurs Gate 1 & 2 and Expansions
Icewind Dale and Expansions
Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics
Maybe its time for my 35 year old self to stop playing so many silly games anyhow.