The Game

I'll agree with Gareth that there was some pretty good work done on the IE games, especially with that they had to put up with. However, their real chances to shine, where they did reach down and go for a completely in house game, they got shafted on both opportunities. No, I'm not talking about Feargus' diseased brain louse abortion of Torn. :twisted:

That in itself I think is the real thing that has the fans pissed off at Interplay. As for working at Interplay being crappy, well...that exactly hasn't been a news flash for the last three years. Maybe even more, as the situations may vary.

The biggest problems arose from when Herve put his dick in the apple pie.

If Fallout 3 had been finished, I would have paid the asking price. I remember many years ago, buying Secret of Evermore for SNES for 74.99 at ebgames(i think it was them) and that game was worth it. Fallout 3 is worth that and much more to me.
Puuk said:
Dagon said:
I dont understand why interplay cancelled VB

That makes thousands of us... :(

Puuk, do you know what this means? From the Silverstyle forums by their lead programmer:

Well, I would like to write something positive regarding the FO3 progress into the next newsletter. So it depends on how things work out with Josh and Damien.

False hope? Though I've learnt not to get my hopes up until a game is in my hands concering the FO license...
Hope you and the BIS guys are doing OK.
Mr. Teatime said:
Puuk said:
Dagon said:
I dont understand why interplay cancelled VB

That makes thousands of us... :(

Puuk, do you know what this means? From the Silverstyle forums by their lead programmer:

Well, I would like to write something positive regarding the FO3 progress into the next newsletter. So it depends on how things work out with Josh and Damien.

False hope? Though I've learnt not to get my hopes up until a game is in my hands concering the FO license...
Hope you and the BIS guys are doing OK.

Yes I do, but I can't say anything at the moment about it. MYSTARY!
Puuk said:
Mr. Teatime said:
Puuk said:
Dagon said:
I dont understand why interplay cancelled VB

That makes thousands of us... :(

Puuk, do you know what this means? From the Silverstyle forums by their lead programmer:

Well, I would like to write something positive regarding the FO3 progress into the next newsletter. So it depends on how things work out with Josh and Damien.

False hope? Though I've learnt not to get my hopes up until a game is in my hands concering the FO license...
Hope you and the BIS guys are doing OK.

Yes I do, but I can't say anything at the moment about it. MYSTARY!

I think if we ever do get a FO sequal, MYSTARY should make an appearence
Re: So....

Weenis said:
You're absolutely right, rats late in the game, bad. Fallout was open ended enough that you could go back and visit previously explored areas and finish stuff up. It's hard to balance for where the player is at exactly at that moment. About rats not attacking someone in power armor but walking around in normal clothes seems a bit strange as I don't think most rats know what power armor is or does. I personally think it would have just been awkward doing it that way. We did have plans for creatures to respond to certain types of things. Like dogs and flame throwers.

Because rats are generally smart enough to know the difference between a smaller person and the larger person. Power armor is bulky and makes a person heavier, which is why I did the CLOMP CLOMP CLOMP thing. Rats can also have a good sense of smell, and there'd be a difference between the smell of a human in a leather jacket and a person wearing Power Armor. Leather Jacket Guy is going to smell like FOOD, and Power Armor Guy is going to smell like silver coated polymer, which isn't part of a balanced rodent diet.

Even if you don't buy the logic of Power Armor making someone bigger and they'd make more noise wearing it, refer to Chris Avellone's GAME LOGICK argument. Who cares if it's not 100% realistic or makes 100% perfect sense? Fighting rats when you have power armor is boring, therefore, they run away.

Briosafreak said:
[Since they decided to give the priority to TB instead of trying to get everything right no matter what, i had no problem with it.

Gullible much? Even claiming that turn based would be the priority in the rules, you're still going to have to fudge things like the enemy AI, the design of maps in the placement and number/difficulty of combatants, and so forth. Imagine Adytum or Navarro in real time, think either would be possible? They wouldn't be, they'd be overwhelming. You'd have to cut down something on either of those locations just to make it possible, either the number of Regulators/Enclavers or make them weaker just because the real time option kiddies are going to also have to be able to deal with it. Something has to give, and that's what it's all about. Saying they can give priority to turn based and not fudge anything in turn based is poppycock.
Yes I do, but I can't say anything at the moment about it. MYSTARY!

Your dessssssspicable

Talk damn you, talk :violent:

Gullible much? Even claiming that turn based would be the priority in the rules, you're still going to have to fudge things like the enemy AI, the design of maps in the placement and number/difficulty of combatants, and so forth.

Look, if the devs say it worked, I have to believe them. What would they gain by lying to us now? And who knows better than them?

EDIT: They have said that sacrifices are made to have a hybrid system, but they seem to believe it worked well.
Well I couldn't write interplay an e-mail since I'm apparently blacklisted??? I've yet to ever write them an e-mail, and I'd have to believe that their orderdesk and PR department are still working. So instead I decided to phone them and leave a voice message on their HQ machine. It's a long distance call sure, but it cost me all of two dollars for the two minutes it took to voice concern over their choice of business practice. I would actually encourage more people to do the same!
I think it's all a ploy! Oh my, yes a ploy! Has anyone considered this? What do you think? Could they be going after more money? Or is it something bigger? Or could they enjoy the torture and pain they caused us?! All of the above perhaps?!
On one hand this thread just makes me feel worse. I mean, a game with music influenced by Isis, House of Low Culture and 27? Any game remotely associated to Hydrahead Records or Aaron Turner would be a blockbuster.

On the other hand, the RT vs TB battle still rages, and I still feel I would have been a loser in it. I still play the first two Fallouts often. I still play the first two X-Coms and Jagged Alliances weekly. And I can't wait for Silent Storm.

I couldn't stand the third X-Com, though. It felt wrong. Other "real-time with pausing" games were also disappointing. I couldn't play more than a few minutes of Freedom Force before I gave up on it. I went back to it several times over the course of a year, but the combination made me feel disassociated with my troops.

Pure turn-based feels like the best way. Sure, having to stop to take out rats gets tedious, but if you're armed well enough you'd take them down in a few short seconds, then be back to RT marching in no time.

Had the game been RT combat I wouldn't have played. Every RT troop game has been a waste of money to me. Most of them have been critical and commercial failures, too. Mixing it usually gives you wonky AI as the team takes on too much at once, giving too little attention to both.

I could have been wrong. But I've been right about this so many times in the past. Then again, I'm just one gamer.

I also think this is why, several years removed from a Computer Science/English degree I've given up on entering the gaming industry and headed to Law School. In Boston. To see more Isis, even though they've moved to LA.

Edit: Eh, all that being said, this was still a team that never let me down, and one I had tremendous respect for, right there with the JA team that's still looking for employment.

A dark week for gaming. Very dark. Good luck in the future, guys.
Saint it wouldn`t be perfect, the balance would be a bitch, 4Too pointed many times the fact that the focus on unarmed and melee was a compromise to the RT crown, that`s true. And there is always some spin in what the devs that are making a game to a tough crowd say, but that`s fine, it means they at least listen to us.

In the end it`s not a question of being gullible, it`s a question of having enough evidence that they were taking the TB in a serious manner, and that if they succeed in the transition from 2d to 3D, so at least we should give them the benefit of the doubt in succeeding on the combat too.

I give them a bit more credit though, since that with all the material i have i`m pretty sure that the combat would be as fun as in the other Fallout games, even if it wasn`t perfect, but then again only in JA i saw something close to perfection.
Puuk said:
Mr. Teatime said:
Puuk said:
Dagon said:
I dont understand why interplay cancelled VB

That makes thousands of us... :(

Puuk, do you know what this means? From the Silverstyle forums by their lead programmer:

Well, I would like to write something positive regarding the FO3 progress into the next newsletter. So it depends on how things work out with Josh and Damien.

False hope? Though I've learnt not to get my hopes up until a game is in my hands concering the FO license...
Hope you and the BIS guys are doing OK.

Yes I do, but I can't say anything at the moment about it. MYSTARY!

Yay!!! I like a MYSTARY.

This just makes me think of the post at SSE where Carsten replied to someones post about the BIS boys moving to Germany saying it'd likely be freelance work from their homes.

Hmm, maybe something good is happening.
May I ask who you are Saint? You seem to know a lot about both game design and rats, so I guess you have some experience with these things? I know you were involved in this Vault site before, and have a seriously imature language from time to time, but except for that? And I'd like to know the same about you if you don't mind Roshambo?

Reason I ask is that I have seen your attacks against the people that could, with a little more luck, have brought us Fallout 3, and I'm currious about why? So you do not agree with some of their design decisions. Is this a good reason for behaving as you have done from time to time?
Slaughter said:
May I ask who you are Saint? You seem to know a lot about both game design and rats, so I guess you have some experience with these things? I know you were involved in this Vault site before, and have a seriously imature language from time to time, but except for that? And I'd like to know the same about you if you don't mind Roshambo?

Reason I ask is that I have seen your attacks against the people that could, with a little more luck, have brought us Fallout 3, and I'm currious about why? So you do not agree with some of their design decisions. Is this a good reason for behaving as you have done from time to time?

Because it wasn't an identical remake of the original Fallout, it would've been terrible...or something.

I don't give a damn about real-time anymore, just to have a Fallout sequel that would've stayed at least 70% true to the originals would've been better than nothing as far as I'm concerned. As long as the most important thing was intact -- roleplaying a character in the wastes -- I would've been fine with it.
Amen to that StillLife! And I think, sad as it is, the Fallout community have to take some of the blame themselves for how things went. The way we have behaved have done nothing better, and I almost understand that Interplay wanted to get rid of us. We've been bashing everything they've done from Lionheart to FO:POS. Personally I didn't care about them making FO:POS, as long as it would help bring us Fallout 3. Well, I didn't like it, but it was better that way than no Fallout 3.