I'll agree with Gareth that there was some pretty good work done on the IE games, especially with that they had to put up with. However, their real chances to shine, where they did reach down and go for a completely in house game, they got shafted on both opportunities. No, I'm not talking about Feargus' diseased brain louse abortion of Torn.
That in itself I think is the real thing that has the fans pissed off at Interplay. As for working at Interplay being crappy, well...that exactly hasn't been a news flash for the last three years. Maybe even more, as the situations may vary.
The biggest problems arose from when Herve put his dick in the apple pie.

That in itself I think is the real thing that has the fans pissed off at Interplay. As for working at Interplay being crappy, well...that exactly hasn't been a news flash for the last three years. Maybe even more, as the situations may vary.
The biggest problems arose from when Herve put his dick in the apple pie.