I've been wanting to add one of those statues to my collection for a while. Put Santa hats on it and bikinis and shit when we have parties. And relocate it to behind the front door for when I am away. The house keeps getting broke into. Bet they would run for the hills if that was there to great them instead of my thirty minutes to a hour police response time while my alarm sings to them, lol.
As for multiple copies... Some might be variations. I know I was ordering a copy of Fallout 2 (listed as original and unopened... and $10, which was odd) it turned out to be a pirated dvd thing. Its odd... But I hang onto it and actual was kind happy. I've got enough versions of it already to cover my ass legally. Original, and F1&F2 collections of several sizes, Fallout BOS, guides, etc. Just more of a curiosity for the collection when I see things I can afford.
Nice collection though.