The Gun That was not worth it when you finally got it

Vault Buster

First time out of the vault
Give me opinions on your weapon that you spent the most time on but found out it was a complete waste of time to get! It doesn't mean that it cant have good damage but may have very crappy durability before it break and the spare parts are hard to find! So give me your opinion guys!
F1/2 : Probably the assault rifle. I remember the first time I got one I loaded that sucker up and ran up to some mildly armored critter and fired off a burst that cleared half my ammo and did ~10 hp of damage.

Also the tricked out miniguns found later in F2 are, as showcased early on in the story, only good for gunning down unarmed peasants and their children.
At times I'm tempted to answer "Bozar", mostly since I tend to never go for big guns myself and let Marcus/Cat handle those, resulting in me standing somewhat in between them and their intended targets as they burst...

Yes, they seem to want me dead, since they keep moving around until I get in between them and the targets. :P
Where can I use it? I already breakthrough hardest part.
well it isn't accepted because it's knife than I will choose 14mm pistol.
Hell I buy trash with money...
Bozar? That was a tremendous weapon.

Atomkilla said:
Yes, Laser Rifle or Pistol. These were quite disappointing for me, IIRC.

Now that you mention it... With everyone in New Reno calling the Salvatore's lightbringers as the most lethal weapons on Earth, that prevents everyone from attacking them, and once you finally get your hand on one of these laser pistol you realize they are totally useless. :D
Izual said:
Atomkilla said:
Yes, Laser Rifle or Pistol. These were quite disappointing for me, IIRC.

Now that you mention it... With everyone in New Reno calling the Salvatore's lightbringers as the most lethal weapons on Earth, that prevents everyone from attacking them, and once you finally get your hand on one of these laser pistol you realize they are totally useless. :D


By the time I reach New Reno, lightbringers are pretty much obsolete.
What? The Laser Rifle is awesome. Or are we talking about the FO3/NV crap?

Same for the Minigun or assault rifle in Fo1/2. If you know how to use it and spend your perks/points wisely, they will rip everything apart.
In Fo2 I hated it when I finally got the Combat Shotgun (in Broken Hills) and noticed how totally useless it was at this point in the game.

It was especially shitty, because the Combat Shotgun is my most loved weapon in Fo1.
Tagaziel said:
Also, I love the 14mm pistol. To death.
You, sir, are a man of taste and distinction.

As to the original question: In New Vegas, for me, it's not so much an issue of being disappointed with any given gun as it's an issue of never being able to find all the upgrades for a weapon I'm using before the point in the game when it becomes hopelessly obsolete.
Lexx said:
In Fo2 I hated it when I finally got the Combat Shotgun (in Broken Hills) and noticed how totally useless it was at this point in the game.

It was especially shitty, because the Combat Shotgun is my most loved weapon in Fo1.

The Combat Shotgun totally rocks in Fallout 2, but I think Broken Hills is a little late. You're supposed to get it around Reno.

Surf Solar said:
What? The Laser Rifle is awesome. Or are we talking about the FO3/NV crap?

No, Fallout 2 of course. Can't remember well, but since the Laser Rifle's strength is range, and you can't really use long range in Fallout 1/2... And since by the time you have it you can also have plasma rifle, I doubt anyone uses the Laser Rifle for long.

Yamu said:
As to the original question: In New Vegas, for me, it's not so much an issue of being disappointed with any given gun

Yes. I wasn't satisfied by any gun in New Vegas. To me, that's one of the many major flaws of the game.
FO1 and 2: Grenades, but mostly because I never put points in throwing. Also Burst guns. I never even give those to the companions , I have terrible luck with them killing each other or me with their burst.

New Vegas: Vanilla: Grenade Machine Gun. DLC: The Red Glare.
Walpknut said:
DLC: The Red Glare.

That gun wouldn't have been that bad if it wasn't so seriously 'overrated' by developers. Signature weapon for DLC? Achievement worthy? Seriously?

In reality, however, it was quite handy for me when I got surrounded by Tunnelers. If it was just another big (unique) weapon with not much big commotion about it, it would have been a lot better.

Also, plenty of weapons in those item add-ons (or whatever) were quite disappointing.
Izual said:
Lexx said:
In Fo2 I hated it when I finally got the Combat Shotgun (in Broken Hills) and noticed how totally useless it was at this point in the game.

It was especially shitty, because the Combat Shotgun is my most loved weapon in Fo1.

The Combat Shotgun totally rocks in Fallout 2, but I think Broken Hills is a little late. You're supposed to get it around Reno.

I never visited Reno before Broken Hills, because Broken Hills is the town that sends you there via a quest. Besides this, you can find better automatic shotguns long before.
Fallout: New Vegas: the Q-35 Matter Modulator. It was hyped up all the way through the Repconn HQ, and it turned out to only be slightly better than the standard plasma rifle. I wasted a lot of time playing by the game's rules by trying to get the gun without being ripped apart by sentry bots, but I could have spent time getting the Pulse Gun instead.
I really like the Q-35. stat-wise, its not much better, but the accuracy and fire rate definitely make a difference for me
Yes, I liked the Q-35 quite a lot. It was a bit of a drag to get it repaired, but I found it a most used energy weapon by my character.