The Impossible Will Take A Little While

Brother None said:
It won't fit the Fallout franchise, tho', which used to have internal coherence

I'm sorry, but the Fallout franchise stopped having internal coherence after the first game. I wouldn't exactly call New Reno, SanFran, Hubologists, or V13 filled with talking deathclaws, internally coherent with the bar that was set in the first game. Fallout 2 was a great game, but they totally dropped the ball on keeping the franchise on a more mature track.

The ugly truth is that Fallout was a masterpiece, and nothing else in the series has ever quite lived up to it.
"all the work of disciplining and educating himself (Lone Wanderer), which should have been done for him (by his father) he had to do for himself."
Which we do not see, which we have to assume took or did not take place during the white-flash intermittions.
"Dad has no real influence on you."
Intermissions -- 'Don't mind the man behind the curtain!' and all that jazz. We know he has some influence, though: He forces you to take the test, and for what ever reason, you respect him enough to.
"You can turn his scientific project against everything he worked to achieve"
After you've wondered the Waste for countless eons, possibly becoming bitter at the Wasteland and your father and thus rebelling against his good intentions to destroy the wasteland scum . . . Or something cool like that.
"Still the player considers his father to be his father and is looking for him later."
Maybe to seek delicious vengous! Or, because the story told you to since day one.
"The mother is mother because she gives you birth. That's fine. But if the father is father ONLY because he sticks his dick in he"
The mother is the mother because Dad and Bethesda tell us she's the mother. The father is the father because he is the father, as we're roleplaying as the son . . . In theory.
"It's like [Daddy] failed [to love his child]."
By abandoning his child to the safety of the vault while he fled, possibly hoping that they'd only be prosecuting him? Admittedly shallow thinking of dear Dad (I never finished the main quest, don't beat me if I'm wrong!), but loving, perhaps.
Or do you mean the lack of attention given to the relationship between child and father? It was Bethesda's choice to show us only what they wanted us to see (and only what they wanted to make and wanted to write ad wanted . . . )
How about shooting roaches with pop', or the birthday party that he was present in, or reading the bible quote, or talking you into the GOAT, and the comments about your mother? These are all interactions with his child, they by no means give the impression he is neglectful during the intermittent years.

"And this 'search for father' may be very well understood as child's struggle to hold on to 'paternity'"
Or it might be a plot device to get you off your arse to go fire some nuckular catapults at some raiders . . . But seriously: This assumes, again, that your father wasn't a father -- That's fine, I suppose, you could well play it up, but the story doesn't prove or disprove it. It's your assumption.

Sacrifice, if that's the theme, well Dad sacrifices his place in the vault so you may remain in the vault (Daddy ain't that smart, you see).
Besides, you were a big boy/girl by the time he left. You should of been cuddlin' up to Amata and reapin' children and burnin' garbage by the time Dad finished his work to de-something-or-other the Capital Waste.
Then you sacrifice yourself, your time, and your ammo, doin' shit and finishin' his project (and destroying yourself), or something.

Ugh. Please kill me. I never wanted to put so much thought into this. :cry:
I think it's probably safe to say that far more thought has gone into this thread then anything at all in Fallout 3. There are really no underlying deep philosophical themes in FO3; and to try and invent some is giving to much credit to a developer that set only to create and LCD action game.
Why use up all that brainpower trying to come up with a reason that the music in Fallout 3 sucked? You don't need to! The music of Fallout 3 sucked simply because it was in Fallout 3! No further rationalization needed, friends.