The List-


Ok, I was reading the Beach (which I suspect is a good book ruined by an awful movie) and the main character mentions a list of the things in life he wants to do.

Do you have a list- if so what's on it.

Note that the things on the list can be personal, physical, etc- but these are things you don't want to die without having experiences.

For example, this could include-

Climb a Mountain
Face Death
Have meaningful sex with an exotic woman in a foreign country
Jump off a high cliff
Save someone's life
See Angor Wat
Hike through Nepal
Scuba Dive on a shipwreck

Again, these are just suggestions. Give one example, and lets see what are the things you guys want to do.
One word: skydiving.

It has to be the greatest feeling ever.. I can only imagine for now.. But soon my time will come.

I'm planning on taking lessons as soon as I can put enough money aside. :D
Great thread idea Welsh!

I actually keep a list.

-Climb to the top of Los Angeles Crest. (the mountain my hometown resides on)
-Skydive and live
-Eat a bowl of Sharkfin soup. (hey it costs like $100 a must be good!)
-Win at least a local Magic tournament. (perhaps something higher)
-Own a house and have a steady job I enjoy.
-Meet someone in real life that I only knew previously through the internet. (I have lots of friends from forums...not just this one)
-Cosplay. (guess who as?)
-Donate significant time and money to an environmental group.

The Vault Dweller
The_Vault_Dweller said:
-Eat a bowl of Sharkfin soup. (hey it costs like $100 a must be good!)

I had sharkfin soup last week. $100? What the hell? Cost me around 4$.

Anyway, here are my wishes;

-get assraped by 3 black men
-kill someone.
-start a famine.
-start a world war.
-build a post-apocalyptic communications bunker, a bit like the BOS.
Yes, Skydiving sounds fun. I wanted to do that once, my brother beat me to it.

The thing about goals is that you can add new ones as you cross off old ones.

Still need to get to Nepal and Angor Wat.

Right now I'd like to publish a novel and finish the dissertation. More fun- I wouldn't mind spending at least one night on a deserted tropical island.

Want to go diving among seals off Australia and perhaps in the Red Sea. (though you have to watch)

Go on Safari in Africa
Gee Welsh sounds like your gonna have quite a time. I'd be enthralled to do some of those things you mention.

I forgot to mention...

-Have sex.
-Write my two fanfiction story ideas for Fallout. As well as some other writing.

The Vault Dweller
I actually made a list like this when I was 12 years old, and I still have it stuffed somewhere in a drawer back home. If I would look it up I suspect I would laugh grandly; I remember points like "Owning my own motorcross", "Play in a rockband" and "Go back to New York City" which I had just visited at the time.

If I were to make a List today, it would be quite different. Marek has already pinpointed one of my top points: skydiving. I simply must skydive before I die. The feeling of plummeting 'helpless' towards the earth before unleashing a quite simple construction on which your life will depend... Ah, I wager it will be grand.

In the same ballpark, I want to take a certificate for small airoplanes like the Cessna 172. My father is a pilot for a living, and also flies in his spare time, and I simply love to fly and accompany him to work or the flying club; it is such a liberating feeling, which is why I want to skydive. I also love flying simulators, and then I don't mean Microsofts Flight Sims, but teh real tng - the very simulators that are used to educate pilots. I don't get to do it very often, but when my father does take me to the Flight Acadamy I live on it for weeks to come. Doing that thing they did in Tomb Raider 2: Cradle of Life from the skyscraper would also be very nifty, though I don't remember what it is called.

Furthermore I wish to learn Japanese before I die, and by 'learn Japanese' I mean master it to such an extent that I would be able to live and work in Japan. If I have my will done, I will probably only live there for a few years or so after three years of studying the language on the University of Lund, Sweden. I know I will not benefit on it economically, and that when I get back it will be like starting from square one when it comes to getting a meaninful job in Sweden, but wellbeing and doing what you want to do in life is to me more important than money, even though it can help you achieve your goals.

Always wanted to publish a novel. I've been writing on and off on three since way back - I started with a fantasy novel in English when I was about 14 years old, and as I've grown older and more educated in the language I have altered and revised it up to standard with my current English skill, so the old material is not more useless than the new.

As for my dream job, which I guess is not very far off the topic, it is actually to become a composer for movie music and/or video games. Movie music would me far more stimulating, while I can imagine that making video game music for a living would be like one long feast of laughter. Sure, all occupations have their downsides, but I really can't see many with this one. If I do live to see it fulfilled, it might even come at handy to speak Japanese, since all the great video game composers are from Japan.

Oh well. Damn this became a long post.

TVD said:
-Cosplay. (guess who as?)

Zwarte Pieten?
-Meet someone in real life that I only knew previously through the internet.

Hey! I have done that. I used to belong to a science fiction forum in Argentina, and we made several meetings. With food, drinks, music, movies shown in a wide screen TV, trivias, contests, and... well just about everything. The last time I went we even bought pizza sice the meeting lasted until high hours of the night and then we went to a bar.

Just a lot of fun... basically.

I wonder why don't you guys do something like that. Not that I can assist since I live in Argentina, but maybe if some of you live near to each other it could work.

The meeting I mentioned worked because most of us lived in Buenos Aires.

Well anyways, here is something (still not all) I want to do:

-Direct a feature movie. (not a low budget short movie, I have done that already.)
-Write a good 400 pages novel.
I dream of:

- living a long, healthy and fulfilled life, safe from disease, famine, poverty, war and other evils
- surviving the upcoming oil apocalypse
- getting rich by the age of 35, retiring and enjoying my wealth
- having my own game development studio
- designing an epic and deep RPG that will become legendary like Fallout or Ultima
- seeing the day when my country will be prosperous and wealthy
- finding God
Ratty said:
I dream of:
- getting rich by the age of 35, retiring and enjoying my wealth
- finding God

I am thinking Comrade needs vacation away from Western Influences, you are obviously feeling ill. There is nice Winter camp in Siberia you will visit.
It has everything, shovels, rocks, and your own personal motivator.
Get better soon Comrade.

And is this a thread for dreams or things you are going to do before you die?
I find it sad that individuals form the 'West' have usually very whimsical and self-actualized goals, while our brethren form the 'East' have much more basic and altruistic goals. :cry:
Commissar Lauren said:
I am thinking Comrade needs vacation away from Western Influences, you are obviously feeling ill. There is nice Winter camp in Siberia you will visit.
It has everything, shovels, rocks, and your own personal motivator.
Get better soon Comrade.

What can I say? I'm a materialist. That's not uncommon among socialists. Tito himself loved wealth and luxury, and Marx was lived in wealth as well. Stalin, on the other hand, was very ascetic.

And is this a thread for dreams or things you are going to do before you die?
No, it's a thread for things I dream of doing before I die.
Hmmm... Excellent thread idea!

-Own a (Chrysler) Imperial. preferably a 59 or a Fuselage era (69-73).
-Travel beyond this planet somehow. Either to another planet, the moon, or a space station.
-See Tokyo, London, Berlin, Moscow, and several similar places of interest, and take many, many photographs.
-Have *something* published. My photographs, my writing, something!
-shatter a few more biblical sex taboos...
I gotta paste one of lord 342's
-Travel beyond this planet somehow. Either to another planet, the moon, or a space station.

I gotta do that.

As for the rest of mine.......

Join Army (done)
Skydive (will do jump training next year sometime)

Play a GOOD FO3 (weather it be bethesda's or a mod)

Play a GOOD FO4 (weather it be bethesda's or a mod)

Play a GOOD FO5 (weather it be bethesda's or a mod)

Play a GOOD FO6 (weather it be bethesda's or a mod)

you get the idea.............
PsychoSniper said:
Lose my virginity.

I want to fall in love with someone who will love me as unconditionally as I love them, and spend my life with them.

Preferably in a big van, travelling around the world playing music in basements and small clubs nightly.

As long as I can afford a nice guitar, ramen noodles, and root beer, I'll be happy.
Welsh said:
Do you have a list- if so what's on it.
No. I've no idea what I want to do. There are things I transiently dream of doing, but nothing specific that I "must" do before I die.
Yes, obviously there's the standard things like finding the love of one's life, finding a job that one loves and all that stuff, but nothing more than that. Also, I find it hard to envision those things happening, they seem unlikely at best.

I can't think of any places I want to visit, nor activities I particularly want to do (exceptional activities, I mean), nor any objects of amzing personal value.
How do you guys filter these dreams out of all the possibilities?
And how do you know that you will enjoy these things?

Lord 342 said:
-See ... London
Why? London sucks.
-shatter a few more biblical sex taboos...
"Ex 22:19 Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death."
Hehe, just messing with you, you can have sex with animals if you want - Just make sure they're not underage!