The List-

*Attempts takeover of world, only manages to capture everything except Romania due to freaky penis-based defenses*
*Attempts to draft soldiers into his regiment to fight the machine invasion leaded by calculon00*
I just want a loving, big family, and the means to support them very comfortably. Thats really all I could ever want. I wouldn't mind travelling the world, or skydiving though :wink: .

And Welsh..I've noticed you really want to scuba dive. Let me tell you...its one of the most amazing things ever. My father owns a dive shop(he's got a website too, in case you're ever in CT, stop by) and we're constantly diving. Wreck diving, cave diving, wall diving, everything. My favorite thing to do is night dive on wrecks. THAT'S a cool experience. If you ever want to know anything about you get started, where to do, etc, just hit me up on AIM or something. I'll be glad to help you get started.
This derailed thread is goin' in the right direction.

King o' Creation: My Father did lots of diving...he has such amazing bad Im too scared to do it.


(attempts to save the world from the like's of the NMA members and Orderites...but gets shot in the back by Ian and dies)

(bones bleach in the sun),
The Vault Dweller
Jebus said:
*masturbates furiously on VD's bones*

Fallout Narrator: Sadly, the remains of the hero were doomed to be masterbated upon by a Belgian boy whom had eagerly carried his equipment for him as the groups pack donkey. After that...not even the buzzars would touch the corpse. As for Jebus...well...he just kept on truckin'!

The Vault Dweller
My list is updated with the following goal:

- read at least half of the 80+ e-books I'm presently downloading (There is some really cool stuff here - all essential D&D 3rd edition manuals, entire LotR trilogy + Hobbit + a couple of other books about Middle-Earth and a ton of books about programming such as "3D Game Engine Design" and "AI for Computer Games and Animation" - enough reading material to keep me entertained for the next 10 years.)
Allow me to revise my previous points on my list and as others have already done concentrate them in one apropos point: Happiness. I care much less about material things than I did some months ago; If I find happyness with a shitload of money and a sexbomb wife to display at dinner parties, fine, but I might as well have nothing but the clothes I wear and a sexbomb cave-woman to shag in the forest and I'll be content. The sexbomb woman is pretty much a requirement though.
Is this your dad KOC?