The most facepalm worth article ever. "Fallout 4 is a good rpg"

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Interesting land creatures time! Naked mole rat

Its so cute! And its probably what the mole rats in Fallout mutated from.


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One thing I always wanted to see in Fallout was some kind of mutated mammoth or elephant, with acid dripping out of its tusks and massive teeth. Why has nobody ever though about that?

Because that doesn't feel like fallout.
But Behemoths could ride them into battle!
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One thing I always wanted to see in Fallout was some kind of mutated mammoth or elephant, with acid dripping out of its tusks and massive teeth. Why has nobody ever though about that?

Edit: we might as well enjoy this thread because the next moderator who gets on is going to vat it.
Because that doesn't feel like fallout. That sounds like something from a shitty resident evil sequel.
Behemoths don't feel like fallout either. Behemoths can't be canon anyway because fo3 and fo4 can't logically be canon. They contradict to much.
Stop ruining the fun. Tell me it wouldn't be badass to see a screaming behemoth charging at you on top of a roaring mutated mammoth that is 4 times the size of a bus.
We can officially say that would be a "fuck yeah moment"
Stop ruining the fun. Tell me it wouldn't be badass to see a screaming behemoth charging at you on top of a roaring mutated mammoth that is 4 times the size of a bus.
We can officially say that would be a "fuck yeah moment"
No. Honestly it sounds exactly like something a five year old would come up with. Something shouldn't be put into a game just because it's cool.
Its so cute! And its probably what the mole rats in Fallout mutated from.
I can't really imagine this thing

being the result of a small hairless rodent.

Please, in future specify that you mean the 3/NV/4 variety rather than the 1/2/VanBuren variety.
Games are supposed to be fun, and cool stuff is fun. No need to be a spoilsport

Yes, but games are also supposed to have a consistent feeling with them. Fallout was always a whacky post-apocalypse, but it had a serious, dark atmospheric part as well, that going too whacky would contradict. A Giant Orc type monster riding a Mammoth in to battle seems to be a step too far.
Games are supposed to be fun, and cool stuff is fun. No need to be a spoilsport
I'm all for cool stuff in my fallout. Vault 22. Dead money. Hell even the new deathclaw designs I like. But behemoths riding mammoths doesn't belong in fallout IMO.
I can't really imagine this thing

being the result of a small hairless rodent.
To be Fair: I don't really see how deathclaws are the result of a Jackson's chameleon either. And despite the new molerat designs being straight up molerats with no twist, I'm fine with them.
And despite the new molerat designs being straight up molerats with no twist, I'm fine with them.
I'd much prefer they had a unique name to be honest, rather than using one which is already used by a very different type of creature.
I'd much prefer they had a unique name to be honest, rather than using one which is already used by a very different type of creature.
That's how I feel about fo4's various Mirelurks. Let's be honest none of those things were mirelurks. And the designs of them didn't feel like fallout. (They felt like they belonged in wasteland IMO).
That's how I feel about fo4's various Mirelurks. Let's be honest none of those things were mirelurks. And the designs of them didn't feel like fallout. (They felt like they belonged in wasteland IMO).
Mirelurks would have worked really well as FEV tests, but when they pretty much confirmed they were radiation, that kinda killed them for me.
Mirelurks would have worked really well as FEV tests, but when they pretty much confirmed they were radiation, that kinda killed them for me.
What FEV tests? I disagree. I've had enough with this FEV hullabaloo. To me it is little more than a plot device. It has no business being on the east coast and the less the east coast is affected by it the better IMO. Who would be testing on them?
What FEV tests? I disagree. I've had enough with this FEV hullabaloo. To me it is little more than a plot device. It has no business being on the east coast and the less the east coast is affected by it the better IMO. Who would be testing on them?
True I guess.
True I guess.
I guess maybe the enclave could be testing on them.... But then again the enlcave shouldn't really be there either. Sucks too. If it weren't for fo2 it'd make perfect sense for the remains of the u.s. government to be lurking around D.C. But fallout 2 makes it fairly clear that they are no longer in a position of power.
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