Vault Senior Citizen

Yes but not western 3rd wave feminist. Trust me I know, my cousin and aunt are your typical 3rd wave feminist and they believe that all women living in America are constant victims of the evil white patriarchy and if Donald Trump is elected then he is going to use us as breeding stock and strap us women down in milking machines like in that scene from Mad Max Fury Road. I am not making this shit up. I really wish I was. Now Trump is a buffoon and there is legitimate reasons to not like him but this borders on the realms of madness. Suffice to say my cousin and aunt don't talk to anymore. Well that was after they called me a brainwashed c*nt and gender traitor.
Cis means that you are comfortable with your gender. Don't know why Tumblr likes to think that is an insult.
I consider myself a "third-wave feminist". And yes I understand how much flak that can get on the internet just for saying it. Nonetheless, all I'm saying is can we not generalise please? As usual with these movements the movement itself is fine. It's just when you put people in it that it becomes problematic. Hence the Anita Sarkeesian's of the world. A lot of feminists can be fucking obnoxious sometimes.
Cisgender is just the term for non-trans people. I agree I don't see why it's become, as you say, an insult recently. Just wanted to point out it's not quite the same as people who are "comfortable with their gender".
Sorry for bringing this topic back guys. Please continue talking about Slender Man.
I admit feminism can go a little far sometimes...

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