Most of my retardation stems from beer or other mind altering substances, but here's one where I was completely sober.
I'll save the rest for another time.
So, some years back I was attending a sort of boarding school a long ways away from civilization and I had won some movie tickets from getting the high score on some movie quiz they'd held.
My lazy ass was late for the bus headed for the nearest theatre, and since it was a pretty rural area, there was only one bus. I miss that one, I miss the movie.
I'm running like hell to catch it and don't pay no mind to the traffic, mostly because this is in the middle of nowhere and traffic is pretty non-existent.
Well... Yeah, you know the drill. You hear a car-like sound coming from your left, so you turn to look and SMACK goes your legs against the bumper, SMACK goes your face into the hood.
Somehow, I got up and managed to keep running after the bus, though my speed wasn't really up to par and my legs hurt like hell. As I finally enter that damned bus, the busdriver just stares at me and points out the window: "I think that guy wants to talk to you."
The driver of the car is right outside looking pretty damn dumbfounded, so I just stick my head out the door and ask:
"What's the matter, is your car ok?"
"Uh, are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm still walking right? Now could you please move your car? I'm kinda in a hurry."
I got back in, sat down and relaxed. Finally it was over. Now it's all sunshine and lollypops.
Got to the theatre.
"Hell yeah, this is it!"
Matrix Reloaded