The most retarded things you've ever done

Drove around with a water pump that I knew was leaking slowly. It ended up having a catastrophic leak and dumped all of my coolant out. Car overheated and now I have to check the head and possibly get a new car.

I have the intake and exhaust manifolds, rockers, push rods, etc. off - this is the weekend I find out if I get a used Toyota or something. I never liked the '98 cavalier.
I was joking around once while my mom was driving. She stopped at a stop sign and I got out of the car and started running around like a jackass. My mom didn't notice and started to drive off. I quickly tried to get in the truck, but my leg got pulled under and I got ran over. It hurt....a lot.
TorontRayne said:
I was joking around once while my mom was driving. She stopped at a stop sign and I got out of the car and started running around like a jackass. My mom didn't notice and started to drive off. I quickly tried to get in the truck,but my leg got pulled under and I got ran over. It hurt....a lot.
ladies & gentlemen, i think we have a winner! :clap:
I once took large quantity's of "Datura stramonium"
:crazy: advice to you, stay on pot, i mean it
It happened In late August. I call it "Day of the Pariah Dog"
I was playing on my computer and I suddently got hungry. "Hmmm, it's cookie time." I went to the kitchen to get some cookies. When I oppened the cabinet, *BAM CRASH!!* A small, glass jar full of Nescafé almost hit my foot! There it was, all smashed in the ground, glass all around. It wasn't my fault, though, but my grandmother's, so I started to clean the glass and the coffee and put it away before the dog decided to swallow some of it. Some minutes later, the kitchen was clean. I returned to my comp after eating some cookies.

Then my aunt came and told me to wash the dishes so my grandmother would't had to wash them in the morning. "Damn, stop annoying me! Why I can't play my games in peace?", I thought. What I didn't knew is that it was going to be a long night

Ok, some minutes later, Slaughter here was washing the goddamned dishes. As I was halfway done, I almost tripped a little and tried to hold somethnig. The water tap was the first thing I saw and grabbed. It was on and strong. Some little force to hold myself and then - *TCHOOOOM!*


I screamed in panic for anyone to come here and help me. And so it began. Water was coming out in a never-ending jet that hit a fridge and the whole kitchen!

We tried to seach for the water valve, but guess what? The kitchen didn't had a FUCKING WATER VALVE!!

Me and my father tried to hold the water with some plastic thingie and our strenght, but as strong as we were, the water was simply non-stopping!

With no choice, I decided to go down though the stairs and ask the watcher-cleaner to switch our water off. Now imagine this:

You work in a condo as a watcher, cleaner, I don't know the proper word in english, whatever. So, while in the small guard post, some tenant comes screaming, shouting "OHMYGOD, CLOSE OFF OUR WATER, FAST, QUICKLY, NOW!!!!!11" and running in panic. He is dressed with shorts and nothing else. Oh, did I mention that he's TOTALLY WET, head to foot, as if he just jumped in a pool?

That tenant is... ME!

The guy says something, blábláblá, does not go to the top to stop the water flow. Impatient and in a hurry, I just go back to the apartment to tell someone else to get there and make that bum close off our goddamned water. My aunt goes there. Meanwhile, me and my father try to hold the water, until I tell him that it's no use, it HAS to flow, one way or other. We can't stop it. So he decides to buy another tap and goes to take a bath first. Some time later, my aunt returns and tells me the water has been closed. And then the water flow begins to weaken, weaken, until it is no more.

Some time later, my father returns with a brand-new tap. We put it where our old, broken tap was, then we send the order to switch the water back. And it returns. Great, anything is fixed and happy and I go back to playing some games, right?

Wrong. After "The Flood", we decide to asses the situation. The entire kitchen, the service area and my cousin's room was flooded with 1 feet or 2 of water, some of it even absorved the dirtyness of the ground. Guess who cleaned it all?

It was a long, horrible night of getting myself rid of all that water... I didn't even go to college the next day, I had pains in my back and legs for two days... Sure, my aunt helped me sometimes, but I did most of it.

Since then, I handled that tap like as if it was a flower.
I was in fourth grade, and decided to jump on the back of a friend.

He had a pencil in his back pocket. With the point up.

I ended up going to the emergency room to have that bit of lead removed from right next to the family jewels.

By a very attractive red-headed nurse.

From Scotland.
generalissimofurioso said:
I burned off my eyebrows making a smoke bomb.

Then I drew some on with a sharpie.

Too bad I didn't have a camera at the time.

Hah, I shaved my eyebrows off when I shaved my head a while ago just to see what it would have looked like.

I not only drew back eyebrows, but my facial hair.

Nordic people don't usually have the features for the "Hairless Sexy Toy" look. Found that out the hard way. But now, I've embraced my masculine hairyness.
McRae said:
Dopemine Cleric said:
But now, I've embraced my masculine hairyness.

Actually, it sounds very ghey when you say it this way.

You're the one who noticed.

At least I don't look like Uncle Festers brother anymore.
I was walking from the dining facility to the bus stop on my way home from a long night flying in iraq... unfortunately I didnt notice that a large shallow hole had been dug along the route i walked every night previous... i fell into the hole, landed ribs first across a brand new water pipe, bruised 3 ribs and a full 3rd of my torso...
Elissar said:
I was walking from the dining facility to the bus stop on my way home from a long night flying in iraq... unfortunately I didnt notice that a large shallow hole had been dug along the route i walked every night previous... i fell into the hole, landed ribs first across a brand new water pipe, bruised 3 ribs and a full 3rd of my torso...

Thats just bad luck.
Dopemine Cleric said:
You're the one who noticed.

At least I don't look like Uncle Festers brother anymore.

Sorry, I got a quota of "ghey" to use in my sentences.

Retarded stuffs... huh, too much to make an exhaustive list. Anyway :

1) When I was still a student, there was this girl I didn't know. She asked me where was the bathroom. When she came back, I said "feel lighter?". hehe. Never say that to a woman. Especially when you barely know her. That's just gross, although it was worth it, just for the girl's expression.

2) When I was a teenager, I did a particulary stupid stuff. In my neighborhood there was this big wheel. It was some kind of giant coil of electric cable. I just pushed it and it rolled pretty far. Fortunately I didn't kill anybody. But a fat guy saw me and he came to yell at me.

3) I didn't notice that a gorgeous girl I knew for more than ten years had a crush on me. Man, she had the most beautiful centre of gravity I ever saw. Silly me.

4) More to come.
Dopemine Cleric said:
Elissar said:
I was walking from the dining facility to the bus stop on my way home from a long night flying in iraq... unfortunately I didnt notice that a large shallow hole had been dug along the route i walked every night previous... i fell into the hole, landed ribs first across a brand new water pipe, bruised 3 ribs and a full 3rd of my torso...

Thats just bad luck.

no, there was a light not 200 yards from me... had i been paying attention i'd have probably seen the darker black hole against the universally black ground.
McRae said:
3) I didn't notice that a gorgeous girl I knew for more than ten years had a crush on me. Man, she had the most beautiful centre of gravity I ever saw. Silly me.

Gravity in the figurative sense of attraction? Or the literal as in she was acrobatic...or a fat chick?

And Elissar, Yeah, that sucks.