The New tallest building in the world

aenemic said:
my cousin went there with her boyfriend and they were told not to show public affection. they even got a little broschure with rules on how to behave.
kinda strange though for a nation that is building the ... bigest ... buildings
Of all the problems with it, I wonder if it will manage not to fall apart. I mean, that's a lot of heavy material in a kilometer-high building and Mother Nature is very unforgiving in such cases, so if it isn't done perfect, then will simply fall over. Would be a good sight, though.
Crni Vuk said:
Loxley said:
Would you be a tourist in dubai? No drinks allowed. No public intoxication. no sex outside marriage. You got to be a radical religious to like it there methinks.
Dont be that silly. Obvously you face some restrictions but not really more compared to other places you can visit as tourrist, be it crotia, majorca.

From what I know you can get drinks in Arabian states as foreigner. Its just that you cant get food which requires booze. As said from what I know.
C'mon man, this is a far cry from popular adult playgrounds like 'Vegas, Reno, Amsterdam, Shanghai, Bangkok or Roppongi where pretty much anything is legal. (I got some good Roppongi tales)
If you're trying to transition to a tourism based economy, I don't know that tall, shiny buildings (which are likely to be surpassed - oh Petronas Towers we hardly knew ye!) are sustainable enough to cut it long term either.

Speaking of which, I went to the Petronas Towers (which held the title of tallest for a whopping 6 years - seems like a pretty futile endeavour now), and the first few levels are like a facsimile of that most insipid banality of all middle-America - The Mall. From Foot Locker and Sunglass Hut to an A&W Shop with girls in headscarves serving chilli-dogs, cheesie fires and rootbeer floats (quite a bizarre juxtaposition).
Wow, big fucking tower with an Orange Julius inside. Tall, transparent and evidently hollow too.

I wouldn't think American junkfood consumption is really a virtue you'd want to emulate or pander to for tourism's sake, whilst shunning so-called PDAs.
Isn't Dubai REALLY expensive? Not to mention the price of the ticket. Why would anyone want to go to that sandy shithole?
Ravager69 said:
Of all the problems with it, I wonder if it will manage not to fall apart. I mean, that's a lot of heavy material in a kilometer-high building and Mother Nature is very unforgiving in such cases, so if it isn't done perfect, then will simply fall over. Would be a good sight, though.

the newer the building, the faster it would collapse without human intervention.

concrete is a very durable substance. the problem with longevity is when you go with steel reinforced concrete with steel girders and rebar in it.

the biggest thing that makes concrete fail is the steel.
Cimmerian Nights said:
C'mon man, this is a far cry from popular adult playgrounds like 'Vegas, Reno, Amsterdam, Shanghai, Bangkok or Roppongi where pretty much anything is legal. (I got some good Roppongi tales)
If you're trying to transition to a tourism based economy, I don't know that tall, shiny buildings (which are likely to be surpassed - oh Petronas Towers we hardly knew ye!) are sustainable enough to cut it long term either.
Definetly. Arabia is not Thailand. But anyone who wants to visit another foreign nation should get some information about it beforehand and know what hes in to. I mean its not like you would really balme someome if he gets more then 25 years of prison for smugling weed in Turkey or Morocco.
Loxley said:
Would you be a tourist in dubai? No drinks allowed. No public intoxication. no sex outside marriage. You got to be a radical religious to like it there methinks.

A good friend of mine goes there often (his dad moved there for business reasons) and trust me when I say this, you can get drunk and banged just as easily there as you can anywhere else.

There are some simple limits to it, like you can't do so in certain places, but it's not underground or anything by far. They know very well that they can't compete with other tourism spots without that stuff. There are bars in almost every hotel and Dubai has some INSANE clubs. You just can't buy alcohol from stores without a permit that is given to tourists, I think.

The nightlife is NOT a far cry from places like Vegas. You can even get a hooker easier than in Nevada; they flock the place from all over the world as there is good money to be made there.
These are not rumors, every time this guy gets back, I get stories and pictures...

As far as what happened to that arrested drunk woman, if it really happened, then it's a freak occurrence. 80% of Dubai residents are not actually from Dubai (yes, I just looked it up). If there were such crazy laws, that wouldn't be the case. It's absolutely not a 3rd world country.

It is definitely not cheap though. It's not crazy expensive, unless you want it to be but it is up there. Cheaper than London though, you just need to be careful eating out.
maximaz said:
Loxley said:
Would you be a tourist in dubai? No drinks allowed. No public intoxication. no sex outside marriage. You got to be a radical religious to like it there methinks.

A good friend of mine goes there often (his dad moved there for business reasons) and trust me when I say this, you can get drunk and banged just as easily there as you can anywhere else.

There are some simple limits to it, like you can't do so in certain places, but it's not underground or anything by far. They know very well that they can't compete with other tourism spots without that stuff. There are bars in almost every hotel and Dubai has some INSANE clubs. You just can't buy alcohol from stores without a permit that is given to tourists, I think.

The nightlife is NOT a far cry from places like Vegas. You can even get a hooker easier than in Nevada; they flock the place from all over the world as there is good money to be made there.
These are not rumors, every time this guy gets back, I get stories and pictures...

As far as what happened to that arrested drunk woman, if it really happened, then it's a freak occurrence. 80% of Dubai residents are not actually from Dubai (yes, I just looked it up). If there were such crazy laws, that wouldn't be the case. It's absolutely not a 3rd world country.

It is definitely not cheap though. It's not crazy expensive, unless you want it to be but it is up there. Cheaper than London though, you just need to be careful eating out.

Or those tourists could just go to Berlin instead.
If they only want booze and hookers, most people don't even have to go anywhere. The point here is that you can easily have that TOO in Dubai.
maximaz said:
As far as what happened to that arrested drunk woman, if it really happened, then it's a freak occurrence. 80% of Dubai residents are not actually from Dubai (yes, I just looked it up). If there were such crazy laws, that wouldn't be the case. It's absolutely not a 3rd world country.
Yes..eighty percent are foreigners. How many of those do you think come there to live there or to enjoy it? Most are workers. That come from other countries and gets treated like shit due to their religion and they not being from dubai. I know a chatolic indian that grew upp in dubai and not in the posh hoods but in the cities outside dubai city. You know.the ghettos? Worker ghettos. Nice places. really!

Now freak occurance? Nope

My point is: If I go to vegas and get raped while drunk I will not be charged with it. I would get help. Same with london or paris or any other spot. From dubai I keep hearing these stories that you can get arrested and spend six years in jail for being a drunken idiot Something that you really need to work for elsewhere.
Yes..eighty percent are foreigners. How many of those do you think come there to live there or to enjoy it? Most are workers. That come from other countries and gets treated like shit due to their religion and they not being from dubai.

Come on man, don't add flavor to the facts. Yes, there have been reports of construction workers treated unfairly but there are no religious reasons for it. Some weren't paid on time, others weren't provided with proper conditions, etc. Things like that happen everywhere. Also, a lot of those workers are muslims from neighboring countries. Sure, SOME may have experienced discrimination because of their religion but hey, so do Muslims in western countries.

A recent Zogby poll of 752 immigrant Asian construction workers in the United Arab Emirates reported a 69 percent overall satisfaction rate with their current role.

I'm not saying that workers have it easy over there. They don't, but they come there willingly to get jobs that they couldn't get at home. It's not ethical to use that situation to save money on labor but if you think western countries, like US, don't do it then you're greatly mistaken. Most US companies have their shit made in poor countries where the workers are paid about as much as they do in Dubai. Also, I never said that Dubai was perfect, there are bad areas I'm sure, just like anywhere else.

OK, the article describes a crime committed by a couple of maniacs that may or may not have been locals. Again, it's a freak occurrence. It doesn't mean that crazy shit like that doesn't happen (crazies are everywhere), it means that it's NOT COMMON. If that article is accurate, what happened was a horrible CRIME and the courts didn't handle it well. It doesn't mean that that's what it's like in Dubai though, that's why this is news. I can link a lot of crazy shit from just about any american city that will give an impression that black people must never visit and cops shoot teenagers when they feel like it. I was under the impression this was common sense.

Uhhh. Did you read the article you just linked? Like I said, there are reasonable limits there. The following doesn't seem like the woman was very mindful of ANY limits:

...A police officer spotted the couple having sex on the sand and let them off with a caution (that's two drunk people having sex on the beach being let off with a warning). But they ignored the warning and were arrested when the officer returned to the scene.

According to police sources, Miss Palmer launched an angry tirade at the policeman after being disturbed for a second time. She is alleged to have hurled abuse and tried to hit him with her high-heeled shoe before being restrained and taken to a cell

I'm sorry but if you act that way anywhere, you're asking for a headlock and jail time.

I didn't even know but my sister just came back from Dubai and she absolutely loved it. As soon as I get pictures I will post them here if anyone is GENUINELY interested.
Some people should have tried for vacation in the Sovietunion, Moscow is a nice place. Particularly when the police can arrest you at any time. For any reason.

From what I can read the arrest by the police was somewhat justified.