The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

np: Kult ov Azazel - Trampling the Cross


xdarkyrex said:
Mastodon - Cut You Up With A Linoleum Knife.

If ANYYY of you haven't heard this song and you are into metal, you need to listen to it immediately.

It's the intro song to the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie. I strongly suggest finding it on yourtube, as the video makes the song 100x better.
Meh, weaker than Mastodon's other songs.

Opeth - When
oh we allow youtube linking in here?

sweet sassafrass.


I couldn't get it to work :(

Oh well, here's the link.

Mastodon - Cut You Up With A Linoleum Knife

The part with the king diamond styled vocals are fucking sweet.

Sander said:
Meh, weaker than Mastodon's other songs.

Opeth - When

Well is IS a parody on metal as a whole.
I love it to death though.

and btw, Opeth :clap:
That's my favorite band.
xdarkyrex said:
oh we allow youtube linking in here?

sweet sassafrass.


I couldn't get it to work :(

Just put a link to the vid between [youtube][/youtube] tags, it'll work then :)

np: Naglfar - The Perpetual Horrors

Tobiah - I Don't Really Exist

If anyone here likes electro-pop or psy-trrance then you will LOVE this song.

AIM me for a link to it streaming.
Sander said:
xdarkyrex said:
Mastodon - Cut You Up With A Linoleum Knife.

If ANYYY of you haven't heard this song and you are into metal, you need to listen to it immediately.

It's the intro song to the Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie. I strongly suggest finding it on yourtube, as the video makes the song 100x better.
Meh, weaker than Mastodon's other songs.

Opeth - When

I don't really care for Mastodon, but I do love that song...

Mastodon has too much clean vocals, and their clean guy isn't very good (is there just one vocalist?)
Stag said:
I don't really care for Mastodon, but I do love that song...

Mastodon has too much clean vocals, and their clean guy isn't very good (is there just one vocalist?)
Mastodon and clean vocals? Hunh? You must've been listening to a completely different band. There are almost no clean vocals.

Mastodon - Colony of Birchmen
Huh. Well, I randomly downloaded (on iTunes) a bunch of songs by them, and I guess I ended up with a bunch of clean vocally ones...

Right now I'm listening to Blood And Thunder, which does not have clean vocals as of the 1 minute 26 second mark.
Starwars said:
Karl Sanders - Temple of Lunar Ascension

Karl does not only kick ass in Nile, he makes great music on his own as well.


"Saurian Meditation" is THE best ambient'ish album i've ever heard (and i heard alot), maybe only Apoptose's "Nordland" and Wongraven's "Fjelltronen" come close.

A big :ok:

np: Karl Sanders - Of the Sleep of Ishtar
Madbringer said:
Starwars said:
Karl Sanders - Temple of Lunar Ascension

Karl does not only kick ass in Nile, he makes great music on his own as well.


"Saurian Meditation" is THE best ambient'ish album i've ever heard (and i heard alot), maybe only Apoptose's "Nordland" and Wongraven's "Fjelltronen" come close.

A big :ok:

np: Karl Sanders - Of the Sleep of Ishtar

I'm looking for this immediately! :P

Dana Swanson - I Like Your Booty (But I'm Not Gay)
Anyone here a Radiohead fan?
I found an excellent tribute album to OK Computer.

It's titled OKX: A Tribute to OK Computer

Its there free for download!
(not warez, its a legal download)
Get it quick, too, they're only letting a limited number of people download it!

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Radiohead's OK Computer we've asked some of our favorite musicians to participate in a song-by-song covers compilation. Indicative of the album's continued importance, each invitee jumped at the chance; the results are personal, intense, tellingly various. Slow down, dig in, enjoy. But note: we did this all legal and everything, so we can't keep these up forever...get 'em before someone else does. Ambition makes you look pretty.