The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

I try to put the anime out of my mind when I listen to it. Hard at first but once you do it the songs are really different.
How is it different? I mean for me that's exactly why I hear those type of songs, because I want to remember the game/movie/what-ever.


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Adult shit smearing cannot be excused by cold weather. Try expanding polystyrene/Styrofoam then cover with flame retardant packaging
Random AMVs are better than most anime on today. Not Cahinsaw Man though. Chainsaw Man anime is better than the manga.

Not Cahinsaw Man though. Chainsaw Man anime is better than the manga.
Disagree. Does not capture the feel for me. The paneling in Chainsaw Man manga flows better than the anime, especially with the fights. Take a look at the first zombie fight and you should be able to see what I'm getting at.
Lacuna Coil baby. Not sure how hot linking works here. Too drunk to try and figure it out atm.